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[エカテリンブルク(ロシア) 9日 ロイター] ロシアのプーチン大統領は、欧州連合(EU)の「官僚」がロシアの世界貿易機関(WTO)加盟に対してエネルギー価格の引き上げという受け入れられない条件を提示している、と述べた。
同大統領は、「ロシアに対する、そうした強硬姿勢は不当かつ不誠実だ。われわれは、このことを無理強いだとみる」と述べた。 (ロイター)
まずヨーロッパ各国が、そのガス需要の大部分をロシアからの天然ガス供給に頼っているという事実です。さらに二つ目として、ロシアの石油はすでに、BPとエクソン・モービルというアメリカのロックフェラー系の石油企業群に抑えられつつあるという現状です。 したがって、残るロシアの天然ガスを、ヨーロッパ勢が必死になって獲得しようとしている現状があります。
“EU Presents Ultimatum to Russia”
10/10/2003 19:22
A lot of people believed that Russian attempts to become closer to the European Union would not bring any results
After the TNK merger with British Petroleum and after the merger between YukosSibneft and ExxonMobil, foreign businessmen will have the majority of Russian oil reserves. The government cannot let the same happen to national natural gas reserves. It is well known that Russia does not have much crude, although it has the richest gas reserves in the world. The Russian government will never reject such natural advantages, it will never agree to give it away to private Russian or foreign capital. The control over the resources means the control over the country.
ブリティッシュ・ペトロリアムよるTNK(ロシア最大の民間金融産業コングロマリットアルファグループAlfa Group http://www.alfagroup.org/consortiumの石油・ガス会社
http://www.tnk-bp.com/eng/ourcompany_history.asp )の吸収合併と、ユコスシブネフトとエクソン・モービルの吸収合併の後は、ロシアの石油備蓄の大部分を外国人ビジネスマンが握ることになる。政府は同じことを国家の天然ガスの備蓄にまでさせるわけにはいかない。ロシアにはそれほど多量の原油がないことはよく知られているが、ガスの蓄えは最大である。ロシア政府はこの天然の利点を手放さないし、民間のロシア資本にも民間海外資本にも手渡してしまうことには同意しないだろう。エネルギー資源に対する支配は、ロシア国家の支配そのものを意味するのだ。
The exacerbation of the political and economic struggle on the threshold of the presidential election, the strengthening of pressure on the Russian government on the part of the international capital, will definitely reinforce the Russian party of power. The question of Russian membership in the WTO will most likely be dismissed afterwards. European countries will have to continue purchasing Russian gas from the gas giant Gazprom anyway. There is no other gas in Europe.
Europe and Russia: Tapping New Energy Ties
Oct 10, 2003
Europe and Russia spent the last week busily planning how to link Russian energy supplies to European energy needs. Across the board, the developments were as positive as they were pervasive. But Americans have an intriguing habit of showing up where they are least expected.
On Oct. 6, Russian state-owned natural gas giant Gazprom and Italian energy firm ENI sealed a series of deals to send more Russian gas to Italy and free ENI to resell the gas within Europe as its business needs dictate. The removal of these third-party or "destination" restrictions is something the European Commission has been pining after for years. The commission sees the clauses as a key obstacle blocking the development of a common energy policy that would link the 15 -- soon to be 25 -- member states into a unified energy grid. European consumers will like the change as well, as ENI's new ability to resell Gazprom's gas should both increase supply reliability and reduce prices.
