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by ボイド・E・グレイブス、J.D.
合衆国は疫病の「原因」に関して一連の努力を始めていたが、1887年になってこの「努力」は合衆国「衛生研究所」の設立命令にまで発展した。この研究所はジョセフ・K・キニョウン博士(Dr.Joseph J. Kinyoun)という根っからの人種差別主義者によって運営されたが、この人物は優生学運動に身を投じていた。
1902年に、我々は”実験的進化のための基盤”(Station for Experimental Evolution)を組織し、人種に由来する疾病の同定が可能になった。
1917年、我々は”アメリカ実験生物学協会連盟”(Federation of the American Society for Experimental Biology(FASEB))を組織した。
1945年には、我々は歴史上最も大量の外国人科学者が合衆国の生物(兵器)プログラムに流入するのを見た。ペーパークリップ作戦は、大量虐殺に固執する歪んだ平行政府(parallel government)の最も破廉恥で暗黒な計画のうちの一つとして生き続けるだろう。
1946年、合衆国海軍は悪名高い人種差別主義者の生物学者であるアール・トラウブ博士(Dr.Earl Traub)を雇った。3月の承認聴聞会では「秘密の」生物兵器の存在が確認された。
1948年に、我々は合衆国がある特定の人種グループの人口過多問題を公表するための「スキームを発案」することを保証する確認を行ったことを知っている。国務省のジョージ・マッケナン(George Mckennan)のメモは、無辜の人々を大量虐殺しなければならないという優生学の虚偽を永遠に照らし出すだろう。
1949年には、ビョーン・シガードソン博士(Dr.Bjorn Sigurdsson)がビスナ・ウィルスを分離した。ビスナは人工のものであり、ある「特定のDNA」をHIVと共有している。合衆国議事録(Proceedings of the United States)、NAS,Vol.92,pp.3283-7(1995年4月11日分)を見よ。
1951年、ここにおいて、我々は我々の合衆国政府がアフリカ系アメリカ人に対して最初のウィルス攻撃を行ったことを知ることになる。ペンシルバニアの梱包用の木箱の汚染状況から見て、どれほど多くのバージニアの(木箱を扱う)黒人労働者がこの偽のウィルスに感染していたかがわかる。このウィルスは、実験的に羊と鹿にも感染させられた。文筆家のエバ・スニード(Eva Snead)によれば、彼らは同時に最初のAIDS様ウィルスに関する世界会議を開催している。
1954年には、ビョーン・シガードソン博士が彼の最初のビスナ・ウィルスに関する論文を発表し、「AIDSウィルスの祖父」としての地位を確立した。彼は後にカールトン・ガジュセク博士(Dr.Carter Gajdusek)からの挑戦を受けることになる。
1957年、未来の合衆国大統領ジェラルド・フォードとその周辺は国防省に対して、積極的に防衛的な生物兵器を展開する許可を与えた。1957年に「特別作戦・x」(Special Operation X)が創設されるまでは、AIDS症状の記録はない。この(SOX)プログラムは1962年に始まるスペシャル・ウィルス計画に直結する前哨計画として貢献した。
1961年、科学者のハルドア・トーマー(Haldor Thomer)はウィルスが癌を引き起こすという論文を発表した。1995年には、彼とカールトン・ガジュセクはアメリカ科学アカデミーに「羊におけるビスナの研究は抗HIV薬候補の試験には最適だろう。」と報告している。
1962年には、癌研究の体裁の下で、合衆国は計画的な虐殺への道を描くことになる。「スペシャル・ウィルス」計画が2月12日に開始され、レン・ヘイフリック博士(Dr.Len Hayflick)がスタンフォード大学に合衆国マイコプラズマ研究所を設立した。多くの人は、この「スペシャル・ウィルス」計画はファイザー製薬との契約の下に1961年の11月に開始されたと信じている。
1963年の初め以降毎年に亘り、「スペシャル・ウィルス」計画の年次的進捗状況はパナマのハーシーにあるハーシー・メディカル・センター(Hershey Medical Center)で監督され、ここの年次会合は合衆国が遂行するAIDS開発の攻撃的な本性をよく表しているものだ。
1977年までには、「スペシャル・ウィルス」計画は15,000ガロンのAIDS病原を生産している。AIDSウィルスはワクチンの補充物として添加され、アフリカとマンハッタンに送られた。しかしながら、これらの措置はロバート・E・リー博士(Dr.Robert E Lee)やスタンフォード・マイコプラズマ研究所が発行した初期のAIDS論文である「 後天的免疫不全症候群におけるヒトのウィルス感染」などの熱心な研究の成果として行われたのだった。
