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イベリア半島「百鬼昼行図」その6 http://www.asyura2.com/0401/war46/msg/1019.html
Aznar maintains in the Capitol that the threat of the arms of massive destruction follows effective
MADRID. - Jose Maria Aznar has taken advantage of his intervention before the Congress the U.S.A. to reaffirm his convictions in the fight against the proliferation of arms of massive destruction. ?La threat that the proliferation of that type of arms supposes is real. Its possible use by terrorists is a risk before which we cannot remain inactive, it said in a speech in which the word more pronouncing was "commitment".
It was the first time that a Spanish president went to the Congress of the United States. King Juan Carlos did the 2 of June of 1976.
The speech, of about 25 minutes, was interrupted in a twenty of occasions by ovaciones still on of the presents. Nevertheless, of the 535 congressmen, only 50 went to the Camera. The rest of assistants that filled the gauging was scholarship holders of the institution and members of the Spanish diplomacy.
Aznar centered its intervention in the commitment in the fight against the terrorism, the necessity to reinforce of the alliance between America and Europe, the guarantee of which Spain is an ally of the U.S.A. and the "real threat" of the arms of massive destruction.
The arms
"To close the eyes before this reality, to mistake to us in the true debate, the authentic priorities, would be one serious irresponsibility that we would end up paying expensive in our security and our freedom", emphasized Aznar in the Capitol, during a joint session of the two American Cameras.
"the advances in the fight against the proliferation of arms of massive destruction that we have seen recently would have been possible without the firmness of our expositions", added without alluding to the supposed arsenal of Sadam Husein that unleashed a year ago the war of Iraq and, now, investigations in the intelligence services of the U.S.A. and United Kingdom.
The doubts on the existence of the Iraqian arms of massive destruction have forced to George W. Bush and Tony Blair to admit that it can that they never existed. Nevertheless, in Spain, Jose Maria Aznar has refused to investigate the tests that justified the participation in the war.
On the war of Iraq, he indicated that, "at its moment, we did not accept that the international legality was harmed by Sadam Husein" and that now "we are going to fulfill our commitments with the Iraqians".
The "friend solid and responsible"
the president for the Government took advantage of his intervention for "solemnly renewing" the commitment that Spain adopted with the U.S.A. the 11 of September of 2001. He thanked for the aid that George W. Bush offered to Spain in the fight against the terrorism and assured that?el North American town has in Spain an European friend, a solid, strong and responsible ally ".
"I hope that we always follow working together by the democracy and the freedom in the world, it said. Also, it proclaimed that "the only end of the terrorists is to be defeated" and who "our force is born of the moral superiority of the democracy".
Aznar indeed emphasized in the beginning of its speech that "today, Spain is a democracy totally consolidated" and wanted to emphasize the economic importance of our country informing to the American congressmen of which the Spanish economy grows over the European average and has generated half of the jobs of the UE.
Also it praised the narrow bond with the U.S.A. that has been acquiring Spain from 1996. "We know that there is to assume risks and commitments. Like president, I have taken advantage of the confidence that the Spaniards eight years ago offered me to make one more a Spain it jeopardize and, therefore, more respected ".
The Atlantic alliance
Once it was clear that Spain would follow next to the United States, Aznar indicated its commitment - again this term with fomenting the átlántica alliance between the U.S.A. and Europe because "it fortifies to European and American" and "makes of the world bind more insurance".
"I do not want another alternative to the Atlantic alliance", asserted.
So that this alliance is total, the president was convinced that it was necessary to harness the relations with Ibero-America.
In his words dedicated to the South American countries, one stopped in Cuba to show to his "desire and hope to give the welcome soon to the community of free nations".