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Steve Bell 描くブッシュの肖像【Steve Bell の漫画です。】
Steve Bell on drawing Dubya
It's the smile that fascinates. That and the voice. But you can't draw the voice. So it has to be the smile. The way it flickers out from his prehensile pout and hovers around his cheeks. He also licks his lips a lot. Is it nerves, or is he just hungry?
What's he got to smile about, anyway? It's because, contrary to what we've been told by satirists, sneering cynics and other such detritus, he is in fact a deeply witty and humane man.
He's intelligent, perceptive and he looks like a chimp. He grins like a chimp, pouts like a chimp, walks like a chimp and even talks like a chimp would if chimps could talk. He'll never shake it off, not without radical plastic surgery.
Steve Bell's latest cartoon
Special report: United States
Let me reinterate ーThe illegal non-combatants will be tremated humeanly !
A monkey suit !
High appropriate !
Dubya は英辞郎によれば
■Dubya {名} → ジョージ・ウオーカー・ブッシュ(George Walker Bush)◆【@】ダビャ、ダビア◆【語源】テキサス弁の「W」の発音から。普通は「ダブリュー」と発音する。
monkey suit はモンキースーツではありません。夜会服のことです。もっとも、ブッシュが着るのでは、モンキースーツかもね。(^^;
reinterate は「reinterrogate」かもしれません。
tremated は「treated 」
humeanly は「humanly 」
※いずれにしろ、ブッシュ猿のセリフが出てくる、Steve Bell の漫画は難しかったりします。(^^;
George Bush
the smirk of freedom
smirk は英辞郎によれば
■smirk {名} → 作り笑い、気取った笑い、きざな笑い、なれなれしい笑い / 【用例・名】 What is that smirk for? / He had a smirk on his face. / I just want to wipe that stupid smirk off his face. / Wipe that smirk off your face or I'll knock it off. / Peter shot a quick smirk at Dave.
■smirk {自動} → 作り笑いをする、ニヤニヤ笑う、気取った笑い方をする、嘲笑{ちょうしょう}する / 【用例・自動】 He smirked at me. / What are you smirking about? / The ant smirked and said, "I told you that you had to go and look for food!"