「最高の科学者」であるトーマス・メリガン博士(Dr.Thomas Merigan)は、「スペシャル・ウィルス」計画の「コンサルタント」の一人であった。
進捗報告8号の104から106頁では、ロバート・ギャロ博士(Dr.Robert Gallo)は国民を殺そうという意図を持った合衆国政府の全面的援助の下で、秘密裏にAIDS開発に携っていたことが明らかになる。ギャロ博士は自信の経歴書から「スペシャル・ウィルス」計画の「監督官」だったことが、なぜ除外されているのか説明することはできないだろう。我々は今となっては、あらゆる実験がこのフローチャートのどこに当てはまるのかが理解できる。
この(チャートにある)「研究の論理」(The "research logic")は、政府の「選択的に」殺す「伝染性」の癌を開発する「マンハッタン計画方式」の計画の反論できない証拠である。
1973年、我々は世界的な科学者であるガース・ニコルソン(Garth Nicolson)が彼のプロジェクトである「免疫的探査から逃れるための細胞表面の役割」に関する報告を発見することになる。彼の報告書は7つの既に発表された論文と一緒になっている。
ニコルソン博士は1972年から1978年まで「スペシャル・ウィルス」計画と共同して研究を行っていた。ニコルソン博士は、幾らかながらギャロ博士の「西海岸」の同類と見なされている。このことを強く示唆することとして、ニコルソン博士とギャロ博士およびルーク・モンタニエ博士(Dr.Luc Montagnier)らは秘密裏に南カルフォルニアで落ち合い、スペシャル・ウィルス開発計画 に関してお互いに何を言って、何を言わないかを打ち合わせしていたということがある。
1977年、ロバート・ギャロ博士とソビエトの最高の科学者たちが会合を持ち、15,000ガロンのAIDS病原の拡散について論議した。彼らはアフリカ向けの天然痘ワクチンの補充物として、また、マンハッタン向けの「実験的な」B型肝炎ワクチンにもAIDS病原を添加した。ジューン・グッドフィールド(June Goodfield)およびアラン・キャントウェル(Alan Cantwell)の2人の著者によれば、バッチ・ナンバー♯751(のワクチン)は何千人もの何も知らないニューヨークの市民に使用された。
この秘密のウィルス・プログラムの歴史は、ジョン・B・モロニー博士(Dr.John B Moloney)の書庫にも見つけることができる。モロニー博士の署名のあるファイルを見渡してみると、より詳細な日付の記述とともに人類の歴史における最も膨大な疫病の収集、解明、拡散のレポート群であることがわかる。
私は政府のMK-NAOMI計画についての意見を述べるように要請されてきた。MK-NAOMIというのは、AIDS開発のための暗号である。「MK」の部分は、2人のAIDSウィルスの共著作者であるロバート・マネイカー(Rpbert Manaker)とポール・コーチン(Paul Kotin)を表している。「NAOMI」の部分は、「黒人は単なるはかない人間だ」("Negroes are Only Momentary Individuals")という意味である。
The History of the Development of AIDS
Chapter Excerpt from メState Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDSモ
by Boyd E. Graves, J.D.
The true history of the origin of AIDS can be traced throughout the 20th Century and back to 1878. On April 29 of that year the United States passed a メFEDERAL QUARANTINE ACTモ.
The United States began a significant effort to investigate メcausesモ of epidemic diseases. In 1887, the effort was enhanced with the mandate of the U.S. メLABORATORY OF HYGIENEモ. This lab was run by Dr. Joseph J. Kinyoun, a deep rooted-racist, who served the eugenics movement with dedication.
