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September 01, 2003
■Families seek answers about soldiers' deaths
By Times staff writer, Deborah Funk
At least one family, and possibly two, want independent opinions on what caused the deaths of their loved ones after they became ill in Iraq.
In a letter to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, the Bellville, Texas, family of Army Spc. Zeferino Colunga requested medical records, personal effects and blood and tissue samples of the 20-year-old soldier.
Colunga, of the 4th Squadron, 2nd Armored Calvary Regiment, died Aug. 6 at Homburg Hospital in Germany, after he fell ill in Iraq. The family was told he had pneumonia and acute leukemia, his 19-year-old sister, Teresa Colunga, said.
"We gave the military my brother alive," she said. "They gave him back to us dead. I want to find out what happened."
The family is concerned that the Defense Department lacks the expertise of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and is not providing them with information they request, according to the letter.
"We as a family are concerned that we are not being told the truth," the letter states. The family wants "immediate access" to all personal effects and property, medical records, medical evacuation reports, staff journal reports, disease and nonbattle injury reports, pre-deployment screening reports, predeployment serum and blood, postmortem tissue and blood samples, postmortem medical reports, cause-of-death reports, epidemiological survey reports, endemic disease reports, vaccine injury reports and any other similar reports "that will assist us in understanding the cause of death."
The letter was drafted on the family's behalf by the National Gulf War Resource Center. The group sent a virtually identical letter to Rumsfeld in the name of the family of Spc. Joshua Neusche, 20, of Montreal, Mo., who died in Germany on July 12 of pneumonia. Neusche was with the 203rd Engineer Battalion. His family could not be reached for comment.
Since March, 18 U.S. service members in Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom have suffered severe cases of pneumonia and needed ventilation. Two have died, although defense officials said Colunga's case was not related to the recent pneumonia cases in Southwest Asia.
In all, defense officials say roughly 100 service members in U.S. Central Command have been diagnosed with pneumonia. The Army sent two teams, one to Germany and the other to Iraq, to investigate the causes.
"Currently, we have identified no infectious agent common to all the cases," the Army surgeon general's office said in a statement. "Additionally, there is no evidence that any of the 18 serious pneumonia cases under review have been caused by exposure to chemical or biological weapons, severe acute respiratory syndrome, or environmental toxins. The review of the cases is being done in collaboration with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."
Defense health officials can't release data on the deaths without the next of kin's written permission. Officials say they have one unsigned letter that seems to be from the Neusche family but have not seen the letter from the Colungas. Copies provided by the National Gulf War Resource Center show both lack a signature and list the center as the point of contact.
Each family has been contacted by a doctor "to give them a conduit to ask medical questions," said Lyn Kukral, spokeswoman for the Army surgeon general. One family had been contacted before the letters were sent; the other had not.
Faces of Valor > Honor ― Those killed during Operation Iraqi Freedom
武勇の人々(顔) > 「栄誉(敬礼)」 ― 彼らはイラクの自由作戦で死んだ(殺された)
■Soldier dies suddenly of illness
Associated Press
Army Spc. Zeferino Eusebio Colunga was a healthy 220-pound former Texas high school tackle when he was deployed to Kuwait in late April. He died on Wednesday at a hospital in Germany after a battle with acute leukemia his family didn't know he had as well as pneumonia, his sister said Thursday.
"When he left here, my brother was a totally healthy boy," Teresa Colunga told The Associated Press from the family home in Bellville, about 50 miles west of Houston.
The Department of Defense on Aug. 7 announced Colunga died at Homburg University Hospital in Germany. He was first evacuated to the 28th Combat Support Hospital in Iraq on Aug. 4, then evacuated to Landstuhl Army Regional Medical Center and later to Homburg for further evaluation.
The Defense Department said Colunga's death was unrelated to recent cases of pneumonia in Southwest Asia. The Army is telling troops to take precautions as it tries to ascertain the cause of pneumonia cases, including two deaths, among forces in the Afghan and Iraqi campaigns.
Assigned to the 4th Squadron, 2nd Armored Calvary Regiment in Fort Polk, La., Zeferino Eusebio Colunga developed a 102-degree fever within a week of arriving in Kuwait, his sister said. He had received all the routine vaccinations given to soldiers, and neither he nor his family was concerned for his health.
She said he called the family once a week while in Kuwait and later when in Iraq. He spoke to his sister on her birthday in May and his mother, Juanita Colunga, on her birthday in June. They last spoke to him July 24 and grew worried when he didn't call his father, Zeferino Reyes Colunga, on the elder Colunga's birthday Aug. 2, Teresa Colunga said.
The family learned he was gravely ill with acute leukemia when he was evacuated to the combat support hospital in Iraq on Aug. 4, she said.
Teresa Colunga spoke briefly to her brother on a speaker phone, telling him she would try to visit him, but he wasn't well enough to talk to her. He was taken to Landstuhl and then Homburg. Teresa Colunga and her mother flew to Washington, D.C., on July 6 to get passports so they could continue to Germany.
Army officials in Washington informed them that afternoon that Zeferino Eusebio Colunga had died, his sister said. She and their mother returned to Bellville and will plan a memorial service once his body is returned to the family, she said.
The family remains puzzled at his sudden death. She said an autopsy was planned.
Nicknamed "Cowboy" because of a childhood habit of wearing a cowboy hat while riding a stick horse, Zeferino Eusebio Colunga joined the Army shortly after graduating from Bellville High School with honors, his sister said. He sought a career with the military.
