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(1) 2本ある手首の動脈の内1本が切断されているわけだが、手首の動脈は非常に細く、切断されると急速に収縮して血液凝固が始まる。だから出血多量で死亡するはずがない。(これが外科教科書に載っている常識だとしている。だから風呂で手首を切る人が多いのだろう。)
(2) 救急隊員の証言では博士が倒れていた地面に大量の出血は見られなかった。死亡に至るには3リットルもの出血が必要。
(3) ケリー博士の胃から検分された睡眠薬は1錠の5分の1に過ぎない。だからパッケージからは29錠なくなっていたが、それをケリー博士が飲んだという話もウソ。
こんなインチキでケリー博士の殺害を隠蔽しようとしているのである。ハットン委員会の調査報告は明日発表されるが、そもそもこのハットンなる退役裁判官は、嘘つき小僧の学生時代の同居人でポン友でもあるLord Falcon(現在大法官だが、もちろん嘘つき小僧が任命した男)が任命した人物で、もう嘘つき小僧を免責にすることは間違いない、との観測も出ている。こんな人物に公正な調査を期待すること自体無理である。「ウォーレン委員会で究明するから」の錦の御旗で、解剖検死さえすぐやらなかったケネディ暗殺と同じで、「ハットン委員会でちゃんと調べるから」の合い言葉で、ケリー博士の殺害についてもろくな検死さえやらなかったのである。何とか委員会と言い出したらまず、隠蔽が目的だと考えた方が良い。嘘つき小僧のやることは何から何まですべてがペテンである。
More Doctors Dispute Dr. David Kelly's "Suicide"
Rowena Thursby – 26 January 2004
Dear Editor,
The following letter was requested by Seumas Milne of The Guardian after reading my recent article, "Will the Hutton Report Tell Us How Dr David Kelly Died?", which you should have received. If all goes well, the letter below should be published on the letters page tomorrow - Tuesday 27 January.
Three highly qualified medical professionals dispute that Dr Kelly could have bled to death from a slashed wrist, as claimed at the Hutton Inquiry. This should be a BIG STORY - but media silence is utterly deafening.
Will he, won't he, will he, won't he.... will Mr Blair be affected by the Hutton Report - might he lose his job? The question of whether Dr Kelly's death was suicide or murder continues to be ignored in favour of political tittle tattle; please redress the balance by publishing this letter on your site.
If you do publish, I'd appreciate it if you'd send me a quick e-mail to confirm.
Kind regards, Rowena Thursby
Dear Letters Editor,
Three Doctors Dispute How Doctor David Kelly Died
As medical professionals, a trauma & orthopaedic surgeon, a specialist anaesthesiologist, and a diagnostic radiologist, we do not think evidence given at the Hutton Inquiry has demonstrated that Dr David Kelly committed suicide.
Dr Nicholas Hunt, the forensic pathologist who appeared at the Hutton Inquiry, concluded that Dr Kelly bled to death from a self-inflicted wound in his left wrist. We consider this highly improbable. Arteries in the wrist are of matchstick thickness and severing them does not lead to drastic blood loss. Dr Hunt stated that the only artery that had been cut - the ulnar artery - was completely transected. Complete transection means the artery quickly retracts, promoting clotting of the blood:
"When an artery is completely divided, the highly elastic quality of its wall causes it to retract into the tissues, thereby diminishing the calibre of the vessel and promoting clotting."
A Textbook of Surgery by Christopher, Fourth Edition, 1945, p210
It was reported by the ambulance team that blood at the scene was minimal. It is extremely difficult to lose significant amounts of blood at pressure below 50-60 systolic in a subject who is compensating by vaso-constricting. To have died from haemorrhage, Dr Kelly would have had to lose 3 litres of blood; in our view it is unlikely that Dr Kelly would have lost more than a pint from the wound described.
Mr Alexander Allan, the toxicologist testifying at the Inquiry, considered the ingestion of co-proxamol insufficient to cause death. Mr Allan could not show that Dr Kelly had ingested the 29 tablets said to be missing from the packets found. Only a fifth of one tablet was found in his stomach. Although levels of co-proxamol in the blood were higher than therapeutic levels, Mr Allan conceded that the blood level of each of the drug痴 two components was <>less than a third<> of what would normally be found in a fatal overdose.
In summary, we dispute that Dr Kelly could have died either from haemorrhage or from co-proxamol ingestion. The coroner, Nicholas Gardiner, has spoken in recent days of resuming the inquest into Dr Kelly痴 death. If it does re-open, a clear need exists for further scrutiny into Dr Hunt痴 conclusions regarding the cause of death.
Yours sincerely
David Halpin, MB BS FRCS
Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon
Dr C Stephen Frost, BSc, MB ChB
Specialist in Diagnostic Radiology (Stockholm, Sweden)
Dr Searle Sennett, BSc, MBChB, FFARCS
Specialist Anaesthesiologist
See also:
"Will the Hutton Report Tell Us How Dr David Kelly Died?"