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で、確かに、この記事がいうように、この衛星云々の話は当時報道された。しかし、これ自体が、計算された情報操作だっただろう。次がシリアであることの伏線を敷いていたと考えられる。で、今回、偽オヤジフセインに、シリアに大量破壊兵器を移動したと「お話」させる寸法だろう。国際法廷の場に引き釣り出されたら、この偽オヤジが辻褄のあわない供述をするのは目に見えており、したがって、国際法廷にこのオヤジを出すことは絶対しない。そのためにも、このおとっつあんがゲロしたことにして、命も助けた寛大なる同盟軍という印象も同時に与えたいのだろう。米大統領が、誇らしげに「われわれは憎きフセインであっても、殺しはしない。キリスト教徒の名において、アメリカ寛大さを見せるため、我々はこの男にすら慈悲を与える。」とかなんとか、スピーチライターに書かせるんではないか。こうなれば、ムスリムに慈悲を与えるキリスト教、われわれは決して十字軍ではない、といったイメージ戦略も展開できる。そして、もちろん次のターゲットであるシリアに堂々と宣戦布告できるわけだ。シリア占領後、次はイランがシリアを助けたから許せないとか、大量破壊兵器を持っているとか、難癖つけて行き、回教徒諸国を一つ一つ潰していき、最終的には第三次世界大戦を引き起こし、回教徒圏の人口を「一括処分」する目論見だろう。それに先行して、米国内で911を上回る巨大なテロ事件が引き起こされ、アメリカ市民を恐怖のどん底にたたきいれ、「これはサダムバース党残党による、米国内で収監されているサダム奪還作戦」だ、絶叫し政府は戒厳令(Marshal Law)を施行し、憲法を停止させる、とりわけ人権保全関連憲法規定を停止させる。アメリカ国内に彼らが潜伏し攻撃を続けてくるだろう、それからわが政府はアメリカ国民を守るためだ、というだろう。そして、国内で奪還テロが今後続く限りと称して、この戒厳令状態を半永久的に固定する。事実上、完全に絶対専制体制が敷かれ、もはやモトには戻らないだろう。これが「アメリカ国内に関して」の「彼ら」の政治ゴールである。壮大な恐怖を引き起こし、人々の判断力を奪い、政府に助命を嘆願させ、引き換えに、市民的自由の剥奪を受け入れさせるという目論見だろう。サダムを処刑してしまったら「サダム奪還作戦」が存在しえなくなるので、偽オヤジサダムを収監したまま、生かし続ける事が彼らとしては肝心となるのだろう。
Analysis / Saddam could be offered deal
By Ze'ev Schiff, Haaretz Correspondent
ATHENS - Deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein could be offered a deal in which he would give his captors information on if and how he hid weapons of mass destruction and if he smuggled some of them into Syria. In exchange, he would face life imprisonment and not be executed for war crimes, senior Iraqis attending a conference here on the future of the region have hinted.
Saddam was captured, alive and well, on Saturday near his hometown of Tikrit. U.S. troops found him hiding in a subterranean hole. He did not resist.
The Iraqi figures also said that, even if the number of concealed weapons of mass destruction is not large, Saddam will certainly know who he appointed to take charge of the operation and in what area the weapons are being stored.
The possibility that Saddam transferred some of the weapons to Syria was raised on the eve of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, when satellite pictures showed convoys moving from Iraq to Syria. It is still unknown precisely what was transported in these convoys, but it is clear that this was a secret operation between Iraq and Syria.
It was a unique experience to hear the news of Saddam's capture while in the company of Iraqis, Kurds, Iranians and other Arabs. One of the Kurdish representatives burst into the conference room in tears and demanded an immediate halt to the discussions.
"Saddam Hussein has been captured," he said, adding they had received word from Kurdistan, before the television reports. The delegate also claimed that most of the information leading to the deposed dictator's arrest had come from the Kurds, who had organized their own intelligence network and for months had been trying to uncover Saddam's tracks.
He further claimed that some six months ago, the Kurds had discovered that Saddam's wife was in the Tikrit area. This intelligence was transferred to the Americans, but the Kurds never received any news on what the coalition forces did with the information and were angered by this.
If it does emerge that most of the information that led to Saddam's arrest did indeed come from Kurdish sources, this will probably boost their status with Washington.
The capture of Saddam Hussein is the greatest success for the Americans since taking over Iraq. It does not, however, let the Americans off the hook on the question of how long their rule of occupation will remain in Iraq and how power will be transferred to the new Iraqi leaders without shocking the system. Will they wait until a new constitution is drawn up for Iraq and elections are held?
Iraqi delegates say the capture of Saddam will not mean an automatic, immediate end to guerrilla warfare and terror attacks against the coalition forces. The forces opposed to the Americans are mostly made up of former members of the Ba'ath movement, of Saddam's security and intelligence forces and volunteers from Arab states and have merely lost their "symbol" with Saddam's capture. In fact, these elements have been released from the heavy burden of a man identified with bloodshed and mass murder.
Saddam's capture enables the Americans to now define in a more coherent manner what their strategic goals are in Iraq, thus reducing their time there.
Iraqi representatives are divided over Saddam's expected trial. Some claim that since most of his crimes, including the use of chemical weapons on the Iraqi Kurdish population, were commited on Iraqi soil, he should be tried in Iraq. Others claim this is not desirable and there should be an international aspect to his trial. An Iraqi trial would make the internal reconciliation more difficult and could be seen as an American Iraqi-purifying trial. A special international war crimes trial, however, would have greater global resonance and would act as a deterrent against commiting war crimes in the future.