Two years later, 1889, we were able to identify メmycoplasmasモ, a transmissible agent, that is now found at the heart of human diseases, including (AIDS) HIV.
In 1893, we strengthened the Federal Quarantine Act and suddenly there was an explosion of polio.
In 1898, we knew we could use mycoplasma to cause epidemics, because we were able to do so in cattle, and we saw it in tobacco plants.
In 1899, the U.S. Congress began investigating メleprosy in the United Statesモ.
In 1902, We organized a メStation for Experimental Evolutionモ and we were able to identify diseases of an ethnic nature.
In 1904, we used mycoplasma to cause an epidemic in horses.
In 1910, we used mycoplasma to cause an epidemic in fowl/birds.
In 1917, we formed the メFederation of the American Society for Experimental Biologyモ (FASEB).
In 1918, the influenza virus killed millions of unsuspecting. It was a flu virus modified with a bird mycoplasma for which human primates had no メacquired immunityモ.
In 1921, lead eugenics philosopher, Betrand Russell, publicly supported the メnecessity for メorganizedモ plaguesモ against the Black population.
In 1931, we secretly tested African Americans and we tested AIDS in sheep.
In 1935, we learned we could crystallize the tobacco mycoplasma, and it would remain infectious.
In 1943, we officially began our bio-warfare program. Shortly thereafter, we were finding our way to New Guinea to study mycoplasma in humans.
In 1945, we witnessed the greatest influx of foreign scientists in history into the U.S. biological program. Operation Paperclip will live in infamy as one of the darkest programs of a twisted parallel government fixated on genocide.
In 1946, the United States Navy hired Dr. Earl Traub, a notorious racist biologist.
A May appropriations hearing confirms the existence of a メsecretモ biological weapon.
In 1948, we know that the United States confirmed the endorsement of メdevising a schemeモ in which to address the issue of overpopulation in certain racial groups. State Departmentユs George McKennanユs memo will forever illuminate the eugenics mendacity necessary for genocide of millions of innocent people.
In 1949, Dr. Bjorn Sigurdsson isolates the VISNA virus. Visna is man made and shares some メunique DNAモ with HIV. See, Proceedings of the United States, NAS, Vol. 92, pp. 3283 - 7, (April 11, 1995).
In 1951, we now know our government conducted its first virus attack on African Americans. Crates in Pennsylvania were tainted to see how many Negro crate handlers in Virginia would acquire the placebo virus.. They were also experimentally infecting sheep and goats. According to author Eva Snead, they also held their first world conference on an AIDS-like virus.
In 1954, Dr. Bjorn Sigurdsson publishes his first paper on Visna virus and establishes himself as the メGrandfather of the AIDS virus.モ He will encounter competition from Dr. Carlton Gajdusek.
In 1955, they were able to artificially assemble the tobacco mosaic virus. Mycoplasmas will forever be at the heart of the U.S. biological warfare program
In 1957, future U.S. president, Rep Gerald Ford and others gave the U.S. Pentagon permission to aggressively deploy offensive biological agents. There are no recorded cases of AIDS prior to the 1957 creation of メSpecial Operation-X.モ (The SOX) program served as the immediate prototype program for the Special Virus program to begin in 1962.
By 1960, Nikita Kruschev had been let in on the biological weapon. His 1960 statement will long reflect the arrogance of the secret blend of communism and democracy. The two countries would go to a November 1972 agreement to cull the Black Population.
In 1961, scientist Haldor Thomar publishes that viruses cause cancer. In 1995, he and Carlton Gajdusek informed the National Academy of Sciences that メthe study of visna in sheep would be the best test for candidate anti-HIV drugs.モ
In 1962, under the cover of cancer research, the United States charts a path to commit premeditated murder, the メSpecial Virusモ program begins on February 12th. Dr. Len Hayflick sets up a U.S. mycoplasma laboratory at Stanford University. Many believe the メSpecial Virusモ program began in November 1961 with a Phizer contract.
