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ロイター[9月21日] NASAの宇宙調査船「ガリレオ」は、宇宙の科学者が地球に戻るように、 最も大きい惑星への火の衝突によって期待されて、日曜日に木星へのその8年任務を終えた。
カリフォルニアのパサディナのスペースエージェンシーのジェット推進研究所JPLが、宇宙船とコンタクトを失った、予想されるよりわずか2分と36秒前に 東部夏時間ー午後3時40分に。 [そして別のソースから]衝突は18時57分のグリニッチ標準時に調節された。光のスピードの52分後 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3122432.stm [註:地球規模の地震が9月21日に続いて起こった。
Signs of the Times #299 (via email to Nancy)
Reuters [Sep 21] NASA's Galileo space probe ended its eight-year mission to Jupiter on Sunday as expected in a fiery collision with the largest planet as the space scientists celebrated back on Earth. The space agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Cal, lost contact with the spacecraft slightly after 3:40 PM EDT, 2 minutes and 36 seconds before expected. [and from another source] The impact has been timed for 18:57 GMT. 52 minutes later speed of light. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3122432.stm [Note that Global Quakes ensued on Sep 21 but these started at 18:16 UTC in Burma, well ahead of any Galileo shock wave.]
Signs of the Times #298 (Nancy)
[Note: New Sep 21 ZetaTalk: Driving Blind] 'On this day the US Government is planning to push Planet X away from its Point of Passage with Earth, changing its orbit such that it is diverted in its path to an increased retrograde orbit, which would take Planet X more quickly in a clockwise direction, averse to Earth’s counterclockwise orbit direction, thus avoiding what is termed a collision of sorts, a pole shift, a collision of magnetic fields in which the Earth would unquestionably be the loser. The much publicized death of Galileo, sending it into Jupiter with its spent payload of Plutonium 238, will be the cover for success in this regard, any flash of light, or shock wave, being explained to the public as a reaction to the death of Galileo. The plan is to send numerous bombs, lofted as was Casini with nuclear material, onto the surface of Planet X and explode them simultaneously, the much touted but utterly untried method to deflect asteroids. This plan will fail ... '