10月6日に、ロシアの国営天然ガス巨大企業ガズプロム(http://www.capitallinkrussia.com/companies/50010088/ )とイタリアのエネルギー会社ENI(1953年設立。ローマが本社の石油天然ガス会社1995年以降民営化。1990年代後半まで欧州で最大の売上)が、イタリアにロシアのガスをより多く送ることとENIにそのガスを需要に応じて再販することを自由化するという一連の取引に調印した。こうした第三者による販売や「輸送先」の規制を取り除くことは、EC協議会がここ数年にわたりねらいを定めて来たものである。協議会はこうした規制条項を、EU15ヶ国―もうすぐ25カ国になるが―の統合エネルギーグリッドによる共通エネルギー政策を開発する際に鍵となる障害だと考えていた。ヨーロッパの消費者も、ENIのガズプロムのガスを再販できることは供給への信頼性を増し同時に価格を減らすことになるのだから、やはりこの変革を好むであろう。
As one would expect, any deal between Europe's largest natural gas supplier and Gazprom's second-largest European customer will send shockwaves through the European energy network. Now that Gazprom has indicated it will negotiate destination clauses with ENI, it is only a matter of time before these clauses disappear from its other contracts. The EC plans to use this ammunition to force Sonatrach, Algeria's state energy firm, to drop similar clauses.
But targeting Algeria is really a sideshow. The real news is that Europe and Russia are treating themselves -- finally -- less as rivals and more as neighbors. Brussels partly has forced this circumstance upon itself. In May 2004, the European Union will accept 10 new states, three of which used to be Soviet territories and four of which were Soviet satellite states. Europe simply has to deal with Russia. But the decision also is political. European states have found themselves increasingly at odds with the United States since the Bush administration took office -- particularly since the Iraq war occurred in spite of their strident objections. European states have found their voices largely ignored and interests sidelined.
Six months after the Iraq war ended, Europeans have discovered they have precious little room to maneuver when it comes to forging meaningful relationships that hedge out the Americans. Getting energy from the former Soviet Union is one of the few routes available. This week proved to be a watershed in many ways; the ENI-Gazprom deal was only the first of many.
Russian President Vladimir Putin entertained German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder in the Urals city of Yekaterinburg this week for an extended summit. Talk of partnership and friendship and camaraderie was thick and, for once, sincere. On the sidelines of the meetings, Russian and German firms penned deals for $1 billion in bilateral contracts with minimal shepherding from their respective governments.
Not to be outdone, the German and Russian governments plan to drop a bombshell within the next few days if the president and chancellor -- not to mention our sources in the chancellor's office -- can be believed. If the rhetoric is true, the two countries are about to launch a new natural gas export line that would link them directly via the Baltic Sea. Such a "Northern Route" would cost $5 billion to $8 billion -- depending on what version of the plan they have adopted -- and would ship between 19 billion and 38 billion cubic meters of Russian gas per year. According to Stratfor's sources, Schroeder already has pledged to Putin that Germany will underwrite all of the project's political risks, as well as a substantial portion of the overall financing. German utility Ruhrgas, which owns 6.8 percent of Gazprom, plans to make the project -- which at a stroke could increase Russian supplies to Europe by 25 percent -- the cornerstone of its long-term development plans.
首相のオフィスにいるわれわれの情報筋はもちろんのことこの大統領と首相の二人を信じると言うのならば、ドイツとロシア政府はこの先の数日間に、なんらかの爆弾的政策を発表する計画をしている。もしこれが真実ならば、彼らはまさにこの二国をバルト海をとおして直接結びつける、新たな天然ガス輸出ラインを立ち上げようとしているのだ。こういった「北部ルート」は、計画のタイプによって50億ドルから80億ドル掛かり、190億から380億立方メートルのロシアの天然ガスを一年間に輸送する。ストラットフォーの情報源によるとシュレーダーは、ドイツがこのプロジェクトの政治的リスクと、全体にかかる費用の大部分を引き受けると、プーチンに既に誓約しているようだ。ドイツの公益企業ルールガス(http://www.ruhrgas.de/englisch/index2.htm )は、ガズプロムの6.8パーセントを所有しているが、この計画をその長期開発計画の基石にしようと計画している。そしてこの計画は、ロシアのヨーロッパへの供給を一挙に25パーセントも増加させることができるのだ。
For its part, Russia is considering a massive shift in the way it does business. At the summit, Putin breezily floated the idea -- after intense, behind-the-scenes prompting by Schroeder -- of pricing Russian oil exports in euros instead of dollars. Though such a development clearly would make sense from a political standpoint, it also would make economic sense. Russia trades more than twice as much with Europe as it does with the United States, even before energy trade is figured in, which gives the Europeans a lopsided advantage. At this point the talk is just that -- talk -- but it indicates just how close the two partners are getting. Putin's plan to lasso the West with a lariat of oil and gas is working better than he ever could have hoped.
