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the Corps(the United States Army Corps of Engineers):米国陸軍工兵隊
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August 8, 2003
Rivals Say Halliburton Dominates Iraq Oil Work
ライバルは, ハリバートン社がイラクの油の仕事を支配すると言う.
The Bechtel Group, one of the world's biggest engineering and construction companies, has dropped out of the running for a contract to rebuild the Iraqi oil industry, as other competitors have begun to conclude that the bidding process favors the one company already working in Iraq, Halliburton.
ベクテル グループ…世界の最も大きいエンジニアリングと建設会社…イラクの油の産業を再建する契約のための走行から低下した…他の競争相手が, 入札の過程が, 1社の会社がイラクで既に働くのを支持すると結論を下し始めた…Halliburton
After the United States Army Corps of Engineers quietly selected Halliburton in the spring to perform early repairs of the Iraqi oil business in the aftermath of the war, other companies and members of Congress protested that the work should have been awarded through competitive bidding.
合衆国陸軍の後に, EngineersのCorpsは, スプリングのHalliburtonが仕事が競争入札を通して与えられるべきだった異議を申し立てられる議会の戦争, 他の会社および議員の余波でイラクの油のビジネスの早い修理を実行するのを静かに選択した.
Halliburton's role in the rebuilding has been under political scrutiny because the company was formerly headed by Vice President Dick Cheney.
会社が以前ディック・チェイニー副大統領によって率いられたので, 再建におけるHalliburtonの役割が政治上の精査であった.
But the Bush administration and the Corps of Engineers, which is overseeing the Iraqi oil reconstruction effort, have repeatedly said that Halliburton has no inside track.
しかし, Engineersのブッシュ政権とCorpsは, Halliburtonにはどんな内側走路もないと繰り返して言った.(Engineersはイラクの油の再建の努力を監督している).
Preliminary plans for a new contract, which industry executives had thought might total $1 billion, were announced late in June by the Corps of Engineers.
新しい契約のための予備のプラン(経営者が10億ドルを合計するかもしれないと考えられたどの産業)は6月に遅く, EngineersのCorpsによって発表された.
The bidding was meant, in part, to introduce competition and a sense of fairness into the lucrative Iraqi reconstruction market, an executive with a major engineering concern said.
主要な工学関心がある経営者は, 入札が有利なイラクの再建市場に競争と公正の感覚を導入するために一部意味されると言った.
Like many industry executives, he would speak only on condition of anonymity because his company does not want to jeopardize
its chances for future government contracts.
多くの産業の経営者のように, 彼の会社が将来の政府契約のためにその機会を危険にさらしたがっていないので, 彼は匿名の状態だけについて演説するだろう.
But in the last month, the corps, which is overseeing the reconstruction efforts, has specified a timetable for the work that effectively means that the value of any contract companies other than Halliburton could win would be worth only about $176 million, according to Corps of Engineers documents and executives in the engineering and construction business.
しかし, 先月, 軍団(再建の努力を監督している)はHalliburtonを除いたどんな契約会社の値も勝つことができたことを有効に意味する仕事がおよそ1億7600万ドルだけの価値があるだろうEngineersドキュメントと経営者のCorpsに従って工学と工事ビジネスで時刻表を指定している.
Earlier this week, Bechtel cited the timetable as its reason for dropping out of the bidding.
今週の初めに, Bechtelはその入札から低下する理由として時刻表を引用した.
The company now plans to deal directly with the Iraqi oil ministry for future reconstruction work, a spokesman, Howard N. Menaker, said.
スポークスマン(ハワードN.Menaker)は, 会社が, 今今後の再建仕事のための直接イラク石油省を扱うのを計画すると言った.
Although the oil ministry and the Army Corps of Engineers nominally cooperate, industry analysts say the Americans have the
upper hand.
石油省とEngineersの陸軍Corpsは名目上は協力するが, 産業のアナリストは, アメリカ人には優勢があると言う.
Officials of the Corps of Engineers did not return numerous phone calls yesterday seeking comment on the contract.
EngineersのCorpsの職員は, 昨日, 契約に関するコメントを求めながら, 頻繁な電話を返さなかった.
But last month, in response to questions from other companies about Halliburton's role, the corps said on its Web site that all
potential bidders had received the same information to "eliminate any competitive advantage" Halliburton might have from its
involvement in the Iraqi reconstruction work so far.
