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アスナール政権最後の醜態(4) スペインのテレビでの報道検閲
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【訳注2】【訳注3】 2004年1月30日の私の阿修羅投稿、「スペイン総選挙情報:選挙戦第1ラウンド『ETA vs ロリコン町長』」を参照されたし。
【訳注4】José Bono スペイン中央部カスティーリャ・イ・ラ・マンチャ自治州の知事で、スペイン社会労働者党の大立者の一人。
【訳注6】Mauricio Carlotti アンテナ3TVの重役。イタリア人でベルルスコーニの信任厚い。近頃、他局の追い上げで視聴率が大幅に下がり、責任を問われている。
【注釈9】Ernasto Sáenz de Buruaga 元アンテナ3TVの主任ディレクター。例のオプス・デイとも人脈的につながる。熱狂的な国民党支持者でフランコ主義者。後継者のGloria Lomanaも同様。ただ、彼らの「社則」の内容は、探しているのだが、今のところ私は見つけていない。
9 of February of 2004
The journalists of Spanish Antenna 3 TV denounce “control politician and censures informative”
Paschal Serrano
The journalists of Antenna 3 have denounced ”el political control and the informative censorship” that they suffer in the chain, to which they accuse to be to the service of?los electoral interests of the Popular Party.
Thus, have occurred instructions of which it was “pase of finishing nails” by the scandals that affect al started off governing, as the Fabra case or del mayor of I touch, processed by sexual abuses a minor. Nevertheless have occurred orders to “hacer blood” with the questions that interest to the Popular Party, like the meeting of Carod Rovira and ETA, trying, that yes, to elude the controversy on?presenta partisan use of the intelligence services.
One of the revealed anecdotes is the ample diffusion of a recording in which president of Mnacha Castile-The Jose Bond, without perceiving of which he was being recorded, said to him to a party companion that Tony Blair was “gilipollas”. However−have revealed the journalists of Antenna 3 never emitted the first part of the recording in which Bond said that “Arenas has said to me that they are little contentments, no that color between Rajoy and Aznar are.”
The control on the journalists has arrived at such level, according to the professionals who have spread the denunciation, that the delegated advisor of the chain Mauricio Carlotti?está holding meetings with groups of journalists of the writing ” in that” deberíais has espetado them very textually to learn of which it happens in Italy. There a journalist of lefts never works in mass media of rights. According to journalists of the chain one is “cosas that for a long time happen and have happened in Antena3 TV, are not a newness; rather it is the general norm since he took the Buruaga power, that already was responsible for news in the public television by designation of the government of the PP, and now it maintains his successor and right hand to it Gloria Lomana.”
One is the female leader of News of Antenna 3, which “se adjudges to prizes that do not correspond to him, according to the professionals. The past 1 of Lomana February gathered personally the prize TP (Teleprograma) that received the program Public Mirror like better program of the present time of the 2003. One is a prize that, in good logic, would correspond by right to its director during 2003, his publisher and her producer. Paradoxicalally the three professionals whose program was awarded were dismissed within the file of regulation of use executed recently by the chain, which demonstrates the professionalism criteria of which those dismissals took control. According to have denounced the journalists of Antenna 3?Lomana dismissed to them and in addition it remained with his prize.”
The journalists, whom they prefer to stay in the anonymity by fear to retaliation, affirm that she is serious facts “suficientemente so that they come to the light” and they are known by the citizenship.
Other consulted professionals of the chain have pointed the necessity that the journalists of Antenna 3 begin not to let themselves intimidate by the threats of retaliation and they face his superior ones. They even -señalan -, they could consider not to sign his videos as measured of protest or to study collective actions of denunciation with no need to adopt the anonymity.