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10 October 2003:
733 days have passed since America launched its latest Crusade against Islam and its people.
A number of Muslim prisoners were captured in this Crusade and taken to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba where their beards were forcibly shaved and they are being held in cages subject to Malaria, heatstroke and other tropical diseases.
More than 50 Killed in Clashes between Northern Alliance Rivals
The attacks causing most of the casualties are taking place in the Memna region which is the capital of northern Afghan province of Fariyab.
The fighting is still continuing between the Junbish Milli party under the leadership of Commander Salam and the Jamiat party led by Commander Hashim.
In an interview with US Radio Commander Salam said that deaths are part of war.
He blamed the Jamiat party for initiating the war, but did not disclose the exact number of casualties to date.
According to him regional border markings are the reasons for the current fighting.
There have also been reports of clashes,which took place on Wednesday, between Northern Alliance groups in the Mazar-e-Sharif region of the Balkh province.
Although exact figures are not known at the moment witnesses say at least a dozen people were reported killed in the clashes.
The situation in northern Afghanistan seems to have turned extremely bad in the last few days.
Many of the groups within the Northern Alliance are fighting each other in different regions.
In a separate incident, this time involving Coalition forces in Jalalabad, rockets were fired at the US military headquarters situated within the airbase.
The three rockets exploded near the base, but no loss of lives were reported by US sources.
Current interim leader Hamid Karzai has decided to contest the Afghan Presidential elections next year.
According to a Washington Post report, Karzai fears extreme resistance from Northern Alliance after this declaration.
The report also disclosed that following this declaration, in the absence of Karzai, the Northern Alliance held several meetings to formulate their future course of action.
Some factions of the NA wish to nominate Rabbani or someone else having strong influence over Pashtun faction as their presidential candidate.
On the other hand, Karzai while speaking to BBC blamed the Northern Alliance for intentionally failing to carry out the constructive plans of his government.