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ユダヤ人脚本家がメル・ギブソンを熱烈弁護していた(読み方次第では「誉め殺し」?):映画「情熱(The Passion)」のスペイン封切りは4月2日
ユダヤ人脚本家アラン・セレボッフはメル・ギブソン宛ての公開書簡で、ユダヤ人団体が映画「情熱(The Passion)」の上映を妨害しようとしていることを嘆き、その映画で「イエスが人類全体のために死んだ」ことを第一に表現しているに過ぎない、と主張する。
また彼の視点は、実は第二公会議以後のローマ・カトリックとそれを牛耳るオプス・デイが、ユダヤ教徒とキリスト教徒の関係として、最も熱心に吹聴していることと全く同一のものです。彼らは、他のキリスト教宗派に対すると同様に、あるいはそれ以上に熱心に、ユダヤ教とユダヤ人に対しての「同化・一体化政策」を推し進めているのです。(これに関しては『イベリア半島「百鬼昼行図」 その7:オプス・デイはカトリック内の「ユダヤ勢力」の代理人か?』も(まだご覧になっていない方は)、参照してください。)
さらに、先日Fake Terror Watcherさんからご紹介いただきましたHerald.comの記事「ADL asks Vatican to condemn 'The Passion'」
また、2月20日付の同じカトリック・ニュース(スペイン語版)に、スペインではこの「情熱(The Passion, スペイン語でLa Pación)」はAurumという配給会社によって配られ4月2日に封切りされる、と書いてありました。4月にはスペインでは「聖週間(La Semana Santa)」と呼ばれるキリストの最後の1週間を祝う祭りが行われます。それに間に合わせたのでしょう。私としては、あまり見たい種類の映画ではありませんが、それよりもヨーロッパでの反響のほうに興味があります。
Jewish scriptwriter endorses the Passion of Mel Gibson and praises catholicism of the film.
Los Angeles, 13 Oct. 03 (ACI).-The Jewish scriptwriter Alan Sereboff sent an opened letter to Mel Gibson in which she is sorry that members of their community want to block the exhibition of the film the Passion and maintains that the only express film of principle to aim that Jesus died by the sins of all the humanity.
In the letter, published by agency Newsmax, Sereboff he explains that a month ago he saw the Passion in a private exhibition and is sure that it is one of the most stirring films of our time.
“I cannot remember another film that has produced an effect so deep in my understanding of history, the religion, and perhaps most important, of which the human beings we are able to do by the other.” maintains the young scriptwriter.
According to Sereboff?la central lesson of the film is clear and permanent: In deepest of our humanity it is the capacity to do most terrible badly and to fall in the ignorance, as well as to have an enormous capacity to love, to pardon and to feel compassion.
Directing to Gibson, it maintains that your position as film director and catholic is obvious from the first act: Jesus died by the sins of all the humanity. This one simple and powerful idea is in direct conflict with the notion of which it died by mandate of the Jews or the Romans.
Moreover, Maria, Jesus and all the apostles clearly are presented/displayed like Jews. Clearly Jewish it is the multitude that protests by the crucifixión. Simón (of Cirene), that helps Jesus to load the cross until the last station is clearly a compasivo Jew, Sereboff explains.
For the scriptwriter, to say that the Passion tries to indicate guilty, is equivalent to say that the film Gladiator deals with the fight with the lions and the Roman cruelty with the animals.
“The assault against the film sadden and hurts me and your person that is perpetrated by those whose ignorance I fear, aid to fulfill the same prophecy that as much fear them cause”, it indicated in reference to Liga Anti Jewish Defamation, the extremist organization who has sent a campaign in against the Passion considering it anti-semitic.
“As Jewish, I finished seeing the film with an affection sensation and proximity with my Christian brothers who never I considered imaginable. I see the Passion like one of the most powerful tools of unit than we can take advantage of in this means” assured Sereboff.
The scriptwriter evoked the work that has made with the producer of the Passion, ICON, and assured that it is arranged to continue working “proudly” with this team. “I know that you (Gibson), are not from some anti-semitic point of view and I believe that when the world sees this film it will include/understand the kindness with which was done,” he indicated.