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MEDICAL :健康の秘訣は「傷口にウジ虫」にあり
【Scotsman】痛みにもだえる患者の傷口にウジ虫をばら撒いて良しとする医者がこの世にいるだろうか? 答えはもちろんYESである。ここ数年、英スコットランドの最新施設を備えた病院にてウジ虫が患者の傷治療に有効活用されているとのこと。エジンバラ王室付属病院では近年、糖尿病患者の壊疽した傷の治療の為にウジ虫を業者から大量導入、治療に役立てているというのである。確かに、これまでにもウジ虫は腐った肉を食べる為、20世紀はじめまで医療上で利用されてきたという経緯はあった。しかしこの度、同病院に勤める糖尿病コンサルタントのマシュー・ヤング氏はこのウジ虫の効用を再発見、最新の医療現場に彼らを再び導入したのである。「糖尿病でやられてしまった患部を綺麗にする方法はたくさんあるけど、今までの外科治療は、麻酔薬なしでは、ものすご い痛みを伴う上に、技術的にも非常に難しい。また特に長期の患者や衰弱したお年寄りには非常に辛いし危険な治療なんだ。だけどウジ虫を使えばより迅速かつ安全に傷を綺麗にしてくれるわけだ。」ヤング医師は語った。
11:19am (UK)
Hospital Uses Maggots to Treat Wounds
By Victoria Mitchell, Scottish Press Association
Maggots are being used as a treatment at a state-of-the-art Scottish hospital, it emerged today
The larvae have been reintroduced at the £184 million New Edinburgh Royal Infirmary in the capital to treat wounds on patients with diabetes.
The maggots, used in medicine up until the 20th century, eat dead flesh on dirty, infected lesions, leaving a clean wound which begins to heal, doctors said.
Dr Matthew Young, a diabetes consultant at the hospital, pioneered the renewed use of maggots at the diabetic foot clinic he runs at the hospital.
He said: “There are many ways to clean up dirty, infected wounds in situations where either surgery would be too difficult or too painful without an anaesthetic or too risky.
“They are often used in patients with either bad blood or who are older or frail to provide a more gentle and quicker way of cleaning up a wound.”
Doctors stopped using maggots in hospitals when they were overtaken by scientific and medical advances in the 20th century.
However, a Welsh-based NHS company realised the potential maggots still had as an alternative to traditional treatments and began marketing them as a clinical treatment.
The firm, based in Bridgend, delivers sterile maggots to hospitals within 24 hours at £50 per treatment.
Patients are brought into hospital to have the maggots applied before being sent home for three days while the larvae perform their treatment.
Most patients require two or three treatments before their wound is healed.
Dr Young reported that 50 patients so far have received the treatment.