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●『LA Weekly』最新号にフランスの“思想家”ベルナール・
LA Weekly:DECEMBER 19 - 25, 2003
Has the CIA Unmasked Daniel Pearl’s Killer?
Once again, the U.S. is covering up for Pakistan’s mistakes
by Bernard-Henri Levy
I don’t believe that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed killed Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, as the American government recently declared, first to Pearl’s widow, Marian Pearl, and then to the press.
On the surface, of course, the hypothesis is not absurd.
Nor is it a new theory, having been written about in numerous places, at least since it was mentioned in a Time magazine article of February 3, 2003, about the confession, several months earlier, of an eyewitness to the murder, Fazel Karim. Moreover, I myself analyzed the idea at the end of my book, Who Killed Daniel Pearl?, when I wrote about my last visit to Islamabad, which happened to exactly coincide with Mohammed’s arrest in nearby Rawalpindi.
However, after further investigation, I nevertheless discount the U.S. government’s claim, and for three reasons.
One of probability: The fate of Daniel Pearl was very important in the eyes of the Pakistani jihadists (I would be the last one to underestimate their need to render Pearl silent), and what we know about the functioning of their network prohibits us from thinking that Mohammed, Osama bin Laden’s number-three man and the chief of operations of al Qaeda, personally took the trouble and risk to go to Gulzar e-Hijiri to do with his own hands what any underling could have done just as well.
One of principle: The theory rests on the idea, developed some time ago by ex-CIA Agent Robert Baer, that Daniel Pearl was investigating not Richard Reid, the shoe bomber, or his guru, Sheikh Mubarik Gilani, but Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. But, having closely reconstructed the Wall Street Journal correspondent’s actions during his final days, I did not find evidence of this, and neither the memorandum filed with investigators by Marian Pearl nor the testimony of Pearl’s local fixers indicates that he was on the trail of Mohammed.
And, finally, one of fact: I must be one of the few independent observers to have had access to the transcript of the police interrogation of Fazel Karim, in which it was recounted very precisely what the “three Yemenis” who came that last morning to carry out Pearl’s execution looked like. My notes remind me: Apart from the fact that I don’t remember Mohammed being cited at any time in the transcript, nothing even in Karim’s description of the men corresponds to the image of Mohammed that we know.
So then, the question becomes, as it always does in these cases, why? What interest or purpose is served by this bizarre revelation, fallen as if from the sky, and, making things stranger still, presented to us as coming from anonymous sources? I do not doubt the good faith of the investigators, who are doing their best, even when going astray, in their search for the truth. But I do not doubt either, alas, the possibility that this “Operation Mohammed” functions as a protective smoke screen.
For my Pakistani friends, for all who struggle for democracy in that country and consider discovering the truth about the Pearl affair as a test, the matter is very clear: To stress the responsibility of Mohammed inevitably means blurring the guilt of Omar Sheikh, the mastermind of Pearl’s abduction, who is now condemned to death in Pakistan. And casting a spotlight on al Qaeda and its former third in command also means, deliberately or not, turning the same light away from Pakistan’s ISI intelligence services, of which there is ample evidence to show that Omar is an agent.
It could well be that this sudden placement of blame on one of the chiefs of this cold, stateless monster that is bin Laden’s organization comes at this appointed moment to turn our attention away from the Pakistani scene, where many analysts have lingered with an insistence that has become embarrassing to both the U.S. and Pakistani governments.
My fear, in other words, is that the American administration has not taken full measure of the many ambiguities represented not so much by the regime of Pervez Musharraf, but by the U.S.’s unconditional alliance with it. My fear is that the “news” about Khalid Sheikh Mohammed represents the effort, once again, to protect Islamabad at any cost.
Bernard-Henri Levy is a French philosopher and the author of Who Killed Daniel Pearl?
(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)
[毎日新聞:2002年4月2日] ( 2002-04-02-03:01 )
■反米招いたイスラム弾圧 武装勢力、危機感強め
[毎日新聞4月2日] ( 2002-04-02-03:01 )
Who Killed Daniel Pearl?
Bernard Henri Levy (著), James X. Mitchell (著), Bernard-Henri Levy (著)
ハードカバー: 400 p ; サイズ(cm):
出版社: Independent Pub Group ; ISBN: 0971865949 ; (2003/09/01)
●From Publishers Weekly
Ostensibly an investigation into the murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, this ends up being a much more ambitious account of the nefarious complicity of factions as varied as the Pakistan's ISI (the secret service), regional Islamist groups, a wealthy landowner, Pearl defendant Omar Sheikh and al-Qaida. It's a gripping read, as full of suspenseful twists as of bold and occasionally loose theories. At their root is Sheikh, the English-bred Pakistani radical who was convicted of masterminding the Pearl crime. But this conviction, in the author's fast-moving mind, is far from an open-and-shut case, and Lvy follows up his preliminary conclusion that "the affair contained a heavy and terrible secret." What that secret is grows and changes, but in the final analysis it comes down to Sheikh being an operative of both the ISI and al-Qaida and then taking the fall for both at the trial. Pearl, Levy argues, was killed not for who he was, but because of what he had discovered. The conclusions, however, are in a sense less important than the ride that gets us there. The author's moments of gonzo journalism are thrilling, as when he penetrates a forbidden madrasa (seminary) by posing as "a special representative of the French president." The earlier passages of the book, which take some literary license in describing what Pearl must have felt, is alone worth the price of admission. This book is a controversial bestseller in France, where Levy has long been a leading philosopher and writer. Here, interest in Pearl and the larger issues makes this both fascinating and essential, even if you don't quite buy it all, and a credit to the investigative reporter whose work it seeks to honor.
(Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.)
●Book Description
Written by one of France's most esteemed intellectuals and journalists, this investigation into the murder of Wall Street Journal correspondent Daniel Pearl asserts that Pearl was murdered not necessarily because he was an American or Jewish, as previously assumed, but because he had uncovered links between al-Qaida terrorists and the Pakistani government. Levy claims that Pearl was investigating links between "the most violent and most anti-American faction" in the Pakistani intelligence service and terrorists who were trading nuclear arms secrets with Iran and North Korea. This gripping saga retraces Pearl's steps from India through Kandahar, Karachi, and the murky Islamic underground of a Pakistan draped in "an odor of the apolocalypse." Told with great compassion for the heroic Pearl-whose widow and parents cooperated with and assisted the author-the story ultimately transcends the reporter's tragic ending with a ringing call to reexamine what Daniel Pearl died trying to uncover.
●About the Author
Bernard-Henri Levy is one of France's most famous philosophers and one of the bestselling writers in Europe. He has held several diplomatic positions with the French government and is one of Europe's preeminent journalists, having started his career writing in the 1960s for Combat, the famous newspaper of the French Freedom Fighters started by Albert Camus during the German occupation of World War II. The author of numerous books, including Sartre: The Philosopher of the Twentieth Century, What Good Are Intellectuals?, and Barbarism with a Human Face, Levy has written several books about the Islamic Middle East. In 2002, he was appointed by the French government to head a fact-finding mission to Afghanistan in the wake of its war with the United States.