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(回答先: トルコのイラク派兵拒否 クルド指導者がと英紙 [kyodo.co.jp] 投稿者 ひろ 日時 2003 年 8 月 07 日 23:18:28)
Thursday Aug 7 2003. All times are London time.
Kurds reject US call over Turkish peacekeeping force in Iraq
By Charles Clover in Baghdad and Semih Idiz in Ankara
Financial Times; Aug 07, 2003
アンカラのバグダッドおよびSemih Idizのチャールズ・クローバによって
Kurdish leaders have refused a US request to allow 12,000 Turkish troops through northern Iraq for a possible peacekeeping assignment in the city of Falluja, a Kurdish official said yesterday.
Adel Murad, head of the political office of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), said the request came at the weekend from General John Abizaid, head of US central command, at a meeting in the northern city of Mosul with the leaders of PUK and its occasional rival, the Kurdistan Democratic party (KDP).
Adel Murad(クルジスタン(PUK)のPatrioticユニオンの政権の長)は、PUKおよびその時々のライバル(クルジスタン民主党(KDP))のリーダーとともにモスルの北部都市の会合でGeneralジョンAbizaid(米国の中央のコマンドのヘッド)から週末でリクエストが来たと言いました。
Mr Murad said any introduction of Turkish troops into Iraq would damage Kurdish support for the US-led effort to form a new Iraqi government and could spark violence between Turkish forces and Kurdish fighters.
The Kurdish refusal throws up another hurdle to US efforts to get a third division of foreign troops to help ease the burden on its 146,000 forces in Iraq. The UK is manning a southern peacekeeping headquarters in Basra and a Polish-led coalition is expected to take over security operations in five provinces south of Baghdad next month.
Bush administration officials have acknowledged approaching Ankara about taking part but Gen Abizaid's request is the most concrete sign that Turkey and the US have agreed on co-operation. Central command declined to comment.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey's prime minister, called an unscheduled meeting of his senior advisers yesterday to discuss the potential deployment.
再ヤマドリタケTayyip Erdogan(トルコの首相)は、潜在?Iな配備について議論するために昨日彼の上級のアドバイザーの予定外の会を召集しました。
A person familiar with the talks said the group supported deployment in principle, although Turkish officials had, in return, insisted on a leading role in Iraq's reconstruction.
Senior officials are expected to meet again today in Ankara to discuss the issue. But even if a decision to send troops is reached at that meeting, Mr Erdogan must seek parliamentary approval for a move that remains highly unpopular among voters - and some members of his own party.
Turkish officials have been trying to convince their US counterparts that a new UN resolution authorising the sending of troops to Iraq, or in the absence of that a joint Nato operation in the region, would ease the pressure on the government by giving it the international legitimacy many members of parliament seek.
Such calls have been echoed by other potential contributors being courted by the US, facing domestic pressure to bring its troops home. Pakistan says it could send troops if it had the "legitimate cover" of the UN or other groups such as the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, as well as an invitation from legitimate Iraqi representatives.
India also called in mid-July for explicit UN cover before contributing troops, wary of being seen to join an illegal occupation.
The US nevertheless remains very wary of ceding further control.
"I'd be very enthusiastic about the right kind of resolution and very concerned about the wrong kind. Speed is of the essence here, and the UN isn't always speedy," said Paul Wolfowitz, US deputy defence secretary.
Even with UN endorsement, some have doubts about a large-scale Turkish military presence in Iraq.
Kurdish groups accuse Turkey of interfering politically in the Kurdish areas, where US forces last month arrested 11 Turkish commandos who diplomatic sources said appeared to be planning to assassinate the governor of Kirkuk province, who is Kurdish.
Turkey, for its part, fears Kurdish groups will move for independence from Baghdad, which could spark similar demands by Turkey's own Kurdish population.
Analysts also fear Turkey - which already has a small force in the north - could try to use forces on the ground as a lever of influence in Iraq, potentially spurring other countries in the region to interfere to check Turkish aims.