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以下は「Coalition For Free Thought In Media」というグループが取材した米軍兵士5人のうちの1人(イラクから帰還したばかりの下士官兵)へのインタビュー記事です。主な内容は、食糧や水の不足で部隊が陥った危機的状況、統治下での襲撃の激しさと米兵死傷者の増大、イラク民間人の夥しい死者と家族の悲嘆、戦争大義への疑問、精神的ケア不足、退役軍人給付の大幅削減、クラスター爆弾で虐殺された子供たちなどについて、兵士の目から見た証言が語られています。
■SITTING DUCKS 'Bring Us Home Now!' - US Troops' Grim Report
恰好の標的※1) 「我々を今すぐ家に帰してくれ!」 − 米軍兵士たちの惨状告白
US Soldiers to America: ''Bring us home now; we're dying for oil and corporate greed!''
Coalition For Free Thought In Media, Part 1 in a 5 part series
Interviews by Jay Shaft, 12th October 2003
I had the unique opportunity to interview five US military servicemen who just got back from Iraq, or in the case of two men, corresponded with their wives so that I could ask questions of these soldiers by mail. When the two I corresponded with came back just last week, I was able to complete the interviews I started several months ago with some new details on how the war is actually going.
I was shocked and angered when I found out how many of the service men hate being in Iraq and want nothing to do with rebuilding and policing the devastated nation. From the conversations I had, many soldiers never wanted to go over to Iraq and fight, and the ones who had were now convinced of the awful crime that had been committed against Iraq and our own troops. I was told very few soldiers now believe in staying in Iraq, or want to stay in the country and serve any more days.
The following interview was with an enlisted man, but someone very high up in the enlisted ranks, with over 20 years of military service. I have promised not to reveal his identity for reasons that he has a family and has been told not to speak to journalists. He told me the Army had put a gag order on him while he was home, and told him they would give him twenty years in prison if he spoke out in any manner against the US or the government.
I took several weeks to finish this interview because of not being able to safely be seen with this individual out of his fears of being caught speaking out.
He asked me to call him USA in all the transcripts of these interviews. I have followed his wishes and tried to write what he said in the manner it was said so as not to lose any impact. At times the interview was very rough and the grammar is not perfect, but I tried to write this in his voice so that he can tell the world how bad it is in Iraq. I truly want you to feel what he has experienced in some way if possible.
CFTM-- “How are you today? Resting I hope?”
CFTM-- 「ご機嫌いかがですか?安らいでいらっしゃると良いのですが?」
USA -- “Can’t sleep for sh..t and I have horrible nightmares when I do sleep. I might be lucky to catch an hour at a time before the nightmares wake me up. I slept easier in the combat then now that I’m away from there. Most awful place I’ve ever been or served duty and I didn’t want to leave my guys. That was the hardest part was leaving the guys I had been leading around and trying to keep out of trouble and alive.”
USA -- 「厄介なことにことによく眠れませんし、眠れば恐ろしい悪夢を見ます。悪夢が私を起こすまでに1時間でも睡眠が取れたときは幸運といえるでしょう。私は戦場にいたときの方が、そこから遠く離れている今よりも余ほど眠れいてました。そこは私が今まで派兵された、あるいは任務に従事した中で最も酷い場所であり、私は部下たちをそこに残しておきたくありませんでした。そこは私が指揮しトラブルから免れて生き残るよう努力した部下たちを残しておくには、最も苛酷な地域でした。」
CFTM-- “Did you see a lot of your buddies get killed? How did it affect you?”
CFTM-- 「あなたは多くの仲間が殺されるのを見ましたか?それはどのようにあなたに影響しましたか?」
USA -- “How the hell do you think it affected me? I saw over 30 of the men I had to keep safe die, and over 100 get wounded and not come back. I still don’t know if some of the wounded men made it or not. I was never told before I came back home.”
