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(回答先: 『グーグル』を超える新たな検索ツール(HOT WIRED) −この記事には注目してよい。 投稿者 シジミ 日時 2004 年 1 月 08 日 19:25:57)
今日ご紹介するのは、昨日のBusiness Week「Google Here, There, and Everywhere」と並んで、Googleについて昨年末に書かれたまとまった特集記事・Fortune「Can Google Grow Up?」である。Fortune誌は、雑誌の表紙に、Google創業者2人を持ってきた。記事の冒頭はその創業者の1人Brinの描写から始まっている。
「Asked about consolidation in the search business, he said, "I preferred things during the bubble"?when Google was not so famous?"and we could go on doing our own thing." At the end of his presentation he repeated the thought, saying that coping with Google's torrid growth had become the worst part of his job: "It's a distraction from pure technology, which is what I love."」
「In 18 months the company has quadrupled in size, now employing more than 1,300 people. Annualized revenues have sextupled, to about $900 million. Annualized pretax profits have grown by a factor of 23, to about $350 million」
「Only a few high-tech companies in history, like Apple, Compaq, Sun, and more recently Amazon.com, have generated that kind of revenue growth so fast. None has made as much money doing it?not even Netscape, which grew faster than Google has but made money in only one of its years.」
「Over the course of four months FORTUNE has peered behind the curtain at Google, conducting more than two dozen interviews with employees, friends of employees, investors, business partners, and people exploring employment or business deals with the company. We talked to another dozen veterans of the search, online-advertising, and computer businesses. And we talked to the Google brain trust: Brin, co-founder Larry Page, CEO Eric Schmidt, and top exec Omid Kordistani.」
というプロセスを経て書かれたもので、もちろんこの過程でGoogleの成功についてたくさんのことを発見したが、それと同時に「signs of trouble」(トラブルの徴候)も明らかになったと書かれている。それで、この記事のタイトル「Can Google Grow Up?」は、こういう強烈な急成長を、Googleは果たしてこれからも続けていけるのか、という意味がこめられている。
この記事のここから先は、残念ながら、購読者以外読めないようになっているので、Always OnのTony Perkins がこの記事について総括したBlog「Fortune on Google: Trouble Ahead!」の方を読んでいくことにしよう。Perkinsは、この記事を総括して、Googleについての懸念を6つにまとめている。
「1. The company has become arrogant in dealing with outside parties, reminiscent of the AOL cowboy days.」
「2. "Option-stoked greed" is taking over the company, creating tension between option-rich employees and hundreds of outside contractors.」
「3. "Talk swirls" about who's in charge, CEO Schmidt or the two founders.」
「4. Its competitors, like Microsoft, Yahoo, AOL, eBay, and Amazon, are "the biggest and most powerful on the Net."」
「5. Google doesn’t have a 'locked-in' customer base like the other folks.」
「6. And what if someone comes along with a better search engine?」
さて、同じくTony Perkins (GoogleについてIPO前に本を出版すると宣言した)のBlog「Googled」では、彼が執筆中のこの本の狙い、アウトライン、主題について、次のようなテーマを挙げている。Googleを見つめる上でのチェックリストとしてご覧ください。
「1. The Google IPO and the Comeback of Silicon Valley」(Google株式公開とシリコンバレーの復活)
「2. VC Royalty Wins
In an unprecedented deal, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and Sequoia Capital team up and back the 12th [AO members, I'm guessing the number?does anyone know for sure?] search engine company to come to market.」
「3. David, Jerry, Sergey, and Larry」
「4. Geeks Gone Wild
The three geeks who run Google have implemented their own unique -- well, geek culture. Many observers say that beside its brand, this culture is Google's biggest competitive advantage.」
「5. The Search and Buy Economy
Google facilitates over 200 million searches a day, serves 100,000 advertisers, and generates a billion dollars in annual revenues. Net/net: the 'search and buy' economy is here to stay.」
「6. Is it all just in a brand?
Since technology gets easier and cheaper every day, is Google's primary value proposition its brand value? If so, how secure is the company's most cherished asset?」
「7. Enter Microsoft
"Google" is not recognized in Microsoft Word's spell-checker. Need we say more?」
「8. Terry, Barry, Jonathan, and Meg
No smart competitor is going to sit around for long watching Google print money. Here are just four characters (besides Bill and Steve) we'd think want some too.」
TerryはヤフーのTerry Semel、BarryはIACのBarry Diller、JonathanはAOLのJonathan Miller、MegはeBayのMeg Whitmanのこと。つまりこうしたネット列強との競合について。
「9. About Eric Schmidt
Ultimately, Yahoo shuffled the first gun it hired for a Hollywood star. Can a really smart leader of geeks continue to build and leverage Google's global brand, or will it take an outsider like Terry Semel?」
そしてCEOのエリック・シュミット。Yahooは結局CEOを代えたわけだが、「smart leader of geeks」であるシュミットが、Googleのグローバル・ブランドを構築してレバレッジできるのか。Terry Semelのような海千山千の「Hollywood star」をトップに据えなければならないのではないだろうか。
「10. Google Is Us
Google has become more than just a new verb?it is a cultural phenomenon. 75 percent of all Website referrals originate from Google's algorithms. Mapping those inquiries could tell us exactly what the collective always-on world is thinking.」
「11. The Google Bet: The next eBay or a glorified Netscape?
Here are the choices: either ride huge profit margins to long-term success, or stumble and sell. So far, Google looks like the next eBay.」
Wall Street Journal「Google's Algorithmic Oath」(要有料登録)は、
「With Google Inc. likely to file for an initial public offering in 2004, industry watchers are rushing to sort out what this means -- both for the lackluster IPO market and, more important, for Web users. Google has remained a true good guy among Web businesses, hanging on to the magical aura that the early Netscape browser and Yahoo directory had, but lost.」
とし、Googleサイトの「10 things Google has found to be true.」宣言を参照しつつ、Googleのこれまでのある種の理想主義が、株式公開で変わってしまうかどうかをウォッチすべきだという立場だ。Googleに興味のある方は、この「10 things Google has found to be true.」宣言を、ざっとお読みになられたら面白いかと思う。10項目はこうなっている。
1) Focus on the user and all else will follow.
2) It's best to do one thing really, really well.
3) Fast is better than slow.
4) Democracy on the web works.
5) You don't need to be at your desk to need an answer.
6) You can make money without doing evil.
7) There's always more information out there.
8) The need for information crosses all borders.
9) You can be serious without a suit.
10) Great just isn't good enough.
2004年01月08日 10:00 | TrackBack (0) | Comments (0)