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(回答先: 新型肺炎ウイルス、3段階の進化で強力に変貌…米誌(読売新聞) 投稿者 シジミ 日時 2004 年 1 月 30 日 21:28:16)
The evolution of the spike protein from its animal to human attack mode began in mid-November and was complete by the end of February, a mere 15 weeks later.
Another gene, which the virus needs for the delicate task of making more copies of itself, stayed stable throughout the period when the virus was switching from its animal to human host.
SARS’s evolution stuns scientists
Report stresses need to act fast on viruses
By Nicholas Wade
Friday, January 30, 2004
NEW YORK: Chinese scientists analyzing the genome of the SARS virus have documented the startling rapidity of its evolution from an animal pathogen into one able to infect human cells.
Their analysis, published Friday in the journal Science, shows that as the virus perfected its human attack mechanism, its potency soared. Early on, it was able to infect only 3 percent of people who came in contact with a patient; a few months later, the infectivity rate was 70 percent.
The speed of the transformation indicates the importance of identifying and isolating patients at the earliest possible stage to prevent widespread viral epidemics. Health authorities are now concerned about bird flu, an infection of birds and people, which has spread throughout Asia.
The new analysis, based on virus samples taken from Chinese patients in the early, middle and late stages of the epidemic, affords a rare glimpse of evolution at work at the molecular level.
The Chinese researchers gave special attention to one of the SARS virus' tools for entering a cell, known as the spike protein. They found that the gene that specifies the design of the spike protein changed the units of its genetic material very rapidly in the early stages of the epidemic, producing many new versions of the spike protein. The new versions were maintained, an instance of positive selective pressure.
But in the later stages the sequence of units in the gene stabilized, as if the spike protein had been perfected for attacking human cells. The gene was now under "purifying" or negative selective pressure, meaning that any virus with a different version was discarded from the competition.
The evolution of the spike protein from its animal to human attack mode began in mid-November and was complete by the end of February, a mere 15 weeks later.
Another gene, which the virus needs for the delicate task of making more copies of itself, stayed stable throughout the period when the virus was switching from its animal to human host.
The analysis was performed by a consortium of researchers in Guangdong Province, Shanghai and Hong Kong. Dr. Guoping Zhao of the Chinese National Human Genome Center in Shanghai was a lead author of the report.
この分析は、広東省と上海、香港の研究者達の共同研究体として取り組まれ、上海にある中国国立人間ゲノムセンターのGuoping Zhao博士が、この報告書の筆頭執筆者であった。
Hua Tang, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Chicago who helped with the analysis, said the increasing infectivity of the virus during its transition to humans showed that it was "better to control it at a very early stage when the infection rate is lower."
この分析を手伝ったシカゴ大学の進化生物学者、Hua Tang氏は、人間へ感染するようになる変異の過程で、ウイルスの感染力が増大したということがしめすのは、つまり、感染率がまだ低いきわめて初期の段階で、そのウイルスをコントロールするほうが賢明であるということである、と述べている。
Dr. Kathryn Holmes, an expert on SARS-type viruses at the University of Colorado, said the study was "wonderfully done," because of its speed, the foresight in saving specimens from the critical early stages of the outbreak, and its analysis of epidemiology at the molecular level.
SARSタイプのウイルスの専門家である、コロラド大学のKathryn Holmes博士は、この研究を“すばらしい仕事だ”、なぜならば、ひとつにはその仕事のスピード、もうひとつは、感染の拡大のきわめて初期の段階における標本サンプルに着目して深く洞察したこと、そして分枝レベルでの疫学的研究であるという諸点において卓越していると述べている。
"These things are going to keep happening," Holmes said, referring to other pathogens that have moved from animal to human hosts. "If we could catch the virus before it had a chance to make these mutations, you could abort an epidemic."
Kathryn Holmes博士は、動物から人間へと宿主を移動させたその他の病原についてふれながら、「こうした事柄は今後も引き続き起こるであろう」、そして「もし我々がこのような変異を起こす前にウイルスを発見できれば、感染症の拡大を抑えることができるかもしれない」と述べた。
Though most organisms have DNA as their genetic material, several classes of viruses use RNA instead. These RNA viruses, which include influenza and HIV as well as severe acute respiratory syndrome, have a high rate of mutation, the process of accumulating changes to the units of their genetic material. Though some mutations derange the genes, a few create useful new versions of a protein, allowing the virus to gain some new function, like switching hosts.
Holmes said there was great interest in understanding how these highly mutable viruses switched hosts and caused new diseases.
Kathryn Holmes博士は、こうした高い変異性のウイルスが、なぜ、宿主を移転し、新たな病気を引き起こすのかということを理解するために、多くの関心が寄せられている、と述べた。
The SARS virus had probably infected humans many times before but had failed to establish itself until recently, when one of its constantly mutating versions "got lucky, or humans unlucky," Tang said.
この度のSARSウイルスは、おそらく以前にも何度も人間に感染したことがあると考えられている。しかしそれらの感染の際にはしっかりと定着することができなかった。しかしこの度は、こうしたつねに変異を繰り返しているもののうちの一つが、“幸運にも、いや人間にとっては不幸にも”定着に成功したわけであると、(シカゴ大学の進化生物学者)Hua Tang氏は述べた。
The New York Times