USA -- 「地獄が、どのように私に影響したと思いますか?私は守るべき30人以上の死と、100人以上の負傷して復帰しない者たちを見てきました。私は未だに負傷した者たちのいくらかが復帰したかどうかを知りません。私が帰宅する前には聞かされませんでした。」
CFTM-- “So it really was awful and as bad as some returning troops have claimed?”
CFTM-- 「したがってそれは本当に凄惨で、幾人かの帰国した兵士たちが抗議したのと同じくらい悪い情況だったわけですか?」
USA -- “It was like a long trip to hell that you knew you might return from. Of course it is as bad as the soldiers say it is. Hell it’s even worse if the truth has to come out. It’s a constant fu..ing nightmare trying to figure out where the guerillas are going to hit, how to keep the civilians calm, and also getting enough water and food to eat. That is one thing the media never really told the Americans about, how bad it was when our convoys weren’t getting through. We had to go to some Iraqi people and trade socks and underwear for some food and a little water.”
USA -- 「それは引き返し可能な地獄への長い旅に似ていました。もちろんそれらの兵士が言うくらい劣悪でした。この地獄に関して真実が伝えられたならば、もっとずっと悪いことが分かるでしょう。ゲリラが攻撃してくることが予想される場所で、どのように市民の平穏を保つか、そしてまた十分な水と食糧を確保するかということを解決しようという取り組みは、忌々しくも絶え間ない悪夢でした。我々の警護が立ち行かなくなっていたとき、どれほど悪い状態だったかはメディアがアメリカ国民に決して事実を伝えていないひとつの問題です。我々は何人かのイラク人のもとに行き、靴下や下着をいくらかの食物や僅かな水に交換してもらわなければなりませんでした。」
CFTM-- “You really did get that desperate because I saw it in the foreign media that the Iraqi civilians had stepped in and fed a whole bunch of troops that had been days without food.”
CFTM-- 「私は国外のメディアを通じて、食糧が底を尽いた日々にイラク市民たちが手を差し伸べて多くの部隊全体に食物を与えていたのを見ましたが、実際それほど絶望的になりましたか?」
USA -- -“Yeah, that ain’t no joke about getting help from the civilians right after the invasion. We had a pretty good laugh about that and how the army owed them some money for reimbursement. We would not have starved probably, but when we got the food from the people it made sure we could still operate as a functioning unit. It was a near thing that several guys almost died of dehydration because we ran out of clean water for a few days.”
USA -- 「ええ、侵攻の後に市民たちからの援助を受けたことに関しては冗談でも何でもありません。我々の間ではそれについて、我が軍がどれほど彼らに返済すべき借金があるかというかなり傑作な嘲笑があります。それらの人々から食糧を得ていなければ、我々は恐らく飢えていたことでしょう。そのおかげで我々は機能するユニットとして引き続き行動できる態勢を確立しました。それまで数日のあいだ清潔な水を使い果たしていたので、何人かの部下たちが脱水症でほとんど死にかけていたのを、かろうじて免れたというほどです。」
CFTM-- “Just keep going, I want to hear more about the hardships the military and Bush made you go through. I want the American people to know what a nightmare this war has become and what it’s doing to our service men over there.”
CFTM-- 「どうぞ続けてください。軍とブッシュがあなた方に強行させた苦難についてもっと聞きたいのです。私はこの戦争がどんな悪夢になったのか、また現地で私たちの軍隊に何をもたらしたのかをアメリカの人々が知ることを望んでいます。」
USA -- “Okay, well I can bitch about the problems like food being short and water going bad, but I want to tell people about how bad the attacks on US and coalition forces have gotten in the last month. In the last two weeks I was there we were attacked at least 20 times a day if you count all the shots we heard from random sniper or opportunity attacks. We were losing at least five men a day to injuries and there was at least one of our unit killed every twenty four hours.”
USA -- 「いいでしょう。そうですねぇ、私は食糧が乏しくなっていったことや水の悪化というような事に関して不満を言うこともできますが、私がもっと人々に伝えたいのは米国とその連合軍に対して先月行なわれた攻撃が、どれほど激しいものだったかということです。
CFTM-- -“So you were getting one a day killed and at least five injured? Did you know many of the guys killed?”