Beginning in 1963 and for every year thereafter, the メSpecial Virusモ program conducted annual progress reviews at Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA. The annual meetings are representative of the aggressive nature in which the United States pursued the development of AIDS.
In 1964, the United States Congress gave full support for the leukemia/lymphoma (AIDS) virus research.
In 1967, the National Academy of Sciences launched a full scale assault on Africa. The CIA (Technical Services Division) acknowledged its secret inoculator program.
In 1969, Fort Detrick told world scientists and the Pentagon asked for more money, they knew they could make AIDS. Nixonユs July 18 secret memo to Congress on メOverpopulationモ serves as the start of the paper trail of the AIDS Holocaust.
In 1970, President Nixon signed PL91-213 and John D. Rockefeller, III became the メPopulation Czar.モ Nixonユs August 10 National Security Memo leaves no doubt as to the genocidal nature of depopulation.
In 1971, Progress Report #8 is issued. The flowchart (pg. 61) will forever resolve the true laboratory birth origin of AIDS. Eventually the Special Virus program will issue 15 reports and over 20,000 scientific papers. The flowchart links every scientific paper, medical experiment and U.S. contract. The flowchart would remain メmissingモ until 1999. World scientists were stunned. The flowchart will gain in significance throughout the 21st Century. It is also clear the experiments conducted under Phase IV-A of the flowchart are our best route to better therapy and treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS. The first sixty pages of progress report #8 of the Special Virus program prove conclusively the specific goal of the program. By June 1977, the Special Virus program had produced 15, 000 gallons of AIDS. The AIDS virus was attached as complement to vaccines sent to Africa and Manhattan. However, because of the thoroughness of authors, like Dr. Robert E. Lee, we also learn the Stanford Mycoplasma Laboratory issues one of the first papers with AIDS in the title. メViral Infections in Man Associated with Acquired Immunological Deficiency States.モ The primary scientist, Dr. Thomas Merigan, was a メconsultantモ to the Special Virus program.
Progress Report # 8 at 104 - 106 proves Dr. Robert Gallo was secretly working on the development of AIDS with full support of the sector of the U.S. government that seeks to kill its citizens. Dr. Gallo can not explain why he excluded his role as a メproject officerモ for the Special Virus program from his biographical book. Dr. Galloユs early work and discoveries will finally be viewed in relation to the flowchart. We now know where every experiment fits into the flowchart. The メresearch logicモ is irrefutable evidence of a federal メManhattan-style projectモ to develop a メcontagiousモ cancer that メselectivelyモ kills. Dr. Galloユs 1971 paper is identical to his 1984 AIDS announcement.
Progress Report #8 at 273 - 286 proves we gave AIDS to monkeys. Since 1962, the United States and Dr. Robert Gallo have been inoculating monkeys and re-releasing them back into the wild. Thus, even government scientists are baffled that both HIV-1 and HIV-II would メsuddenly emergeモ from two distinct monkey ancestral relatives during the last 100 years. A 1999 Japanese study will ultimately prove the Man to Monkey origin of Monkey AIDS. The monkey experiments summary definitively proves Monkey AIDS is also man-made.
In 1972, the United States and the Soviet Union entered into a biological agreement that would signal the death knell for the Black Population. The 1972 agreement for collaboration and cooperation in the development of offensive biological agents is still U. S. policy.
In 1973, we find that world scientist, Garth Nicolson reports on his project, メRole of the Cell Surface in Escape From Immunological Surveillance.モ His report is accompanied by seven published papers. Dr. Nicolson worked in conjunction with the Special Virus program from 1972 until 1978. Dr. Nicolson is considered by some to be Dr. Galloユs メWest Coastモ counterpart. It is strongly held that because of Dr. Nicolson, Dr. Robert Gallo and Dr. Luc Montagnier would secretly meet in Southern California to coordinate what they would and would not say about the special virus development program.
