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(回答先: 炭疽菌ワクチン生産企業の大株主ファウド・エル・ヒブリはビン・ラディンのひも付き投資家? 投稿者 すみちゃん 日時 2004 年 1 月 06 日 16:47:57)
こんにちは。ビンラディンファミリーと近いFuad El Hibriはレバノン系のドイツ市民で(ドイツについて:Dekkers begins extensive "marketing" in Belgium and Germany. Atta live in Germany. Mohamed Atta and at least four of his terrorist cadre leave Germany. They move directly to Venice, Florida.http://www.madcowprod.com/index4.html、Hay Computing Service GmbH is suspected of being what is known in German as a "briefkastenfirma," literally a "mailbox firm," commonly referred to in the U.S. as a "dummy front company.http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0203/S00057.htm)、(後付けで)結婚してアメリカ市民権を獲得したんですね。どちらかと言えば「中東投資家をまとめている」役割はビンラディンファミリーだったりタルキなどの王室関係者が表現としては適当で、それこそcontrol by proxy、窓口という感じではないでしょうか。
"Former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. William J. Crowe Jr. was part of the crew that sold Saddam Hussein the deadly means to wage war with anthrax germs. That's when the United States wanted the 'Butcher of Baghdad' to use anthrax on Iran."
バイオポート(http://www.bioport.com/)のCEO、Fuad El Hibri(http://www.disinfopedia.org/wiki.phtml?title=Fuad_El-Hibri)という人物はこんな感じ。
As a Director of Speywood Holdings Ltd., the re-organized Porton, Mr. El-Hibri was involved in the oversight of operations of such products as Hyate C (Factor VIII - coagulant), Erwinase (anti-leukemia), Dopacard (inotrope), Dysport (botulinum toxin - anti-spasmodic). During his association with Porton, Mr. El-Hibri was instrumental in marketing and distributing two types of bio-defense vaccines in the early nineties.
In the mid-1980’s, El Hibri had also engineered a private buyout of Britain’s secret lab involved in production of vaccines and experimentation with chemical and biological weapons materials. The ownership was split among three El Hibri controlled entities; Porton Products, Porton Instruments and Porton International. The Porton laboratory was the sole source of anthrax vaccine used on British troops during the Gulf War.
Porton Down scientists 'broke law'
About 20,000 so-called human guinea pigs went to Porton Down between 1939 and the 1960s.
Mr Bell, who was an airman at Porton Down in the 1950s, said he thought he was volunteering for
common cold research.
He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "They put us in the gas chambers. We tested CS gas, some of these tests are horrendous.
で、そんなFuad El Hibriがクローエの同意を受けてバイオポートに関与することになったのはアメリカの市民権を獲得する前。この前にはロックフェラー系列のシティ・グループにもリンク。
The Chairman and CEO of the company is Fuad El-Hibri, who was not an American citizen when Crowe agreed to represent Bioport, and specializes in the acquisition of biomedical and telecommunications companies. Earlier in his career he was the mergers and acquisitions manager at Citigroup NY and their operations and credit manager in Saudi Arabia.
Citigroup, the Largest Drug Money Laundering Bank in America Buys Mexican Drug Laundering Bank Banamex
Citigroup & Montesinos, Inc.
"Private Banking" for Montesinos Family Protection for U.S. Favored Drug Traffickers The Selective White Collar Drug War
Montesinos has links to both the CIA and international drug traffickers
New evidence has been uncovered to link the Provisional IRA with a terrorist group involved in the Colombian drugs trade, according to a leading figure in the United States Congress.
Democrat William Delahunt, who heads the congressional investigation into the role of the IRA in Colombia, has also revealed that the CIA is to be asked to give evidence about the
republicans' connection with Farc, the Marxist guerrilla group involved in producing cocaine and heroin.
But the final blow appeared to be Montesinos double-dealing in Colombia. In what is surely among the most embarrassing turns in post- Cold War U.S. foreign policy, Montesinos used his CIA-backed
position of influence to get rich and to betray his benefactors. He arranged an arms deal that sent at least 10,000 AK-47 assault rifles from Jordan to Colombia's leftist FARC guerrillas, collectively
public enemy number one in the U.S. war on drugs in Latin America and the main target of Washington's $1.3 billion counternarcotics aid package to Colombia.
Dyncorp of course has been in the news in recent years as the hirer of mercenary soldiers for various uses under state department contracts and working with the CIA. Dnycorp(http://www.narconews.com/rarey1.html) hired former police officers (and some current ones who took leaves of absence from their departments) to train the KLA( )narco-terrorists in Kosovo to perform the police function. Officers were paid as much as $101,000 per year for this service. It was also Dyncorp employees who flew the CIA plane that "fingered" the missionary plane that was shot down in Peru. Its employees are also involved in the crop eradication programs in Colombia and Peru reminiscent of the Agent Orange fiasco in Vietnam. However, a perusal of Dyncorp's website reveals that Dynport is not exactly a subsidiary, it is a joint venture between Dyncorp and Porton Products Ltd. (Porton) in the United Kingdom. Porton is the British equivalent of Bioport, in several respects.
義理の父親Ibrahim El-HibriはCIAがせっせと排除を行おうとしているチャべス(http://www.asyura2.com/0311/war45/msg/730.html)のいるベネズエラ市民。義理の父親も当人もベネズエラの携帯会社などに盛大な投資を行っているようですが元手はどこから来てるのでしょう。
そうしたあたりがまさにFuad El Hibriという男の背景を示すことなのでしょう。
Fuad El-Hibri appears to be the real day-to-day director of Intervac and is listed by Dun & Bradstreet as the "chief executive" of Bioport. The reclusive Ibrahim El Hibri, who grants no interviews, has homes in Caracas, Maryland, Paris and Beirut, which he visits all year around, being careful of avoiding tax residence in any of them. Where he got his millions is a mystery. He invested in Porton International, a British pharmaceutical firm where his son worked, in the early 90’s and according to a US Congressional review, Porton International sold anthrax vaccines to the Saudi Arabian Government. In Venezuela, Ibrahim El Hibri runs the country’s third largest cell phone operator Digitel, despite having sold control of the company to Telecom Italia Mobile. Meanwhile in El Salvador, his son Fuad El Hibri, finds the time to run Digicel, a cellular telephone concession which the family bought two years ago.
Mr. El-Hibri succeeded in acquiring additional mobile telecommunications licenses in Venezuela and El Salvador, projects that are currently being implemented.