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スペインの日刊紙エル・ムンド紙(電子版)に、7名のスペイン軍情報部員の襲撃・殺害に関する特集が乗っていましたのでお知らせします。以下のURLを開いてくれたら、イラク人の若者たち(記事によると子供まで混じっていた)が死体に蹴りつけ踏みつけているショッキングな場面を動画で見ることができます。(英国Sky Newsによる撮影)
これは有料の記事ではないため、多分日本からでも見えると思いますが、下のURLをクリックしていただき、出たページのすっと下のほうにある「EN ESPECIAL : Muerte de siete agentes del CNI」をクリックして、次に出た写真をクリックすると記事のあるページに行き着くはずで、そのページの、一番下の右端の「continua>>>」となっている個所をクリックしていただき、2ページ目の真中あたりの「Video WM / Video RM」(WMとRMは青い文字になっているはずです)を皆様のコンピューターに合わせてクリックしてもらえれば、動画でその場面が見えるでしょう。
なお下にスペイン語の記事の英語への翻訳(機械翻訳)を貼り付けております。この中で Sky NewsリポーターのDavid Bowdenは、襲撃のときの様子を述べた後、次のように言っています。「その人々は『あれはCIAだ』と言っていた。たぶん彼らはそれがスペイン人であることを知らなかったのだろう。」
問題はこの部分なのですが、スペイン語の原文では間違いなく『CIA』と書かれているのに、機械翻訳の英語では『the company』になってしまっています。まさかCIAが翻訳ソフトをこっそり改ざんして、『CIA』をすべて『the company』と訳すようにしてしまった、なんてわけもないでしょうが、よくわかりません。
30 minutes mortal
Only they had left a month of stay in Iraq, the right time to show the companions who were going to them to take the relief all the secrets from their mission, to present/display to them to the contacts necessary and to teach to them to handspan to handspan the land. The eight agents of the National Center of Intelligence had had lunch in Bagdad and decided to advance their return to the Spanish base to avoid disagreeable surprises in the way. When they took to routes only 30 kilometers, they received the first firing of kalashnikov which they followed the grenade launchers. Seven of them died, one of just arrived, Jose Manuel Sanchez Laughed, managed to escape.
Survivor, that returned on the following day to Madrid in the same airplane in which the corpses were transferred, related the minister of Defense, Federico I beat, how they were those 30 minutes that the shooting lasted. They were the 15,45 in Bagdad, 13,45 in Spain, when a vehicle began to persecute to both todoterrenos, without no type of symbol, in which the Spaniards traveled. One of the occupants opened fire and reached to one of the conductors, whose vehicle left the highway. The other car also stopped and the spies began to respond to their aggressors with their sidearms.
On which they did not count, according to the story of Sanchez He laughed, he is with the snipers who bet themselves in walls of the small locality of Latifiya and which they began a crossfire. While their companions resisted, two agents, among them the own survivor, tried to cross the highway. Although both obtained it, one of them was reached.
Sanchez Laughed continued the fled one and managed to rise another car that took to a near population. There he told the happened thing him to the Police and later returned to the place of the tragedy 45 minutes. All had died. One of the deceaseds had managed to contact with its telephone satellite with the seat in Madrid of the CNI. According to it published the WORLD, the spy managed to shout: "they are killing to Us! You send helicopters ". The Superpuma arrived three hours later.
The first news of the attack arrived at Spain shortly before the 16,30 hours. While one clarified cúantos were the deads, the British television network Sky News offered the first and only images of the tragedy (Video WM/Video RM). They showed a horrible spectacle in which young Iraqians, even young, celebrated the deaths and pisoteaban corpses. The reporter, David Bowden, narrated the scene that recorded its companion and what the witnesses told him: "We lead from Hilla, right the south of Bagdad, and saw those men thrown dead in the ground to a side of the highway after the ambush".
"people said there to us that 30 minutes before a convoy had been attacked of vehicles. They had removed to people from the cars and they said us that they had killed eight people and captured other two. I only saw with my own died eyes four in the ground. We took images during a pair from minutes and we became the attention center. The multitude gave shouts in Sadam please and we disappeared quickly ", added periodista."La people said that they were of the company. Perhaps they did not know that they were Spanish ".
The bodies were transferred to morgue of the airport of Bagdad. That same night Federico I beat and the director of the CNI, Jorge Dezcallar, traveled to Kuwait. The Hercules moved until the Iraqian capital to the following morning and gathered so much the corpses as to the survivor. Few hours later, it arrived at the air base of Torrejón (Madrid) from where were transferred al Hospital of the Defense, where the ardent chapel settled.
While the transfer took place, Jose Maria Aznar summoned to the average ones to read an institutional declaration (complete text) in which assured that Spain was "where it had to be" and that would not give in "to its luck to the victims of here and of there". In addition, he announced that the funerales by the seven deceaseds - Alberto Martinez González (head del group), Jose Merino Olivera, Jose Carlos Rodriguez Perez, Jose Aegean Lucas, Bald Alfonso Fertile valley, Luis Ignacio Zanón Tarazona and Carlos Baró Ollero- would be with character of State.
All the agents were the military, six of the Ground forces and one of the one of Air, and had had to surpass one hard sieve to obtain the position in Iraq. Just arrived they only had been three days in the country. Its objective in the zone was to successfully obtain information and to analyze it to protect the work of the Brigade Extreme Extra, the Spanish mission in Iraq. Another agent of the CNI, Jose Antonio Bernal, had been assassinated only two months before in the door of his house.