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(回答先: Re: ↑訂正 → 「IBM とホロコースト」 投稿者 荷電粒子 日時 2003 年 12 月 12 日 09:19:40)
原題:"War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race"
ブック・レビュー(Book Description)
アメリカでは支配者たる人種を創り出す試みが1世紀にわたって続けられてきた──『WAR AGAINST THE WEAK』は、その事実をあばきだした衝撃の問題作である。ニューヨーク・タイムスのベストセラー『IBM AND THE HOLOCAUST』(邦題『IBMとホロコースト―ナチスと手を結んだ大企業』)の筆者で、数々の賞を受賞した調査報道を専門とするジャーナリスト、エドウィン・ブラックは、ナチスの犯罪と20世紀初頭のアメリカで盛んになった偽りの科学運動――優生学との結びつきを明らかにした。
『WAR AGAINST THE WEAK』を執筆するために、エドウィン・ブラックは、5万点にも及ぶ文書を作成した4カ国の公文書保管所数十カ所の研究者50人の協力を得た。事実をあますところなく、正確に、見事な語り口で描き出された1世紀にわたるこの物語から、読者は恐るべき真実を知ることになる。ナチスの学者たちを駆りたてた科学的な根拠を、ニューヨークのカーネギー研究所の「科学者たち」がいかにして創り出したのか。ドイツの科学者に対するロックフェラー財団の莫大な資金援助が、いかにしてアウシュビッツにおけるメンゲレの憎むべき実験につながっていったのか。第二次大戦後、優生学はいかにして人間の遺伝学として生まれ変わったのか。そして、ヒト・ゲノム計画および21世紀の遺伝工学の意味を理解するうえで、優生学の歴史に向き合うことがいかに重要であるか、その理由をも悟るはずだ。
From Publishers Weekly
In the first half of the 20th century, more than 60,000 Americans-poor, uneducated, members of minorities-were forcibly sterilized to prevent them from passing on supposedly defective genes. This policy, called eugenics, was the brainchild of such influential people as Rockefellers, Andrew Carnegie and Margaret Sanger. Black, author of the bestselling IBM and the Holocaust, set out to show "the sad truth of how the scientific rationales that drove killer doctors at Auschwitz were first concocted on Long Island" at the Carnegie Institution's Cold Spring Harbor complex. Along the way, he offers a detailed and heavily footnoted history that traces eugenics from its inception to America's eventual, post-WWII retreat from it, complete with stories of the people behind it, their legal battles, their detractors and the tragic stories of their victims. Black's team of 50 researchers have done an impressive job, and the resulting story is at once shocking and gripping. But the publisher's claim that Black has uncovered the truth behind America's "dirty little secret" is a bit overstated. There is a growing library of books on eugenics, including Daniel Kevles's In the Name of Eugenics and Ellen Chesler's biography of Margaret Sanger, Woman of Valor. Black's writing tends to fluctuate from scholarly to melodramatic and apocalyptic (and sometimes arrogant), but the end result is an important book that will add to the public's understanding of this critical chapter of American history.
Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.
Book Description
The explosive true story of America’s century-long attempt to create a master race?by the author of the New York Times bestseller IBM AND THE HOLOCAUST In WAR AGAINST THE WEAK, award-winning investigative journalist Edwin Black connects the crimes of the Nazis to a pseudoscientific American movement of the early twentieth century called eugenics. Based on selective breeding of human beings, eugenics began in laboratories on Long Island, but it ended in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany. Ultimately, over 60,000 "unfit" Americans were coercively sterilized, a third of them after Nuremberg declared such practices crimes against humanity.
It started in 1904, when a small group of U.S. scientists launched an ambitious new race-based movement that was championed by our nation's social, political, and academic elite. Funded by America's leading corporate philanthropies, such as the Carnegie Institution and the Rockefeller Foundation, and entrenched in classrooms across America, eugenicists sought to eliminate social "undesirables." Their methods: forced sterilization, human breeding programs, marriage prohibition, and even passive euthanasia. Perhaps more shocking?eugenics was sanctioned by the Supreme Court. Cruel and racist laws were enacted in twenty-seven U.S. states, and the supporters of eugenics included such progressive thinkers as Woodrow Wilson, Margaret Sanger, and Oliver Wendell Holmes.
The victims of eugenics were poor white people from New England to California, immigrants from across Europe, Blacks, Jews, Mexicans, Native Americans, epileptics, alcoholics, petty criminals, the mentally ill and anyone else who did not resemble the blond and blue-eyed Nordic ideal the eugenics movement glorified. Through international academic exchanges, American eugenicists exported the movement worldwide. It eventually caught the fascination of Adolf Hitler.
To write WAR AGAINST THE WEAK, Edwin Black led a team of fifty researchers in dozens of archives in four countries, generating some 50,000 documents. In this rigorous, comprehensive, brilliantly told story that spans a century, readers will discover the chilling truth of how the scientific rationales that drove Nazi doctors were first concocted by "scientists" at the Carnegie Institution in New York; how the Rockefeller Foundation’s massive financial grants to German scientists culminated in Mengele’s heinous experiments at Auschwitz; how, after World War II, eugenics was reborn as human genetics; and why confronting the history of eugenics is essential to understanding the implications of the Human Genome Project and twenty-first-century genetic engineering.
About the Author
Edwin Black is the award-winning and New York Times?bestselling author of IBM AND THE HOLOCAUST and THE TRANSFER AGREEMENT, as well as a novel, FORMAT C:. He lives near Washington, D.C.
Part One: From Peapod to Persecution
Chapter 1: Mountain Sweeps
Chapter 2: Evolutions
Chapter 3: America’s National Biology
Chapter 4: Hunting the Unfit
Chapter 5: Legitimizing Raceology
Chapter 6: The United States of Sterilization
Chapter 7: Birth Control
Chapter 8: Blinded
Chapter 9: Mongrelization
Part Two: Eugenicide
Chapter 10: Origins
Chapter 11: Britain’s Crusade
Chapter 12: Eugenic Imperialism
Chapter 13: Eugenicide
Chapter 14: Rasse und Blut
Chapter 15: Hitler’s Eugenic Reich
Chapter 16: Buchenwald
Chapter 17: Auschwitz
Part Three: Newgenics
Chapter 18: From Ashes to Aftermath
Chapter 19: American Legacy
Chapter 20: Eugenics Becomes Genetics
Chapter 21: Newgenics
Major Sources