CFTM-- 「つまりあなたは、1日当たり1人が殺され、少なくとも5人が負傷したと聞いているわけですね?多くの部下か殺されたことを把握していたわけですか?」
USA -- -“That’s a real dumb fu..ing question to ask me. You know what my rank is, of course I knew them, I was the head NCO for years in our unit. I knew most of the guys who died and I held a lot of hands as they were dying. You tell me that’s not gonna to give you nightmares!”
USA -- 「それは、私に尋ねるには実にくそ馬鹿げた質問です。もちろん私はそれを把握していました。私の階級を知っているはずです。私は我々の部隊で何年も下士官長を務めています。私は部下の死のほとんどを把握していますし、多くの場合、死んでゆく彼らの手を握ってきました。これが悪夢を与えないと言えるでしょうか?
“I had one guy tell me all he wanted was to see his little daughter; she was born three days after the war started. He died in the sand holding my hand and crying because his daughter would never know him. Tell me that’s fu..ing right. Where was George Bush when this kid was gasping for air and spitting his blood on foreign soil?”
CFTM-- -“I talked to you about this the other day. Do you think George Bush is the wrong man to order troops into battle when he ducked it himself?”
CFTM-- 「私は先日もそれについてあなたと話したことがありましたね。自分自身はそれ【兵役】を逃れたジョージ・ブッシュが、軍隊に戦闘を命じる人物として不適格だとあなたは思うわけですか?」
USA -- -“That asshole went AWOL and never showed up for duty and then he has the nerve to take us into two different wars that will be going on for years. I do not believe he should be president of this country, he’s a complete idiot and he’s controlled by madmen with a drive for only profits and getting oil.”
USA -- 「このくそったれ野郎は無断離隊(AWOL)し、兵役に参加しないでおきながら、彼は厚かましくも何年も続く異なる2つの戦争へ我々を連れて行きました。私は彼がこの国の大統領であるべきだとは信じません。彼は全くの白痴であり、ただ利益と石油を得るために動く狂人たちによって操られています。」
CFTM-- -“I just have to get this straight for the public, you are well educated are you not? I mean you have had years of leadership training and schools right? You sound very well informed and aware of the current lies and manipulations, which I have not found in some other soldiers.”
CFTM-- 「このことに関しては率直に公に伝えなくてはならないと思います。それにしてもあなたはとても教養が高いようですね?つまり数年間の指導者としての訓練から学校教育まで含めてという意味ですが。私がこれまで他の兵士の中に見たことのないほど事情通で、流布されている嘘や情報操作についても熟知しているようにお見受けします。」
USA -- -“I have a four year degree in the economics field and I am not a soldier all the time. I am Reservist who just keeps getting caught on long duty assignments. Believe it or not I read authors like Noam Chomsky, Gore Vidal, and Jim Hightower, and went through three copies of ‘Stupid White Men’ by Michael Moore while I was over there. I let people read parts of Mike’s book and they were irate that Bush had screwed us so hard. I had parts of ‘Best Democracy Money Can Buy’ mailed to me because I knew if I had the whole book it would get stolen in a heartbeat.”
USA -- 「私は大学で4年間、経済学を専攻しました。また常に兵員をしているわけではありません。私は予備役兵として長い義務割り当てによって動員されていただけです。意外でしょうが私はノーム・チョムスキーや、ゴア・ヴィダル、ジム・ハイタワーのような作家の本を読み、私が現地にいた間にも、マイケル・ムーアの「Stupid White Men」【邦題「アホでマヌケなアメリカ白人」】のコピーを3つ持ち込んでいました。
私はマイケルの本の一部を他の人々に読ませたところ、彼らはブッシュが我々を酷く騙していることに腹を立てていました。また私には手紙で送ってもらった「Best Democracy Money Can Buy」【邦題「金で買えるアメリカ民主主義」】という本の一部分もありました。なぜならもし私がその本をまるごと一冊持っていたならば、即座に盗まれる【取り上げられる】と分かっていたので。」
CFTM-- -“So you might be quite a bit more aware and well informed about the real reasons for the war that others did not know. I don’t know of many line soldiers reading Greg Palast or Noam Chomsky.”
