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CIA-paid spies arrested in Iran: report
6 January 2004
TEHERAN - A number of Iranians accused of spying for the US Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) and sending information over the Internet have been arrested, a top justice official was quoted as saying on Tuesday.
Several spies who were in contact with the CIA and who were giving precious information... have been detained,?military justice chief Hojatoleslam Mohammad Niazi told the hardline Jomhuri Islami newspaper.
The paper did not say who the detainees were, but the military's justice department normally only deals with members of the Iranian armed forces.
The enemy wants to infiltrate the heart of the armed force and weaken the convictions of the commanders, Niazi was quoted as saying during a meeting of clerics in the army.
He also called on clerics to develop friendly relations with soldiers and their commanders to foil enemy plots.
『拘束イラク人を一部釈放へ 暫定占領当局が方針』2004年1月7日
「イラク暫定占領当局(CPA)のブレマー代表は7日、バグダッドで記者会見し、米軍への抵抗運動にかかわるなどして現在駐留軍に拘束されているイラク人の一部を釈放する方針を明らかにした。まず8日に約100人を 釈放し、その後、数週間以内にさらに数百人を段階的に釈放していく計画。合計では「506人」(当局者)になるという。」
「イラン外務省高官は6日、朝日新聞に対し、イランとエジプトが断交から 25年ぶりに関係正常化することで近く合意する見通しだと語った。「極め て前向きな交渉が続いており、まもなく正式に発表できるだろう」という。」
シーア派聖職者にCIAアセット発覚 2003年5月3日
Murdered cleric 'was given ?8m by CIA'
The London-based Iraqi cleric killed in the holy city of Najaf last month received as much as $13m (?8m) from the CIA to win over moderate Shia clerics in Iraq, the US newspaper Newsday alleged yesterday.
But friends and supporters of the murdered Abdul Majid al-Khoei rejected the allegation as "lies".
Members of the Iraqi Governing Council
Abdel Karim Mahmoud Al- Mohammedawi
Heads the 「Iraqi HEZBOLLAH Party. Based in Al-Amara」, he has spent much of his life leading a resistance movement against Saddam Hussein in the southern marshes and spent six years in jail under the regime.
Now Iran is being accused of sending thousands of trained and armed guerrilla fighters through Basra and Al-Amara into the Najaf and Karbala regions to mingle with the pilgrims and manipulate the mood of the crowds from within.
「イラク戦争が終わって、米国は中東和平に乗り出した。それを「妨げるな」というヒズボラに対するメッセージだった。同時に米国に向けた「協調」 のサインでもあった。