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『インベーダーの考察』 投稿者 狂的電磁波 日時 2003 年 6 月 08 日
『テロリストたちの思想的背景についての考察』 投稿者 パリサイサタン 日時 2003 年 5 月 15 日
『スカル・アンド・ボーンズとナチス親衛隊(SS)のマークの比較』 投稿者 パリサイサタン 日時 2003 年 10 月 18 日
『やはりバイキングWASPの「2001年9月11日宇宙の旅」だったのか?』 投稿者 狂的電磁波 日時 2003 年 9 月 25 日
『UFOの推進原理と構造の考察[保存用改訂版]』 投稿者 狂的電磁波 日時 2003 年 8 月 10 日
『アメリカ人はエイリアンが人間であることを知り、いきなり銃の引き金を引いた。』 投稿者 狂的電磁波 日時 2003 年 10 月 12 日
NASA seems to have been crawling with this stuff for quite a while. When I read Linda Hunt's book, "Secret Agenda", it was a big time education for me on why, because a lot of these Nazi war criminals ended up being put in NASA ... they set up NASA, literally set it up. Werner Von Braun's record was cleaned up, from what I understand in Linda's book, and yet still, some of his former associates get real 'hacked' when he is called a criminal.
NASAは長い間この問題で、こそこそと這っていたように見えます。私がリンダ・ハントの本『Secret Agenda』を読んだ時―その本は私にとって、「なぜそうなのか」についての大量時間の教育でした。なぜならば、多くのこれらのナチ戦争犯罪者が、結局はNASAに置かれたからなのです・・・彼らはNASAを設立しました、文字通りそれを“設立”したのです。ワーナー・フォン・ブラウンの記録は、私がリンダの本で理解しているところでは、浄化されました。しかしながらいまだに、彼が犯罪者と呼ばれる時は、何人かの以前の同僚たちは本当に「叩き切られ」るのです。
At the NASA facilities, they had some incredibly unusual programming that they did to some of us. I had one experience at age fifteen, I was taken to Goddard, which is a NASA facility outside of D.C. One of the things they seemed to like to do is dress up just like they are in Startrek ... they actually wear Startrek uniforms with the Enterprise logo on them. This was the old Startrek. Sometimes they would hypnotize me to think they were Dr. Spock, Bones, Captain Kirk and stuff, so I could not remember what their faces really looked like.
NASAの施設では、彼らはいくつかの信じられないくらいに異常なプログラミングを持っていました。彼らは私たちのいくらかにそれをしました。私は十五歳の時に一つの経験をしました。私はワシントンの外にあるNASAの施設であるゴダードへ連れて行かれました。彼らがすることを好んでいるように見えたことの一つは、まるで彼らがスタートレックにいるかのように変装することでした・・・彼らは実際に、エンタープライズのロゴが入ったスタートレックのユニフォームを着ていました。これは古いスタートレックでした。時々彼らは、それらの人々がDr. SpockやBones、Captain Kirk、そして他のスタッフであると思うように、私に催眠術をかけました。だから、私は彼らの顔が実際にはどのように見えたか思い出せません。
One of the things they did at Goddard was very, very professional, very ingenious. They hooked me up to some kind of a computer system, very high tech for that period of time. They had earphones -- more like a helmet on my head -- and I don't understand how all this worked -- but I closed my eyes and I could actually see images flashing in front of my face. They had a lot of sound effects and they did what they called "Father Time" training at that facility at that time.
彼らがゴダードで行ったことの一つは、とてもとても専門家的で、とても発明の才のあるものでした。彼らは、ある種類のコンピューターシステム―その時代では、とてもハイテクでした―に私をつなぎました。それらはイヤホンを持っていました―むしろ私の頭のヘルメットのようでした。私は、これのすべてがどのように働いたかを理解していません。しかし、私が両眼を閉じると、私は実際に映像が顔前に閃くのを見ることができました。それらは多くの音響効果を持っていました。そして彼らはその施設で、彼らが言うところの「Father Time(父の時?)」トレーニングをその時行っていました。
Later on ... I have been to Huntsville, Houston, Cape Canaveral, and Titusville I think was also a NASA facility ... they did some nasty torture there. One of the things they seemed to specialize in, these NASA people, was time folding, and going back in time, at least in our minds. And also ... it's really experimental, weird stuff. One of the things they used especially on a lot of us was to make us read Madeleine L'Engle's books. There is a trilogy. The first one was "A Wrinkle in Time", and it was about these children who were going from this one dimension to another with these three older women or whatever they were supposed to be, angels or whatever, looking for their father.