CFTM-- 「それであなたは見識が広く、他の人たちの知らない戦争の本当の理由に関して、とても事情通なのですね。私はグレッグ・パラストやノーム・チョムスキーを読む前線の兵士なんてほとんど知りません。」
USA -- -“I guess you’re right and that might be why I am trying to speak out and let the Americans know that they are sending us to be slaughtered. If you don’t mind I am going to cut through all the niceties and get down to why I am going against every oath I took and giving you this interview. I am doing it for the guys still over there and for the ones who are going. If I’m not careful I’ll end up back there for another six months.”
USA -- 「たぶんそうでしょう。だからこそ私は、彼ら【政府】が我々を惨殺されるために派兵しているということをアメリカ人たちに知らしめようと、証言する気持ちになったのかも知れません。よろしければ私はすべての詳細を曝け出しますし、なぜ私が多くの誓約に違反してまでこのインタビューを提供するのかについても表明しておきたい。私は未だに現地に留まっている同僚たち、そしてこれからあそこへ行く人たちのためにこうしています。私も気をつけなければ、更なる6ヶ月間の駐留のためにあそこに戻り、人生を終えるでしょう。」
CFTM-- -“Alright tell me what it was really like and don’t skip the gory details. I want people to be shocked and offended enough to realize why you spoke out and what it is doing to our military by sending them over there with blind flag waving and cheers of false victory”
CFTM-- 「分かりました、実際にどうだったかをありのままに伝えて下さい。そしておぞましい詳細についても省かないで下さい。なぜあなたが証言するのか、そして盲目的に国旗を振り、偽りの勝利に喝采しながら我々の軍隊を現地に送ることによって、あなた方に何をもたらしているのかについて、人々が衝撃を受け、それを理解してじゅうぶん感情を害することを私は望んでいるのです。」
USA -- -“Well the first thing I would like to thank Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Congress for is that nice huge cut they made to Veterans Benefits as soon as the war started. I am in the Reserves after years of active duty and now I cannot get PTSD counseling or many medical benefits I used to take for granted. I knew I would have the benefits because I was laying my life down for my country. Now my benefits are cut by around 2/3 and I have to go to either group therapy or pay for a private counselor out of my own pocket. What happens when someone like me has been through enormous battle stress and combat fatigue and then comes home to no counseling?”
USA -- 「そうですね、まず私はブッシュ、チェイニー、ラムズフェルド及び連邦議会に対し、戦争が開始されると直ちに退役軍人給付を大幅にカットしてくれてありがとう【皮肉の意味で】と言いたい。私は数年間の現役軍務の後に退役軍人となりました。私はこれまで当然だと思っていたPTSD【心的外傷後ストレス障害】のカウンセリングやその他多くの医療給付を受けることができません。
“I’ll tell you what is going to happen, he will either kill himself or take a bunch of people with him. Some of the guys coming back are going to have gone through the worst time of their lives with their buddies dying and getting hurt, and then they’ll find out they got screwed out of any counseling. It is the greatest disservice America is committing against soldiers who fought for this country and may come back wounded or horribly scarred. Medical services, school aid to dependents, school aid for the vets, all slashed to the bare bones; mental health and drug and alcohol counseling are being eliminated or the waiting lists will be years long for whatever services manage to survive.”
“That is one thing the American people still have not really caught on to is the fact that while they were screaming out ‘Support Our Troops’ the current regime makers were fu..ing the military and veterans out of almost every social program and non essential service that would make life easier.”
“Bush really fu..ked us while we were gone. We found out about after being in the middle of heavy fighting for several weeks. It was one of the first things I read in Stars and Stripes, and I thought it was a joke because it was just to hard to believe Congress and our leaders would screw us that bad while we were fighting and dying.”
