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イスラム諸国では、ほとんど懐疑的だが、似非紳士朝日新聞を典型として、対米従属、恐米萎縮症、ジャップは、アメリカの主流メディア、アメリカの表現では「企業メディア」(corporate media)報道操作の鵜呑み、垂れ流し、阿呆の典型なり。
The Saddam Hussein Capture Hoax
Ernesto Cienfuegos
La Voz de Aztlan
Los Angeles, Alta California - December 17, 2003 - ACN) There are certain details of the supposed capture of Saddam Hussein on December 14, 2003 in Adwar, Iraq that raise many questions concerning the version of the event that is being reported in the USA mainstream media. First of all, no journalists were present during the capture operation and the only information being reported was made available exclusively by CIA operatives in Iraq. This information was made available only through photographs and the video that was shown in the well orchestrated press conference conducted by Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez announcing to the world the capture of the Iraqi leader. One of the photographs released shows two Special Forces soldiers (actually CIA operatives) lifting the concrete lid of the underground cell where the supposed Saddam Hussein was hiding. More on this photograph later.
An increasing number of persons worldwide are questioning the version of the capture as reported by the media. This skepticism is especially evident in the Islamic world. Saddam Hussein's 35 year old daughter, Raghad Hussein,was blunt about her doubts concerning the capture when she said to Al-Arabiya, an Arabic-language television network, "This is not our father! This is not how he would act." Other Muslims as far away as Sri Lanka expressed their doubts that the real Saddam Hussein had been captured. Abu Haniffa, the president of the Sri Lanka Traders' Association said, "Some of our people think the pictures could be part of a US ploy or Saddam's own strategy to create a double and flee attempts to capture him."
La Voz de Aztlan believes in the possibility that perhaps Saddam Hussein was being kept prisoner by the CIA in the underground cell in Adwar since late July of this year. There are three primary reasons for this belief. The first is an anomaly in the photograph released by the CIA showing their two operatives lifting the lid to the underground cell where Saddam was supposedly hiding. The CIA photograph, shown on the left, clearly shows a tree full of ripe dates which in Iraq ripen in late July or early August and never in December. The picture also shows a rope with hanging meat for drying. Our Iraqi sources informed us that this occurs always in the summer and never in December.
Another reason, is a news report published by Reuters on July 30 2003 titled, "Rumours Saddam 'captured' fuel market". The Pentagon said in the report that it had no information to confirm financial market rumours that US forces in Iraq had captured deposed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. Perhaps the rumors in the financial markets were actually true. Perhaps Saddam was captured in July and kept in that hole by the CIA since. This would explain the appearance of Saddam shown by the released CIA video.
There are reasons why Bush Jr. would direct the CIA to keep Saddam in the hole until now. The primary one has to do with Bush father's involvement in the Carlyle Group. George Bush Sr. is a former Director of the CIA and a former US president. The Carlyle Group is the Bush family's principal tool utilized to profit from their warmongering. The group has in the past made deals with the Osama bin Laden family and with Saddam Hussein himself. Saddam Hussein had secret multi-billion dollar bank accounts in Sweden and other banks, monies made in large measure through deals with Bush Sr., and Saddam was the only person that knew the account numbers and other details. Perhaps, Saddam was being drugged and interrogated by the CIA since July on behalf of the Bush family and kept in the hole in order to force him to release information on his bank accounts and other assets.
It is no secret that the Bushes had a vendetta against Saddam Hussein since the First Gulf War. Both wars against Iraq were justified through a long series of lies, but one of the primary reasons was the Bush Jr.'s and Sr.'s personal vendetta against Saddam Hussein. This is one reason why the CIA troops "humiliated" Saddam Hussein in the way that was shown in the pictures and video.
The truth could be revealed if there is an open and just trial of the man they say is Saddam Hussein. But don't count on it. Most probably, the trail will be censored or the man they say is Saddam Hussein will meet an untimely death.
Related La Voz de Aztlan article:
Iraqi Resistance Stiffens Amidst Claims Saddam's Capture was a Hoax