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米独立系 ・テヘラン経由アラブ週刊紙:イラク宗教指導者暗殺のモサドを米軍が支援と米軍が自認せり。
US Helped Mossad Agents
Flee Iraq After Blast
The Tehran Times
(Mehr News Agency) -- The U.S. Central Command helped 15 Mossad agents involved in the assassination of Ayatollah Mohammad Baqer al-Hakim to flee Iraq, an Egyptian weekly magazine disclosed on Monday.
Ayatollah Hakim, the leader of the Supreme Assembly for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SAIRI), was killed in a massive car bomb blast in the holy city of Najaf on August 7. The blast left 82 killed and more than 100 wounded.
The U.S. Central Command was sure that the agents of the Zionist intelligence service Mossad had planned and executed the assassination with the help of some elements from the U.S. and Iraqi spies, Al- Osboa' weekly said.
The U.S. Centcom acquired conviction about the plot after examining the explosives used in the operation; the explosives -- which were highly advanced -- are used only by Mossad, the weekly added.
As a consequence, the Mehr News Agency now initially breaks the story about the Mossad involvement in the killing of the prominent Iraqi Shiite leader.
An Iraqi political analyst said that evidence of Mossad involvement has been found at the Najaf blast site. The analyst, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the Mehr News Agency that Zionist intelligence agents have made great efforts to infiltrate Iraqi groups in order to thwart efforts to create national unity.
After Saddam Hussein was ousted, the Zionist regime took advantage of divisions among the Iraqi Shi'ites and sent a large number of extremist Jews and Mossad agents to Iraq, with the help of the occupying forces, to infiltrate Islamic groups and obtain information, the analyst said.
He added that a few months ago, a Mossad agent who knew Arabic and was quite familiar with Iraqi Muslim groups made a great effort to infiltrate organizations in southern Iraq and even influenced these groups.
He stated that there are reports that the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) is helping Zionist operatives in Iraq and is receivingdirect help from U.S. troops, adding that there is a written agreement to this effect.
Saddam supported the MKO for years and ordered MKO members to spy on and wage war against the Iraqi Shia.
The main goal of the Zionists is sowing discord among Muslims, especially the Shia, because they are aware of the people's great attachment to clerics such as martyr Ayatollah Baqer al-Hakim, who have been making efforts to unite the people in order to prevent the domination of Iraq and the plunder of its resources.
While not ruling out the possibility of the involvement of extremist groups such as Al-Qaeda in the blast in Najaf, Mehr Agency's source noted, "Of course, I think the massive propaganda by the pro-Western media and the emphasis on blaming Al-Qaeda or remnants of the Baath Party should be considered a conscious effort to conceal the role of Zionist and occupying forces in this abominable atrocity."
He said that increased insecurity and the outbreak of a civil war among Muslims, especially the Shia, could be used as an excuse for continuing the occupation of Iraq, adding that U.S. troops' refusal to maintain security at religious sites is part of this plot.
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