Further south, Kazakhstan has made it clear it is not about to be left out of any European-Russian deal. Officials from Kazakhstan's state natural gas transport firm KazTransGas began to lobby the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) on Oct. 7 to participate in a $1.5 billion project that would double the transit capacity of the Soviet-era natural gas pipeline network connecting Kazakhstan and Russia to 90 bcm per year.
さらに南方からは、カザフスタン(http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/features/mapcenter/map.aspx?refid=701513663 )がいかなるヨーロッパ―ロシア協約からも身を引くつもりはないとしている。カザフスタン国営のガス輸送会社カズトランスガス(http://www.eia.doe.gov/cabs/kazapipe.html )の役員たちは、ヨーロッパ復興開発銀行(EBRD、http://www.ebrd.com/about/index.htm )に対するロビー活動を10月7日に始めた。旧ソビエト時代の天然ガスパイプラインネットワークが年間90bcm(十億立法センチ?)という輸送量でカザフスタンとロシアをつなげていたのに比べ、その輸送能力を二倍することができるこの15億ドルのプロジェクトに参加することを目指している。
This project is directly up the EBRD's alley. It promotes investment upstream and downstream. Since Kazakh gas exports mostly now are routed to Europe under Gazprom's management, the pipeline project also would link the far-flung Central Asian state into the EU. KazTransGas plans to implement the project over a 10-year period, giving the EBRD plenty of time to evaluate -- and re-evaluate -- how the Kazakh government uses the funding, minimizing the chance that the bank's trust will be abused as it has by other Central Asian states such as Uzbekistan.
The EBRD also is about to have more resources to dedicate to this sort of project. In May, the EU will admit eight states that the bank has spent much of its efforts to assist during the past decade. Though our sources at the EBRD indicate that these eight states do not face a credit cutoff, it is equally clear that bank efforts in the years ahead will slide eastward into the former Soviet Union. That not only makes the prospects for Kazakhstan's pipeline enhancement project positive, but also increases the likelihood that the bank will take a hand in increasing the line's ability to ship natural gas not just to Russia, but all the way to the European Union.
Against this backdrop, the entire region is becoming far more attractive to investors of all stripes. Russia has registered strong growth, particularly in its energy sector, in every year since the 1998 crash. Since Putin became president in 2000, the country also has paid down debt ahead of schedule, rebuilt its currency reserves to more than $62 billion and established a rainy-day fund of $7 billion to cushion itself against future drops in energy prices. These developments led Moody's on Oct. 8 to elevate Russia's credit rating two notches to Baa3, granting the country its first investment-grade credit rating. Both Standard and Poor's and Fitch quickly made it clear that they are not yet ready to mirror Moody's action, but the key word in both of the rating agencies' statements was "yet." Russia -- in the minds of the market, the Kremlin and the EU -- is clearly on the upswing, even if more cautious thinkers prefer to reserve judgment.
