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Gore Slams Bush on Iraq but Won't Run in 2004
Thu August 7, 2003 02:59 PM ET
By Dane Hamilton
2003年8月7日(木) 午後02:59 米国東部標準時
Dane Hamiltonによって
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former Vice President Al Gore on Thursday criticized the Bush administration's handling of both the war in Iraq and the domestic economy but reiterated that he has no plans to run in 2004 against George W. Bush.
Speaking at New York University at an event sponsored by liberal political advocacy group MoveOn.org, Gore said Bush deserved credit for removing Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein from power. But he said the war had no effect on the al Qaeda network, accused of masterminding the Sept. 11 attacks, except to boost the group's "recruiting activities."
豊富な政治的な擁護グループMoveOn.orgによって支持されたでニューヨーク大学で話して、ゴアは、ブッシュが力からイラクのリーダー、サダム・フセインを追い出すための信用に相当したと言いました。しかし、彼は、戦争が9月を巧妙に計画したことで非難されて、al Qaedaネットワークに効果がなかったと言いました。11は、グループの「補充する活動」を押し上げる以外は攻撃します。
"The direction in which our nation is being led now is deeply troubling to me, not only in Iraq but also here at home on economic policy, social policy and environmental policy," Gore told a boisterous crowd of about 200.
The White House dismissed Gore's criticisms. "The American people know the president's commitment to the security of the United States and to winning the war on terror and to securing our economic security -- and I think the American people well know the president's commitment to them," Bush spokeswoman Claire Buchan told reporters in Crawford, Texas.
Gore ruled out another run for president, saying he would endorse another Democratic Party candidate as the White House campaign wore on. "I am not going to join them (in the election race,) but later in the political process I will endorse one of them," he said.
Last December, Gore, who now works for a Los Angeles-based investment firm, said he would not run in 2004. Former New York Gov. Mario Cuomo this week was the latest to urge Gore to run to unite the party.
The 55-year-old former vice president, who served two terms under President Bill Clinton and lost against Bush in the disputed 2000 election, had some praise for the current U.S. leader over the war in Iraq.
"The removal of Saddam was a positive accomplishment in its own right for which the president deserves credit, just as he deserves credit for removing the Taliban from power in Afghanistan," Gore said.
But, echoing other Democrats, Gore said the United States "suffered enormous collateral damage" because of the questionable intelligence the Bush administration used to justify an invasion of Iraq. And, he said, "the aftermath has been badly mishandled."
Saying the American people were mislead by "false impressions" before the war, Gore disputed Bush administration assertions that Iraq had connections to the Sept. 11 attacks and links to al Qaeda, that Baghdad was on the verge of developing nuclear weapons and that the international community would rally behind America once victory was achieved.
アメリカン人々と言うことはそうでした、戦争の前に「誤りの印象」をそばに誤解させる、ゴアは、イラクが9月に対して接続を行っていたというブッシュ政権主張を議論しました。11の攻撃およびal Qaedaへのリンク、バグダッドは核兵器を開発する寸前でした、また、一旦勝利が達成されたならば、国際社会がアメリカの後ろに回復するだろう。
"Every single one of these impressions was just wrong," Gore said, adding, "Our invasion on Iraq had no effect on al Qaeda other than to boost their recruiting efforts."
「これらの印象のすべての単一の1つはちょうど間違っていました」とゴアが、「イラクの私たちの侵入はそれらの補充する努力を押し上げる以外であるal Qaedaに効果がありませんでした」と付け加えて言いました。
Democrats have criticized Bush for failing to reignite a weak economy, for running an increasing budget deficit and for not containing guerrilla insurgency in Iraq.
Gore's latest speech comes as nine Democratic presidential are vying to contend the 2004 election against Bush. But polls have shown no clear front-runner -- a dynamic that has led some political commentators to suggest Gore would secure the Democratic Party nomination were he to enter the race.
But even if he does not run, Gore could play a role in the campaign.
"From a strictly partisan point of view, Gore helps the party focus; his voice carries enormous weight," said independent pollster John Zogby, adding that Democrats are "confused as to the voice they are going to project."