後に・・・私はハンツビル、ヒューストン、ケープカナベラル、そしてNASAの施設だったと思うティッツビルへも行ったことがあります。彼らはそこである不快な拷問を行いました。彼ら、これらのNASAの人々が専門化しているように見えたことの一つは、少なくとも私たちの精神の中で、時間を折り重ねることと、時間の中に戻ることでした。そしてさらに・・・それは本当に実験的で不思議なものです。彼らが特に私たちの多くの上に用いたことの一つは、私たちにマドレーヌ・レングルの本を読ませることでした。三部作があります。第一部のものは、『A Wrinkle in Time(時の中のシワ)』でした。それは、この一つの次元からあの別の次元まで移動ていた子供たちについてのものでした。その子供たちは、年上の女性たち、あるいは彼らがそうであると思われた何者でも、天使たち、あるいは何でもと一緒いました―彼らの父親をさがしながら。
They used a word in this book called "tesseract" which was a folding between dimensions where you could travel from one dimension to another. They were very serious about this. They dealt a lot with physics, not nuclear physics, there is another word for that -- where they really were trying to find ways to explore other dimensions. I don't know if they were using us to see if we could do it. I don't know what the deal was, but it seriously messed up my head. It was really nice to get verifications from other survivors that yes, they really did try to do this with some of them.
How did NASA use mind control for mind control slaves?
They seemed to be more into programming, that was more their forte. I don't know that they were so much into using slaves for their own means as such. I went to Huntsville about three years ago as a dare. I was actually terrified a lot of the time I was at the facility, because I recognized some of the buildings. I was sure that somebody was going to recognize me and do something to me. I have no memory that anything bad happened.
With people like me they didn't use mole markings because people in other governments would have been able to catch that if we were caught but a lot of the Beta slaves in particular had mole markings that show what level ... like, Presidential or another level. One thing I noticed at Huntsville, Alabama ... a lot of the people in the city were so tranced out there, and they had moles all over the place. I was like, "omigod, what is going on here?"
I am very negative about the space camps because I'm sorry, if they have no compunction about doing this for the CIA and whoever, what's to keep them from doing this to kids while they are there at space camp? I noticed in one of the gift shops they had books on Klingon language ... it's cute in a way, but I thought wouldn't this be a wonderful way to use a program language that no one else would understand but a handler and a slave? There were a lot of things there I looked at, and thought "...oh no, this is bad."
My personal experience was more that they were programming me so that when others, especially one President in particular, George Bush ... he knew "Father Time" programming very well and he tried to use it on me. The only problem was he didn't use it right, and it didn't work. I love it when they messed up, because then I remembered better. They were more into high tech equipment. They later on used a lot of virtual reality equipment as well. Another thing that was used a lot was driving simulators.
私の個人的経験は、彼らが私にそうプログラムした以上のものでした。他の人々が、とりわけ特にある大統領、ジョージ・ブッシュ・・・彼は「Father Time」プログラミングをよく知っており、それを私に使おうとしました。ただ一つの問題は、彼がそれを正しく使用しなかったということでした。だから、それは作用しませんでした。私は彼らが混乱した時が好きです。その場合は、私はよりよく覚えていたからです。彼らはハイテク設備により熱心でした。彼らは後に、多くの仮想現実の設備も使用しました。よく使用された別のものは、運転シミュレーターでした。
In screen memories in particular, they would put me in a room with a car that was on a hydraulic lift, or several hydraulic lifts, to where it could move from side to side or feel like it was bumping or something and they would run a movie in front of me, and have me in a hypnotic state, drugged, to where the movie became real and I really thought the car was driving somewhere.
Another thing I have run across and have been able to verify for another survivor at Dallas at a hospital there, was that they also have a place near Dallas where they have an actual full-size UFO in a very large room that also has the same type of hydraulic system beneath it, and the survivor would be taken into the UFO. They would see people that looked like aliens. Certain things would be done to them and they would think that they had just been abducted by aliens in a UFO. So that's another thing. It's such a con job they are doing on some of these victims.