こうした背景に対し、このプロジェクトがおよぶ地域全体が、あらゆる種類の投資家にとってさらに一層魅力的なものになって来ている。ロシアは1998年の経済危機以来、とくにエネルギーセクターで毎年力強い成長を記録して来た。プーチンが2000年に大統領になってから、ロシアは予定よりも前倒しで負債を返済し、外貨準備高を620億ドル以上に再生させ、突発的危機のための70億ドルの基金を設立し将来の資源エネルギー価格の下落を和らげようとしている。こうした開発は10月8日のムーディーズによるロシアの信用格付けをふたメモリ移動させ(Ba2から)Baa3にし(http://www.moodys.co.jp/ssl/pdfs/img20031009155338.pdf )この国にとり初めての高格付けを得ている。スタンダード・アンドプアーズとフィッチは、すぐにムーディーズの評価をまだ反映させるつもりはないということを明らかにしたが、彼らの言葉の中で「まだ」と言っているのがポイントである。クレムリン、EU、市場の考えでは、ロシアが上昇の波に乗っているのは明らかである。より臆病な人々はこの判定を差し控えるかもしれないが。
With interest rates in the West still at rock bottom, the new credit rating empowers Russian firms to tap an array of capital and low rates, making expensive expansion options -- such as the Northern Route -- possible even without Western assistance. Barring some sort of national catastrophe, the Russian markets have nowhere to go but up during the next few months.
Don't Forget the Yanks
It would be foolish to think, however, that this European-Russian lovefest will not have an American angle. The United States has a seat on the EBRD board and traditionally has spoken from it with a loud voice. American companies also are taking a far more direct approach to the Russian energy sector, which might end up with an outright purchase of part of it in the near future. While in Washington on Oct. 9, YukosSibneft CEO Mikhail Khodorkovsky said he thought "it would be a good thing" if a foreign firm obtained majority control of a Russian oil major.
しかし、このヨーロッパ―ロシアの密通がアメリカからの観点を抜きにして成り立つと考えるのは愚かなことである。アメリカはEBRDの議会に席を持ち、昔から大声で物申して来たのだ。アメリカの企業もロシアのエネルギー領域に対しよりダイレクトに、つまり、その一部を近い将来に即金で買収してしまいかねないくらいのアプローチを取り続けて来た。ワシントンでは、10月9日にユコスシブネフト(ロシアの民間石油会社、民間石油会社で世界第4位の生産量。http://www.forbes.com/home/newswire/2003/10/10/rtr1105496.html )CEOのミハエル・コドルコヴスキー(Mikhail Khodorkovsky)は、もし外国企業がロシアのオイルメジャーの主要なコントロールを獲得するならば「それは好ましいことである」と考えていると述べた。
The most recent -- and most intriguing -- rumor is that ExxonMobil is seeking to pay $25 billion for a 40 percent stake of YukosSibneft, with an option to increase the buyout to majority control. Stratfor's sources within the Russian presidential administration and YukosSibneft confirm the thrust of the talks, if not the specifics. Moreover, those same sources peg it as being more the Kremlin, and less YukosSibneft, spearheading the effort. From Putin's point of view, a buyout would mean that Khodorkovsky -- an oligarch who the Kremlin views as a troublemaker -- would lose control over his primary lever for affecting events in Russia.
Regardless of the domestic political maneuvering, the Moody's upgrade implies that a decision will need to be made soon. Otherwise YukosSibneft's market capitalization -- already at record levels -- will continue to rise and soon place the firm beyond the financial reach of even mighty Exxon.
European firms might be negotiating to purchase ever-larger amounts of Russian energy along with investments in the infrastructure to bring it to European consumers, but American companies are negotiating to purchase ever-larger amounts of Russian energy companies. When all the chips have fallen, Europe might discover that its efforts to distance itself from the United States might actually bring it closer.
以上の記事の中で、「(ドイツとの)首脳会談でプーチンは、舞台裏でシュレーダーから激しく催促された後、ロシアの石油輸出価格設定をドルではなくユーロにするというアイデアをためらうこともなく話題に上げていた」という部分が特に目を引きました。つまりプーチンは、「ドル・石油通貨体制(修正IMF体制)」をユーロとEUの復権によって、「二大基軸通貨体制(デュアル・カレンシー dual currency)」へと世界経済を移行させようというヨーロッパ勢の目論見までも織り込み済みで、その戦術を練っているということでしょう。
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