In 1974, Furher Henry Kissinger releases his NSSM-200 (U.S. Plan to Address Overpopulation). It is the only issue of discussion at the World Population Conference in Bucharest, Romania. The men in the shadows had won, the whole world agrees to secretly cull Africaユs population. Today it is Africa and other undesirables. Tomorrow it may be you.
In 1975, President Gerald Ford signs National Security Defense Memorandum #314. The United States implements the Kissinger NSSM-200.
In 1976, the United States issues Progress Report #13 of the Special Virus program. The report proves the United States had various international agreements with the Russians, Germans, British, French, Canadians and Japanese. The plot to kill Black people has wide international support. In March, the Special Virus began production of the AIDS virus, by June 1977, the program will have produced 15,000 gallons of AIDS. President Jimmy Carter allows for the continuation of the secret plan to cull the Black Population.
In 1977, Dr. Robert Gallo and the top Soviet Scientists meet to discuss the proliferation of the 15,000 gallons of AIDS. They attach AIDS as complement to the Small pox vaccine for Africa, and the メexperimentalモ hepatitis B vaccine for Manhattan. According to authors June Goodfield and Alan Cantwell, it is Batch #751 that was administered in New York to thousands of innocent people. This government will never be able to repay the people for the social rape, humiliation and out right prejudice people with HIV/AIDS face on a daily basis. The men in the shadows of the AIDS curtain accurately calculated that you would not care if only Blacks and gays are dying. In fact you donユt care that nearly a half million Gulf War veterans are encumbered with something contagious. Soon there will be no more Black people and a confused military, older White people will start suddenly dying and you still wonユt get it. Be here now for us, give us a chance to be there for you.
Suddenly, just as President Nixon had predicted, there was explosive death. On November 4, 1999, the U.S. White House announced,.... メWithin a period as short as five years, all new infections of HIV in the United States will be African American....モ At some point our experts must be allowed to begin the interface process of allowing the history of this virus program to count. It is ludicrous and preposterous to fail to review the U.S. virus program in which to elucidate the etiology of AIDS.
More of the history of the secret virus program can be found in the archives of Dr. John B. Moloney. A review of the files under Dr. Moloneyユs name would further pinpoint additional dates and records consistent with one of the greatest hunts, capture and proliferation of disease in the history of the human race. We have found the missing link. It is the guts of the research logic of a federal program that seeks to kill. We have found a curtain of AIDS. We can identify some of the people who work in the shadows of the curtain. Dr. Robert Gallo and Dr. Garth Nicolson must lead us in review. In light of the attack mechanisms available in which to inhibit AIDS, it is time that not another person be stricken with this relic, synthetic mycoplasma chimera.
Help those of us who are still here to realize full and contributory lives. We are all one people.
On September 28, 1998 I filed suit against the United States for the メcreationモ, メproductionモ and メproliferationモ of AIDS. On November 7, 2000, the appeals court agreed with the lower court and held AIDS bioengineering as メfrivolous.モ The world continues to wait for the court to rule on the resubmitted issues. The court can not continue to simply brush aside our experts and the governmentユs flowchart.
I have been asked to give my perspective with regard to the federal program MK-NAOMI . MK-NAOMI is the code for the development of AIDS. The メMKモ portion stands for the two co-authors of the AIDS virus, Robert Manaker and Paul Kotin. The メNAOMIモ portion stands for メNegroes are Only Momentary Individuals.モ The U.S. government continues to orchestrate silence from the very top echelons of the Congress and military. At present there is no accountability. The good people will ultimately create a tsunami of public outrage. We can not allow the state an autocratic right to govern outside of the Constitution. Our society is structured to hide crimes committed by the state, while punishing citizens for minor indiscretions. Their strategy focuses on the general confusion they can create via manipulation of the media. They are very good at what they do. We must become more focused in our continued presentation of the flowchart. The flowchart is the absolute missing link in proving the existence of a coordinated research program to develop a cancer virus that depletes the immune system. New diseases do not create old illnesses.
This compilation of court documents and correspondence is the true effort of one manユs achievement in solving the mystery of the origin of AIDS. We have found the origin of AIDS, it is us.