They used a word in this book called "tesseract" which was a folding between dimensions where you could travel from one dimension to another. They were very serious about this. They dealt a lot with physics, not nuclear physics, there is another word for that -- where they really were trying to find ways to explore other dimensions. I don't know if they were using us to see if we could do it. I don't know what the deal was, but it seriously messed up my head. It was really nice to get verifications from other survivors that yes, they really did try to do this with some of them.
How did NASA use mind control for mind control slaves?
They seemed to be more into programming, that was more their forte. I don't know that they were so much into using slaves for their own means as such. I went to Huntsville about three years ago as a dare. I was actually terrified a lot of the time I was at the facility, because I recognized some of the buildings. I was sure that somebody was going to recognize me and do something to me. I have no memory that anything bad happened.
With people like me they didn't use mole markings because people in other governments would have been able to catch that if we were caught but a lot of the Beta slaves in particular had mole markings that show what level ... like, Presidential or another level. One thing I noticed at Huntsville, Alabama ... a lot of the people in the city were so tranced out there, and they had moles all over the place. I was like, "omigod, what is going on here?"
I am very negative about the space camps because I'm sorry, if they have no compunction about doing this for the CIA and whoever, what's to keep them from doing this to kids while they are there at space camp? I noticed in one of the gift shops they had books on Klingon language ... it's cute in a way, but I thought wouldn't this be a wonderful way to use a program language that no one else would understand but a handler and a slave? There were a lot of things there I looked at, and thought "...oh no, this is bad."
My personal experience was more that they were programming me so that when others, especially one President in particular, George Bush ... he knew "Father Time" programming very well and he tried to use it on me. The only problem was he didn't use it right, and it didn't work. I love it when they messed up, because then I remembered better. They were more into high tech equipment. They later on used a lot of virtual reality equipment as well. Another thing that was used a lot was driving simulators.
私の個人的経験は、彼らが私にそうプログラムした以上のものでした。他の人々が、とりわけ特にある大統領、ジョージ・ブッシュ・・・彼は「Father Time」プログラミングをよく知っており、それを私に使おうとしました。ただ一つの問題は、彼がそれを正しく使用しなかったということでした。だから、それは作用しませんでした。私は彼らが混乱した時が好きです。その場合は、私はよりよく覚えていたからです。彼らはハイテク設備により熱心でした。彼らは後に、多くの仮想現実の設備も使用しました。よく使用された別のものは、運転シミュレーターでした。
In screen memories in particular, they would put me in a room with a car that was on a hydraulic lift, or several hydraulic lifts, to where it could move from side to side or feel like it was bumping or something and they would run a movie in front of me, and have me in a hypnotic state, drugged, to where the movie became real and I really thought the car was driving somewhere.
Another thing I have run across and have been able to verify for another survivor at Dallas at a hospital there, was that they also have a place near Dallas where they have an actual full-size UFO in a very large room that also has the same type of hydraulic system beneath it, and the survivor would be taken into the UFO. They would see people that looked like aliens. Certain things would be done to them and they would think that they had just been abducted by aliens in a UFO. So that's another thing. It's such a con job they are doing on some of these victims.
Was part of the NASA programming and/or any of the perpetrators you were involved with ... would all the programming be accompanied with trauma, torture and abuse?
The smarter ones didn't use torture. This is going to be kind of gross, I will try and keep this real generic. One of the things a lot of these men did especially when they were giving me specific orders for an op, like briefing me, they would make me get down on the floor and do oral sex on them. That in itself was a definite trauma for a number of reasons. If nothing else, it was extremely degrading.
But there were some people who were so good at hypnosis and/or making me feel like I was safer with them ... I know this sounds sick ... and I am aware of this ... and this is what I consider Stockholm Syndrome effect ... I still love Henry Kissinger. Even though I should be absolutely furious at some of the things he did to me, I haven't found that anger yet because he did not rape me like a lot of the others did.
He was nice to me a lot of times. That was very confusing to me. I was a lot easier when I had a handler ... or what they called "owner" (some of these people actually thought they owned me ... Robert Maxwell was one). Kissinger was very good at confiding in me about certain things, he was a very lonely man. He was an absolute genius, and I think because of the things he was involved in, and because he actually is one of the few perpetrators I know who was loyal to his belief system and did not apologize for it. That even made me like him more because at least he was honest about being a bastard.