「ブッシュは実際、我々すべてを使い捨てにしようとしたのです。我々はこの事について数週間の激戦の最中に知りました。それは私が「Stars and Stripes【星条旗の意】」で最初に読んだのもの1つでした。私はそれが冗談であると思いました。我々が戦っていて、死に瀕していたまさにそのとき、議会と指導者たちが我々を打ちのめすとは信じ難かったので。」
CFTM-- -“Glad you brought that up about counseling because I wasn’t even aware of it. Are you alright to talk about some of the civilian casualties you witnessed and some of the horrifying images you told me about when we first started talking?”
CFTM-- 「カウンセリングの問題に関しては今まで私が気づかなかったことなので、ご指摘下さり嬉しく思います。それでは、私たちが最初に取材を始めた日に私が恐ろしい印象を受けたような、あなたが目撃した民間人の死傷者について話して頂けますか?」
USA -- -“I want to talk about some of the children I saw killed for no reason, maybe it will wake someone up who doesn’t believe it was happening, or that it was very bad. I can tell you I will never forget the screams of the wounded or orphaned kids, or the wailing of the parents who lost their kids. The Iraqis and most Muslims have a very vocal way of mourning the dead by lamenting and wailing for the dead. There is no mistaking a mother or father crying out in pain for the loss of a child. They don’t cry like that unless there has been a death. Sometimes after a bombing raid or an artillery attack you could here hundreds of people wiling and weeping.”
USA -- 「では私が目撃した理由なしに殺された子供たちについて話したいと思います。それによって、このような事件が起こり、しかも非常に悲惨だったことを信じようとしない人々の目を覚まさせることにもなるでしょう。負傷した、あるいは孤児にされた子供たちの悲鳴、そして子供を失った親たちの泣き声を、私は決して忘れることができません。
“I have several grown children with grand kids about the age of most of the dead children I saw in Iraq. I also have several kids who are about half grown and I saw a lot of Iraqi children that age wandering around in charge of three or four little ones because their parents were dead.”
“Let me tell you about the cluster bomb raid we saw wipe out a whole bunch of little kids. It looked like they had already lost their parents and were trying to salvage food from a destroyed Iraqi convoy by the side of the road we were on. The kids were way off to the side about half a mile away by then when we got the word that the Iraqi column was going to be hit with cluster bombs and we had to clear the area. We got on the radio and tried to get the air strike stopped but we were told it was too late to get it stopped.”
“We could see the body parts flying up into the air after the bombs hit. It was terrible and we could not do a damn thing but watch it happen and scream into the radio at the dumb sh.t pilot that was dropping the bombs. After the strike was over we went to see if there were any survivors and all we found was bits and pieces of little kids and here and there an arm or leg you could still identify.”
CFTM-- -“Pretty rough stuff to have to see. Did that kind of thing happen a lot?”
CFTM-- 「見るに耐えない極めて残虐な行為ですね。その種のことはたくさん起こっていたのですか?」
USA -- -“More than you can imagine until you’ve seen it over and over again. Man I don’t want to talk about this sh.t anymore. It doesn’t help to talk about it because it just makes me think about it again. I can’t even get any counseling without having to pay for it.”
USA -- 「何度も繰り返しこのようなことを経験していない人々が想像できるよりずっと多いでしょう。いや私だってこの惨状ついてこれ以上話したくはありません。それは再び私にその光景を思い起こさせるので、それについて話すことは薦められていません。そして私は代金を自ら支払うことなしには、カウンセリングさえ受けることさえできないのです。
“Let all those people who support our troops in on that nice surprise that Bush gave us. That’s how much we really mean to Bush, the Department of Defense and all those other stupid assholes who keep saying how good we’re doing over there. Let those patriotic morons go and fight and die for our country. Let them leave their families behind for months and maybe come back home in a box. I’ll be the first one to salute them or honor them when they die.”
“It’s just like Nam was in the beginning. I was twelve when my dad got back and I’ll never forget the pain and agony he lived with the rest of his life. Its kind of what I feel now, I suppose. I never thought I would ever serve in some stuff that’s so much like Nam it isn’t funny. Now I really see what my pop went through, and if I could I would go back in the past a few months, I would go AWOL or turn conscientious objector on them, but it’s too late for that now.”