しかし, 先月, Halliburtonの役割に関する他の会社からの質問に対応して, 軍団は, そのウェブサイトですべての潜在的入札者が今までのところ同じ情報をHalliburtonがイラクの再建におけるそのかかわり合いから持っているかもしれない「あらゆる競争力において有利な立場を排除しなさい」仕事に受け取ったと言った.
A spokeswoman for Halliburton, Wendy Hall, would not discuss whether its engineering unit, Kellogg Brown & Root, would bid, saying only that "we will evaluate the opportunity."
Halliburtonのためのスポークスウーマン(Wendy Hall)は, 「我々は機会を評価するつもりである」だけと言って, その工学ユニット(ケロッグブラウン& Root)に入札されるかどうか議論しないだろう.
After indicating in June that it planned to solicit bids, the Corps of Engineers held a conference of prospective bidders in Dallas
on July 14.
6月に付け値に請求するのを計画するのを示した後に, EngineersのCorpsは7月14日にダラスでの将来の入札者の会議を開催した.
Records of the meeting show that it was attended by some of the most experienced engineering and construction companies in
the world - including, besides Halliburton and Bechtel, Fluor, the Parsons Group, Schlumberger and Foster Wheeler.
ミーティングに関する記録は, それが世界のいくつかの最も経験豊富な工学と工事会社によって出席されたのを示す--HalliburtonとBechtel以外に, Fluor, Parsons Group, SchlumbergerおよびFoster Wheelerを含む.
Among those companies, only Fluor and Parsons have indicated so far that they plan to make bids by the Aug. 14 deadline.
それらの会社の間では, FluorとParsonsだけが, 今までのところ, 彼らが, 8月14日の締め切りによって付け値を作るのを計画するのを示した.
A winner will be announced by Oct. 15, according to the Corps of Engineers.
At the meeting and in the initial request for proposals, the Corps of Engineers put forth what the industry calls "an indefinite
quantity, indefinite delivery" contract.
ミーティングにおいて,そして,提案を求める初期の要求では, EngineersのCorpsは産業呼び出し「無期量, 無期配送」が契約するものを差し出す.
Industry executives said they were told there could in fact be two principal contracts, one for the oil industry in northern Iraq
and the other for the south.
事実上, そこで言われる経営者がそれらを言った産業は2つの主要な契約, 北イラクの油の産業と南へのもう片方のための1かもしれない.
The value of each contract could range from $500,000 to $500 million over several years, according to the Corps of Engineers,
which cited the continued instability in Iraq as a reason for keeping the terms so vague.
それぞれの契約の値は数年間にわたって, EngineersのCorpsに従って50万ドルから5億ドルまで及ぶことができた.(Engineersはとてもあいまいに用語を守る理由としてイラクの続けられた不安定性を引用した).
A transcript of the July meeting shows that bidders were concerned even then that Halliburton would have a competitive
advantage over other companies because it was already working with the Corps of Engineers in Iraq and helping to assess the
repairs needed at oil production sites and pipelines after the war and years of an economic embargo.
7月のミーティングの転写は, 入札者がその時でさえEngineersのCorpsがイラクにあって, 修理を評価するのを助けるのが経済禁輸の産油サイト, 戦後のパイプラインおよび何年も必要な状態で既に働いていたのでHalliburtonには他の会社の上の競争力において有利な立場があることを心配したのを示す.
The corps denied that such a conflict of interest existed, according to the transcript.
軍団は, そのような利害の抵触が転写に従って存在することを否定した.
Over the last three weeks, however, the Corps of Engineers has provided additional information to bidders indicating that by the
July meeting, it and Halliburton already had a fairly clear understanding of the scope and financial value of the work to be done
and the timetable for completing it.
しかしながら, ここ3週間, EngineersのCorpsは, それを完成するために追加情報をそれとHalliburtonには7月のミーティングによって範囲のかなり明確な理解と行われる仕事の財政的な値が既にあったのを示す入札者と時刻表に供給している.
The newly released information indicates that a week before the Dallas meeting, the Corps of Engineers and Halliburton participated in a large workshop in Baghdad that also included representatives of the Iraqi oil ministry and the ruling Coalition Provisional Authority to draw up a detailed plan for rebuilding much of the Iraqi oil industry by the end of March 2004.