彼は、何度も私に親切にしていました。それは私にとって、とても混乱させることでした。操縦者あるいは彼らの言う「所有者」を持っている時、私はかなりより使われ易かったのです。これらの人々のいくらかは、彼らが私を所有していると実際に思っていました・・・ ロバート・マクスウェルはその一人でした。キッシンジャーはあることについて私に秘密を打ち明けることがとても上手でした。彼はとても孤独な人でした。彼は絶対的な天才でした。それは、彼が関係していたことのためだと私は考えています。またそれは、彼が実際に、信念に忠実であることを私が知っている、ごく少数の犯行者たち一人であるためだとも考えています。彼らは犯行に対して弁明しませんでした。少なくとも、悪者であることについて彼は正直だったので、そのことは私に彼をもっと好きにさえさせました。
And what was his belief system?
He is very very into Luciferian beliefs.
What does the Luciferian belief system involve?
He gave me quite an introduction to that personally. By the way, Lucis Trust, the organization he is a leader of, started out as Lucifer Publishing back in the 1920's. Tex Marrs has a book on cults and religion that explains this. One of the books by Tex Marrs I really do like. Luciferians basically believe that Lucifer is (they don't like using the word Satan) Son of the Morning, Day Star ... they worship the Sun to worship him.
彼は、私にそれへの入門を個人的にかなり与えました。ところで、「Lucis Trust」―彼がリーダーである組織―は、「Lucifer Publishing」として 、さかのぼる1920年代に始まりました。明けの明星が後ろに公表することとして、外にスタートしました。テクス・マーズはこのことを説明するカルト団体や宗教についての一冊の本を持っています。私は、テクス・マーズによる本のうちの一冊が本当に好きです。ルシファー信者は、ルシファーが(彼らは魔王という言葉を使うことが好きではない)「夜明けの息子」であり、「昼の星(明星?)」であると、基本的に信じています・・・彼らは、ルシファーを崇拝するために、太陽を礼拝します。
They see him as the Sun. Some of them have a serious vendetta, probably for childhood reasons, against Christians and Jews both. I found out not too long ago that Henry Kissinger had allegedly been a chauffeur for a Nazi officer during WWII. He was raised as a Hasidic Jew, so I can only begin to shiver when I think of what might have been done to his mind. He was used to bring some of the officers over to the U.S. to help them to set up here. Some serious stuff was done to him. He seemed to be in a lot of pain inside, and I think that's why he seemed to be pretty lonely.
He seemed to have a serious vendetta against Christians and Jews. Some of these Luciferians have a very strong determination to create a global government that promotes the Luciferian religion. He did tell me that this Lord Maitreya would be their main public figure in doing this. He also told me they were going to use [a well-known international evangelist] and Robert Schuller in particular to help transition a lot of the Christian community over to accepting some of this belief system. Now Robert Schuller is Pastor of the Crystal Cathedral. Billy Graham and Norman Vincent Peale, according to a biography about him called "Goliath", started his ministry and mentored him all the way through, then Armand Hammer became his mentor also. Norman Vincent Peale is a 33 degree Mason. Crystal Cathedral itself, from what several high level officials told me, is actually a Temple to Ra, the Sun god, which a lot of these Luciferians worship.
彼は、キリスト教徒とユダヤ教徒に対する真剣な復讐心を持っているように見えました。これらのルシファー信者のうちの何人かは、ルシファーの宗教を促進する世界政府を創造する非常に強い決意を持っています。彼は私に、このMaitreya(マイトレーヤ)卿がこれを行う際の、彼らの主要な公的人物になるだろうと告げました。さらに彼は私に、この信仰体系のいくらかを受け入れることへの、多くのキリスト教共同体の移行を支援するために、彼らは「ある有名な国際的な布教者」とロバート・シュラーを特に使用するだろうと告げました。今、ロバート・シュラーは「Crystal Cathedral」の牧師です。ビリー・グラハムおよびノーマン・ビンセント・ピールは、(『Goliath』と呼ばれるシュラーについての伝記によれば、)彼の聖職の任務を始めて、初めから終わりまで彼に助言していました。それから、アーマンド・ハマーも彼の助言者になりました。ノーマン・ビンセント・ピールは33位階のメーソンです。Crystal Cathedralそれ自体、数人の高い階級の役員が私に伝えたことから、本当は、多くのルシファー信者が崇拝する「ラー」、太陽神の寺院です。
There is also the Golden Dawn, and a lot of these people are in both groups, Lucis Trust and Golden Dawn. Golden Dawn is what I consider to be a neo-pagan underground religion that has a lot of members in D.C. They do a lot of pagan rituals, and there are a lot of Masonic connections with this also. They are into the Sun ... What I am seeing, and what I suspect is happening, is that these people are really desperately ... so they can come out of the closet. There is a lot of lesbianism in the Golden Dawn.
