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A. C. / EFE - Madrid / Maputo EL PAÍS | Internacional 2004年2月28日
【注1】原文では”tráfico de órganos sexuales de menores”となっており、このまま訳すと「子供の性器の密輸」となってしまう。恐らく”sexuales” が不要か、あるいは”tráfico de órganos y de sexuales de menores”つまり「臓器と性の奴隷の密輸」であろう。
CONCHA MONSERRAT – Zaragoza EL PAÍS | Internacional 2004年2月7日
【注2】原文は”un blanco”である。これは「目標、ターゲット」の意味もあるが「白人」の意味も持つ。しかし白人ではいくらなんでも目立つだろうし、裏に白人が絡んでいることは明らかにしても彼らは決してこのような「汚れ役」をすることはあるまい。したがってここでは「犯人」と訳した。
Assassinated supposedly tie a Brazilian nun with the denunciation of the traffic of organs in Mozambique
A. C. / EFE - Madrid / Maputo EL PAÍS | Internacional - 28-02-2004
Doraci Edinger, a Brazilian luterana nun of 53 years, was found to hammer blows the past Tuesday in Nampula dead, in the north of Mozambique. Neighbors went Tuesday to the apartment of the nun, alerted by a strong scent that left the house. There they found it surrounded in a blanket, along with the hammer that agresosres used to kill it.
The nun had communicated to her church in Brazil that a long time ago feared for its life, although did not clarify from where nor from whom the threats came. "days ago she said to us that she had something important that to tell and today president had to meet us with our shepherd to reveal that to him that had it so worried. Doraci was accumulated much power, wanted much there to it and was very strong in the communities, which made him fear for its life ", it assured yesterday Caroline Strussman, of the luterana evangelical Church of Brazil, to which Edinger belonged, in telephone conversation from the Brazilian State of Great Rio do Sul.
Sources of the same Church affirm that the nun never communicated to them that she was related to the denunciations of traffic of sexual organs of minors interposed by two Spanish misioneras, although recognized as probable a certain entailment with the case. "She worked in the same city that the catholic nuns who denounced the network and we know that they knew themselves", said to this newspaper Elvino Pufal, secretary of the luterana Church, that spoke on the telephone makes little days with the passed away nun to inquire about the dangers that troubled the nun.
The police mozambiqueña investigates the causes of the murder of Edinger. While, the autopsy in the military hospital of Nampula will practice to him. Police sources assure that the nun the past took dead in her house from day 21.
50 kidnapped children
Brazilian and Spanish catholic Misioneras of the congregation Servants of Santa Maria affirm that from last September about 50 children were kidnapped in the region and several found died with its organs (heart, liver, kidneys and lungs) extirpated. The president of the Association for the Defense of the Human rights in Mozambique, Stakes out Mabota, denounced yesterday, Thursday, the existence in this country of "organizations who deal with minors and human organs, that are sold in other countries".
"Our investigations also extend to Maputo, where an increase in the disappearance of children has been detected", the president of the humanitarian organization said to the state transmitter. The denunciations of Mabota and the misioneras were rejected recent by the Ministry mozambiqueño of Justice, that in a note affirmed that the investigations have not found proves some on the illegal traffic of minors and organs. The organs of the minors would have been used in religious rituals.
Two Spanish misioneras denounce the traffic of organs in Mozambique
The Embassy does not guarantee its security in spite of the received threats
CONCHA MONSERRAT – Zaragoza EL PAÍS | Internacional - 07-02-2004
Two Spanish nuns, Juliana and Maria Jesus Calvo, of the Order of the Servants of Maria, have denounced a network of traffic of organs in Nampula, north of Mozambique, where they have his convent. The nuns have contributed photographic tests to the police, that has initiated an investigation. The Embassy of Spain in Maputo says not to have means to protect the nuns, in spite of the received threats of death.
Juliana and Maria Jesus Calvo are not novices; they have been 30 years in Mozambique. They have denounced before the international authorities of the country, several organisms and the Embassy of Spain in Maputo the existence of a network of traffic of organs. The nuns suspect a property run by targets that are next to their convent, to about 10 kilometers of the city of Nampula in an open of terrain next to the airport.
The nuns - there are four Spaniards between the 40 Servants of Maria de Nampula- have contributed to testimonies, photographies and videos in which corpses of terribly mutilated children are seen - without eyes, heart or kidneys -. the children of the street, orphans and poor men, populate the streets with all Mozambique from the end of the civil war and are imprisoned easy, because nobody is interested in its disappearance.
Nicanor Calvo, brother of the two Aragonese nuns, assured yesterday that the nuns have received death threats and have undergone some attempt of ambush on the part of strangers and who they do not feel protegidas.El sufficiently ambassador of Spain in Mozambique, Luis Bald Antonio, maintains that the office of the public prosecutor of the country is investigating the subject, although still is no resolution. The embassy has informed to the police of the threats that have received the nuns and assures that it cannot guarantee his protection because for days nothing of them has been knowing. The mother Maria Jesus complaint of the null action of the authorities mozambiqueñas, with the exception of the general prosecutor of the Republic. "she has confirmed the facts and she recognizes that they are very serious", she says.
Threats of death
Nicanor Calvo fear for the luck of their sisters in Nampula. "they have undergone several threats, the authorities are informed into it and I want to think that they are taken the necessary measures of protection but I cannot guarantee it because for days we have not been knowing anything of them". "the last news that I have are that they disappear young, that finds rest of organs and that they shake because there is killed by less of a duro. We are worried ", claimed yesterday in declarations to Zaragoza Radio of the chain SER.
Nicanor read a paragraph of a letter sent by the nuns in whom they relate how five children were deceived by a target so that they rose his todoterreno. One of the children managed to escape, but from the others it has not become to know nothing. "Were more than 80 children of the street those that came to eat, now as soon as they are left 15", reads Nicanor that communicates with them through Internet.
The mother Maria Jesus counts the case of a salesman who was catched near the convent by workers and given to the nuns, who were transferred immediately the local police.
The Spanish ambassador has recommended the Servants of Maria who adopt self-protection measures and which they do not expose themselves to excessive risks, "that leave the subject, already they have acted according to which she has dictated his conscience to them and that leaves acts the justice and that notifies the police which, according to I know, yes has taken measures from protection". But the relatives of the nuns doubt that all this serves as something given the corruption that reigns in this African country and that extends to the own forces of security of the State.