“I damn sure will not go back over there even if they throw me in Leavenworth. I never could understand how a guy could be a conscientious objector until what I just went through. I wish more guys would stand up and tell Bush and the Pentagon they will not fight their war for oil. We should not have to die for these rich bastards profits and enrichment.”
CFTM-- -“Thank you for taking the risk and talking to me. I know there will be other soldiers who can’t speak out who will thank you for having the courage.”
CFTM-- 「危険を冒してまで証言してくれてありがとうございました。話すことができない他の兵士たちも、あなたの勇気に感謝することでしょう。」
USA -- -“It isn’t about courage it’s a matter of what’s right. This war is killing the poor or middle class American men and women who went in the armed forces to have college or some kind of better future. You don’t see the rich kids joining up or any Senator’s kid dying in Iraq. It’s us little guys who are dying over there or getting disabled for life. Where are the leaders that are supposed to be looking out for the little man? They are elected to look after out interests not the interests of Cheney and Halliburton, or any of the rest of the fat cats piling up the profits while the blood of our soldiers flows over their hands.”
USA -- 「これは勇気に関係ありません。道理の問題です。この戦争は大学に行くため、あるいは何かよりよい将来を掴むために軍隊に応募した、多くの中・低所得者層のアメリカ人男性及び女性を殺しています。軍に加入した裕福層の子女たちや、イラクで死んだ連邦議員の2世などにはお目にかかれないでしょう。あそこで死につつある、または一生の傷病を負いつつあるのは我々庶民だけです。
CFTM-- -“Anything else you want to say to America? Any final thoughts or words?”
CFTM-- 「他に何かアメリカに向けて言っておきたいことはありますか?最後の意見や伝えたい言葉など」
USA -- -“Yeah! Wake up America! Your sons and daughters are dying for nothing! This war is not about freedom or stopping terrorism. Bring us home now! We are dying for oil and corporate greed!”
USA -- 「では言います!アメリカよ目を覚ませ!あなたの息子たちや娘たちは無駄に死ぬべきではありません!この戦争は自由やテロリズム防止のためのものではありません。我々を今すぐ家に帰してくれ!我々は石油と企業の欲望のために死ぬのか!」
※1)SITTING DUCKS/a sitting duck [英語・面白イディオム(Idioms) No.181]
意味・簡単な標的, 無防備な人物, いいカモ
英文解説・a person or thing that is easy to attack(Oxford Advanced)
※2)wipe... out/wipe out... (プログレッシブ英和中辞典第3版より)
(2)…を粉砕する,完全に破壊する,一掃する (4)《主に米》…を殺す,ばらす
※3)United States Penitentiary Leavenworth, Kansas リーヴェンワース連邦刑務所
投稿者 TUP速報 日時 2003 年 10 月 23 日 19:25:18:DlnF7rlwhj5Xo
投稿者 木村愛二 日時 2003 年 10 月 14 日 12:56:25:CjMHiEP28ibKM
イラク駐留米兵の不安 “代弁”する家族ら [東京新聞]【米兵でさえ「誰のための戦争なのか」と言う】
投稿者 マルハナバチ 日時 2003 年 10 月 18 日 12:53:26:WjxaaVdW72Wrk
米軍の「士気低下」調査に不快感=国防長官 [時事通信]【どういう結果だったんだろう?】
投稿者 あっしら 日時 2003 年 10 月 17 日 16:47:31:Mo7ApAlflbQ6s
Re: 【どういう結果だったんだろう?】 → こういう結果だそうです
投稿者 おぢさん 日時 2003 年 10 月 17 日 18:50:04:.pNcZgjf9jR5E
米兵自殺増加で調査団派遣 イラク戦争で派兵【共同通信】
投稿者 荷電粒子 日時 2003 年 10 月 14 日 09:19:24:hlbym6ZH.OUDI