「Golden Dawn」という団体もあります。そして、多くのこれらの人々は、「Lucis Trust」とGolden Dawnの両方の団体にいます。Golden Dawnは、私がワシントンにたくさんのメンバーを持っている新異端者の地下宗教であるとみなしているものです。彼らは多くの異端儀式を行います。そして、これにもまた多くのフリーメーソン的な関係する物事があります。彼らは太陽に入れ込んでいます・・・私が見ていること、そして私が起こっていると疑っていることは、これらの人々は本当に必死に・・・だから彼らは押し入れ(隠れ同性愛)から出て来ることができるのです。Golden Dawnには、多くのレズビアニズム(女性同性愛)があります。
A lot of ritually sexually abusing children in the Golden Dawn. A lot of politicians in D.C. are pedophiles and many politicians who are not are being blackmailed to do sex with children, in a drugged or coerced state, so they also will be blackmailed, and cover up for these people if they are investigated.
Golden Dawnには、たくさんの儀式的、性的な児童虐待があります。多くのワシントンの政治家は小児性愛者であり、そうではない多くの政治家が、薬物を投与されるか強要される状態で子供とセックスすることを恐喝されています。だから、彼らも恐喝されるようになるでしょうし、小児性愛政治家たちが調査されるならば、自分たちもこれらの人々のためにもみ消すでしょう。
The Golden Dawn is a very large organization, and it is amazing as I track the people I remembered are involved with this organization, they always go to a lot of the same functions. When one is being called up publicly on things he should not have done or she should not have done, the others always tend to cover for them publicly and make them look real good. It really fascinates me how these people kind of take care of each other.
Golden Dawnは非常に大きな組織です。この組織に関係する、私が思い出した人々を追跡する時、それは驚くべきものです。彼らは、多くの同じ機能を果たしています。彼らの一人が、彼または彼女がすべきでなかったことについて、公に呼び出されている時、あの組織の他の人々はいつも公的に彼らをかばい、彼らを本当に善良に見えさせる傾向があります。これらの人々がいかにまあお互いを世話するかは、本当に私を魅了することです。
I don't think that's going to change. A lot of these neo-pagans came from other countries. My father's Dad was Welsh, and was a Druid. A lot of these people are not willing to let go of their old religions, so they will go to church on Sunday and then practice these other religions at other times.
These groups that seem to be interested in global domination ... what is your sense of their ties or their connections to what is known as the New World Order?
Very direct. A lot of these people who are involved in what is considered to be immoral and/or flat-out illegal activities ... they want to be able to do it publicly. They do not like feeling ashamed. You wouldn't believe how strong a drive that is. I do feel sad about a lot of them, because they are stuck in a system they really need recovery for.
They would like to see a world government, that they run of course, to where the laws are changed, to where there are no more laws against adult-child sex, to where bestiality is all right because there is a lot of bestiality in these individuals too. They would pretty much like to get rid of the Christian legal code, and it does seem to be going in that direction one step at a time. I have been really amazed, as I have remembered all this, as I track how they are gradually, gradually wiping ... and I am not saying Christianity should be the only way people believe, but there are some good morals that do help keep people in line. If the morals are gone, what's left? Social anarchy basically. It's pretty scary.
Some of these people consider themselves to be elite. A lot of them do have Aryan generational backgrounds. They consider themselves to be socially, mentally, in every way, above what they call "cattle, sheep, lower classes". A lot of them have some very strong prejudices - but publicly they will act like they don't - against people of other colours, and other nationalities. A lot of them seem to want to have an Aryan new world government where the Aryans are the ones in charge. And I have heard some of them talk, and quite seriously unfortunately, about eventually wanting to phase out all the other races until it's pure Aryan.
I hope to God people don't let them do that. What's going to happen to people like me - if they are able to do this - we are back into slavery again, with a vengeance, because they will not take it lightly that we are talking. Right now I tell people, and I try not to be morbid about this, but as I see them, step by step by step, doing what they said they were going to do in a lot of their planning meetings - it is absolutely terrifying to me. Most of all, that people do not seem to care enough to do anything about it. That's the most terrifying thing of all.