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(回答先: イラク人の8割が米軍不信 英シンクタンク世論調査 投稿者 rand 日時 2003 年 12 月 02 日 08:44:30)
【The Verdict IS IN: TV News Is Bad For Your Brain】
A new study has revealed that people who rely on television to get their news are more likely to be misinformed.
The study polled over 3,000 people on their perceptions about international support for the Iraq War, ties of Saddam Husein to the events of 9/11, and the Discovery of WMD's in Iraq. What they found, incredibly, though not surprising, was that the more people got their news from TV, the higher the frequency of their misperceptions.
Out of all the news networks, of course, Fox News ranked highest among misinformed viewers. The lowest was PBS.
Another angle of the poll was to group by Bush supporters or Democratic candidate supporters. Naturally, the vast majority of the misinformed were Bush supporters. This included Democrats that supported Bush.
From the Program on International Policy press release:
A new study based on a series of seven nationwide polls conducted from January through September of this year reveals that before and after the Iraq war, a majority of Americans have had significant misperceptions and these are highly related to support for the war with Iraq.
The polling, conducted by the Program on International Policy (PIPA) at the University of Maryland and Knowledge Networks, also reveals that the frequency of these misperceptions varies significantly according to individuals’ primary source of news.
Those who primarily watch Fox News are significantly more likely to have misperceptions, while those who primarily listen to NPR or watch PBS are significantly less likely.
So what does this mean?
The ramifications of this study are far reaching. For one, it confirms the long held suspicion that corporate controlled television networks are not only failing to provide necessary information to viewers, but are in fact providing false information.
It also confirms that, at least among the news networks, liberal bias is a complete fabrication which, because of this report, is easier to believe since a significant percentage of viewers believe liberal media bias exist because they heard it on TV news.
But a larger issue exist here. The report shows a clear link between misinformation and support for Bush's war. Here's where the Orwellian factor comes in. Not only did Bush & co. mislead the public into war, but they had ready accomplices in the network news organizations.
This forces serious questions about the motives of those who hold the sacred trust of the public airwaves. It also demonstrates how powerful TV news is at affecting public perceptions and consequently, public policy.
Read the report [PDF]
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【Into the Buzzsaw: Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press
edited by Christina Borjesson】
18 award-winning journalists vividly describe their experiences of trying to report huge stories, only to have them systematically shut down by corporate media ownership. The stories include the accidental shooting down of TWA flight 800 by the military, thousands of POWs abandoned by the US government in Vietnam, the CIA’s involvement in introducing crack cocaine into LA, and lots more. This fascinating book will help you to understand how the cover-ups mentioned in all of these resources are kept secret. You will learn how American mass media is controlled by an amazingly small cast of power brokers. If you want to understand how the media powerfully influences our understanding of the world, read this book. Available at www.intothebuzzsaw.com. For excellent summaries of this book, see above.
The American Assembler receives no commission from any of the books we promote. We would give them out if we could afford it.
【New Feature】
Read the File on Your Favorite Press Hack
We've got the file on the corporate hacks that call themselves journalist these days. One by one we will be accumulating the facts on the toe-ers of the corporate line. The internet is turning out to be a revolution in so many ways. Least among them is the ability to point and click your way right back in time to original transcripts, articles and on-the-record statements. This is where we catch our favorite hacks in their lies and idiocy.
So if you have a favorite hack you want included, let us know at editor@americanassembler.com. Please provide any evidence (transcripts that conflict etc.) you have stumbled across.