新たにリリースされた情報は, ダラスミーティングの1週間前にEngineersとHalliburtonのCorpsがまた, イラクの油の産業の多くを2004年3月の終わりまでに再建するための詳細なプランを作成するためにイラクの油の省と支配的なCoalition Provisional Authorityの代表を含んだバグダッドの大きいワークショップに参加したのを示す.
A week ago, the Corps of Engineers Web site carried an amendment to the contract proposal, saying that 220 projects, mostly at installations above the ground, must be completed for Iraq's oil production to reach prewar levels.
1週間前に, ほとんど地面の上のインストールのときにイラクの産油が戦前のレベルに達するように220のプロジェクトが終了しなければならないと言って, EngineersウェブサイトのCorpsは契約提案まで修正を運んだ
The projects are divided into three phases, with a total estimated cost of $1.14 billion.
But the corps notes in the plan that the first two phases, which together would require about $967 million in investments, would
have to be completed by Dec. 31.
Halliburton's competitors worry that if the winner of the new contracts is not announced until Oct. 15, that company could not
even begin the work before year's end.
Halliburtonの競争相手は, 新しい契約の勝者が10月15日まで発表されないならばその会社が年の終わり以前仕事を始めることさえできなかった心配する.
The only company that could do the work based on that timetable is Halliburton, its competitors say.
その競争相手は, そのタイムテーブルに基づく仕事をすることができた唯一の会社がHalliburtonであると言う.
Only the third and final phase, worth about $176 million and requiring the work to be completed by March 31, could realistically
be performed by a Halliburton competitor, its rivals say.
そのライバルは, Halliburton競争相手が現実的に3番目で最終的な1億7600万ドルと3月31日まで完成されるために仕事を必要とすることの価値があるフェーズを実行することができたと言うだけである.
"The feeling at our company was `Yes, Halliburton is the incumbent, but we had an opportunity there,' " a representative of
another engineering concern said.
「…'」 別の工学関心の代表は, 我々の会社の感じが‘はいだった, Halliburtonが現職であるが, 我々がそこに機会を持っていると言った.
"But if we had believed that from the beginning we had no chance of winning this, we wouldn't have bid."
「しかし, 我々には, 始めから我々にこれに勝利するどんな可能性もないと信じたならば, 付け値がないだろう.」
Responding to pointed questions about the timetable by potential bidders, the Corps of Engineers' Web site said the proposed
schedule was "not intended to change anything" about the bidding process.
潜在的入札者によるタイムテーブルに関する先鋭な質問に応じて, EngineersのウェブサイトのCorpsは, 入札の過程に関して提案されたスケジュールが「何も変えるのが意図されない」と言った.
For its part, the Kellogg Brown & Root unit of Halliburton will do whatever work the corps gives it, Ms. Hall, the spokeswoman,
その部分に, Halliburtonのケロッグブラウン& Rootユニットは軍団がそれを与える仕事(Hallさん, スポークスウーマン)が言ったことなら何でもするだろう.
"It is not known at this time how or if the future award of another Corps of Engineers contract will affect current K.B.R.
operations or the terms and conditions of its contract," she said.
The first wave of Halliburton employees arrived in Iraq in March, to oversee the extinguishing of several oil well fires near Basra.
Halliburton従業員の最初の波は, 3月にバスラの近くの数の油井炎を消すことを監督するためにイラクに到着した.
Since then, its responsibilities, under the direction of the Corps of Engineers, have expanded from its initial job of making
emergency repairs.
それ以来, EngineersのCorpsの指示では, その責任はその非常時の修理を作る初期の仕事から広がっている.
Working in Iraq has helped turn around Halliburton's financial performance, its second-quarter results showed.
その第2四半期結果は, イラクで働いていることが, Halliburtonの財政的な性能を変えるのを助けたのを示した.
The company made a profit of $26 million, in contrast to a loss of $498 million in the period a year earlier.
The company stated that 9 percent, or $324 million, of its second-quarter revenue of $3.6 billion came from its work in Iraq.
会社は, その36億ドルの第2四半期収入の9パーセント, または3億2400万ドルがイラクでのその仕事から来ると述べた.
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