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サダム銅像引き倒しのバクダッド新聞版? 新リーダープロパガンダの腐臭ぷんぷん
投稿者 FakeTerrorWatcher 日時 2003 年 12 月 19 日 08:01:29:ctKRGOvG/DIEQ

(回答先: フセイン、チャラビ会談の写真 イラク氏が発表 投稿者 草の根 日時 2003 年 12 月 19 日 07:18:40)

 ちなみにバクダッドの新聞というものがどういうものか考えると、これも、ブッシュの感謝祭プラスチック七面鳥、あるいはサダム銅像引き倒しのバクダッド新聞版、いわゆるPHOTO OP.に思えてなりません。チャラビはメディアも仕切り始めているんでしょうか。

Iraqi newspaper publishes photos of Saddam behind bars

BAGHDAD (AFP) - A giant photo of fallen dictator Saddam Hussein getting a jail visit from his nemesis Ahmed Chalabi graced the front page of a Baghdad newspaper.

A pale and thinner Saddam, dressed in a grey sports jacket and white robes, is sitting on a bed in his crumbling cell, next to his adversary, the longtime Iraqi opposition leader Chalabi, who returned to Baghdad after Saddam was pushed from power last April.

The photo was blown up across the front page of Al-Mutamar, the paper of Chalabi's Iraqi National Congress (INC).

"Today's paper sold out in record time. I haven't even been able to get a copy myself," said INC spokesman Intifadh Qanbar.

The photo was taken Sunday when a delegation from Iraq's interim Governing Council, including Chalabi, were brought by the Americans to identify Saddam.

The US military and its civil administration have not said where they are holding Saddam.

He was captured at an isolated farmhouse late Saturday in Ad-Dawr, just outside the fallen dictator's hometown of Tikrit, 180 kilometres (110 miles) north of the capital.

Chalabi, whose family fled Iraq after the overthrow of the monarchy in 1958, has called for Saddam to be sentenced to death.

U.S. Authorities Shut Down Baghdad Newspaper
Claims Paper Incited Violence Against U.S. Supporters

Is it all a photo-op?

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