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サダム捕捉: なぜ指紋の照合もしないでいきなりDNA検査なのか?おかしいではないか?
投稿者 戦争屋は嫌いだ 日時 2003 年 12 月 20 日 21:09:43:d/vusjnSYDx0.

このJoe Viallsの記事は非常に正鵠を射ている。通常警察が本人確認する際もまずは「指紋」であろう。指紋に加えて、または指紋が無い場合にDNA照合というのが自然な手順であろう。サダムの指紋は(サダムの手をそのまま模写した銅像など)そこら中に残っているから発見されたサダムがニセ者であることがすぐバレるから、DNAでお茶を濁したと見るべき。という話。確かにDNAの方がはるかに簡単に偽装が可能と思われる。


America Commits Suicide in Iraq
They should have left bearded whatshisname in the hole

Everyone knows that when police officers pick up a suspect, the last thing on their minds is running a complex two-day DNA test to check his ancestry, or to see whether suspect whatshisname might allegedly be predisposed to Alzheimer’s or some other quasi-medical horror. Of course not! If there is the slightest doubt about identity, police officers fingerprint whatshisname, and then compare those prints with incriminating prints from various different crime scenes. Get sufficient identical characteristics or “points” with fingerprinting, and you have the perfect match.
In the case of the real President Saddam Hussein this would be simplicity itself, because perfect copies of the Iraqi Leader’s thumb prints are scattered liberally across Baghdad, and are also held in the safes of one German and two British companies, including the Morris Singer Foundry. During 1986 Morris Singer was part of a German-led consortium, which cast the bronze arms for Saddam Hussein's enormous Hands of Victory Arch in Baghdad. We will return to this fascinating story later.

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