"He wanted everybody to be proud of him," she said. "He had a lot of fun doing it."
She said word of his death spread quickly in the town of about 4,000, and the high school retired the former Bellville Brahmas tackle's jersey, No. 61.
※2)Fort Polk, LA
★「…だから、劣化ウランなんだってば」と言いたいところですが、米国では相変わらず、あからさまに劣化ウラン弾使用について国防総省を批判することはタブーなようです。上の記事を見ても「遺族にしか情報は公開できない」、「医学的な質問をするためのルートを家族に与える」などという、突き放した態度で通しています。同時に「原因を調査するために現地にチームを派遣した」として悠々とその場しのぎの報道を続けています。1991年の湾岸戦争後の復員兵に奇病が多発し(湾岸戦争症候群)、それが劣化ウランによるものだという指摘がなされて10年以上経ちますが、その間いったい何を調査してきたのでしょうか?米国はその後の戦争でも平気で使い続けてきました。米国内の劣化ウラン使用禁止を働きかける団体はいったいどんな活動してきたのでしょうか?2002年9月の復員軍人援護局(Veterans Affairs=VA)報告によれば、第一次湾岸戦争で現地入りした将兵のうち22万1000人が障害補償を受けたといいます。こうした傷病者たちはまったく沈黙を守リ続けるしかないのでしょうか?
イラク戦争のテレビ映像でフセイン政権の「生物・化学兵器使用」に備え、防護服や防毒マスクを何度もすばやく着脱するパフォーマンスを見せてもらいましたが、そんなことをやっている間に自軍が撒き散らした劣化ウランで被爆するという、一人相撲をやっているんだから米軍も世話はない。だがいくら軍人とはいえそんな死に方を強制される「契約」はしていない。日本の自衛隊員も米国の侵略協力のために、(戦闘が続き、放射能で汚染されている)イラクに行って命を危険に晒す契約はしていない。いまさら特別手当を出されても、死亡時の莫大な補償金を提示されても、契約違反に変わりはない。そのような支出の負担や米国のための復興援助は納税者にとっても納得できない。米国政府は財政がボロボロで、もう戦争する金がない。献金して政権を動かし「破壊」と「復興」を繰り返して金を儲ける勢力に米国は乗っ取られている。そして追従国に金と危険を分担させようとする。つまりもう戦争できる身分じゃない。そして武力を誇示して強気に外交できる地位ですらない。それなのに、何だその偉そうな態度は!まず自らの「大量破壊兵器」で殺傷した世界中の被害者に対して適正な補償をしろ。きっとそれによってアメリカは破綻するだろう。 … なんか私もちょっと壊れてきました... 。
Families request access to personal effects and all medical evidence
The Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld Secretary of Defense 1000 Defense Pentagon Washington, DC 20301
Dear Secretary Rumsfeld:
We are writing to you with concern regarding recent reports that the Army Surgeon General has activated two Epidemiological Consultation teams to supplement ongoing investigations into the causes of serious cases of pneumonia among soldiers deployed in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Our son, Army Specialist Zeferino Eusebio Colunga is one of the casualties of this “so called” mysterious illness. He died at a hospital in Germany after a battle with pneumonia and a subsequent diagnosis of acute leukemia. We appreciate the Departments determination to investigate this issue. We are concerned however that DoD may not have the expertise of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in investigating this matter.
Furthermore military Casualty Assistance and Public Affairs Officers have been less than reliable in meeting our request for information and investigation into Zeferino’s death. New information emerges on almost a daily basis about other soldiers who have suffered similar illnesses, some leading to death and others leading extensive critical care.
We as a family are concerned that we are not being told the truth. We therefore request immediate access to all personal effects and property, medical records, medical evacuation reports, staff journal reports, disease and non-battle injury reports, pre-deployment screening reports, pre-deployment serum and blood, post mortem tissue and blood samples, post mortem medical reports, cause of death reports, epidemiological survey reports, endemic disease reports, vaccine injury reports and any other similar reports that will assist us in understanding the cause of death.
We will consult with civilian medical experts to facilitate the transfer of blood and tissue samples from the military to an established civilian chain of custody. We also request that DoD seek the assistance of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The CDC should be the lead agency surveying Iraq and the surrounding regions to assess all aspects of this so-called medical mystery.
We are in touch with medical experts who will help us in obtaining a second opinion on Zeferino’s death. We deserve to know why a healthy young man who was supposedly screened and determined fit for deployment would suddenly die. It is our right to receive honest answers. As a soldier and a citizen, Army Specialist Zeferino Eusebio Colunga gave his all to the defense of this country. This country owes our family no less of a commitment in finding answers to Zeferino’s cause of death.
Please inform us who to speak with to facilitate our request. We urge you to act immediately on our request for information and to ensure the CDC takes the lead role in this investigation. We look forward to your prompt reply.
The Colunga Family
Posted to the NGWRC Web 8/14/2003 9:15:20 AM
「イラクの米兵に謎の肺炎 100人発病し2人死亡」(アサヒ・コム)
投稿者 既出でしたらごめんなさい。 日時 2003 年 8 月 02 日 16:59:57:
劣化ウランの急性障害か イラク駐留米兵に謎の病気
投稿者 faq 日時 2003 年 9 月 04 日 17:01:04:WSiw5Mfu1dOOc
投稿者 木村愛二 日時 2003 年 9 月 06 日 21:49:05:CjMHiEP28ibKM