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この数日間、フセイン拘束に関する話題で沸き返っている阿修羅戦争欄ですが、その中にこんな話では間延びするかもしれませんが、12月18日付のEL PAIS紙に、EUとアメリカが、アメリカに飛行機で渡航する乗客のデータの扱いについて、一応の合意に達したことに関する記事が載っていましたので、ご報告します。
では、18日のEL PAIS紙から、「ホワイトハウスはヨーロッパ人旅行者の微妙なデータの破棄を認める」と題された記事をご紹介します。全文の抄訳に英語訳(機械翻訳)を添えておきます。スペイン語の全文を読みたい方は、下のURLを。
12月18日 ガブリエラ・カニャス ブリュッセル
この合意は域内通商委員会のFlits Bolksteinとアメリカ国家保安局Tom Ridgeの間で交わされた。欧州議会議員のMarco Cappatoは「アメリカとの関係を気にして同様の規則を作る国々が多いだろう。しかし、データの登録やワシントンとの合意は、こういた規則を航空会社などが持つことを禁じるEUの権利を侵害する。」と語った。
The White House accepts to destroy the sensible data of European travellers
In name of the antiterrorist fight, Washington applies from last March an obligatory registry of the data of the aerial passengers to the United States that it deeply dislikes to the European Union to consider that it harms his Director of Protection of Personal Data. Yesterday, the European Commission reached an agreement with Washington that accepts the method applied in exchange for some concessions, like the destruction of the sensible data, that is to say, the relative ones to race, religion, union militancy or political opinions.
The agreement, subscribed Tuesday by the commissioner of Inner Market, Frits Bolkestein, and the North American secretary of National Security, Tom Ridge, must now be ratified by the European Parliament and the Council (the representatives of the Fifteen) so that between in vigor in next March. "It is than probable more that he comes out ahead because in the European Union, besides to want to take care of the relations with the United States, are many countries that they now want to impose the same norms to fight against the terrorism", he says Cappato Frame, eurodiputado of the Transnational Radical Party. He adds: "Nevertheless, such registry of data and, therefore, the agreement with Washington violate in many aspects the communitarian right, that it prohibits, for example, that is private commercial companies like aerial those that they make such compilation".
In the decision of Brussels, as the spokesman of Inner Market Jonathan Todd explained yesterday, there is heavy also the damage which they are undergoing the European airlines, that, forced by this same norm sent immediately after 11-S, risk to be fined if they do not collect the data of the passage.
According to the agreement, the passengers will have to respond to a questionnaire very similar to the present one of 34 questions (name, telephone, date of reserve of the ticket, travel agency used, direction, electronic mail, et cetera). Their data will be given to the American customs authorities that will keep them during three years and means (not 50 as now) and to only they will give to other official estates by means of request case them by case.
The sensible data, defined in the European Director of Protection of Data like those of race, religion or health, will be destroyed "of immediate form". These are compiled habitually by the companies when the reserve becomes and always of indirect form.
Washington will create a mechanism of independent repair and their authorities will recognize European the power to represent their citizens in the demands against the use of the data. The U.S.A. will not have the data of the passengers before the boarding of the flight as it obtains now.
In the Commission of Liberties of the European Parliament the announcement in the agreement with certain displeasure was received, although the conservatives applauded it.