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(回答先: イラク統治評議会の顔ぶれ。 (BBCより) 投稿者 一言居士 日時 2003 年 7 月 14 日 01:21:39)
U.S.-Picked Iraqi Council Meets, Declares April 9 Holiday
"The launch of the governing council will mean that Iraqis play a more central role in running their country," Bremer
BAGHDAD , July 13 (IslamOnline.net & News Agencies) ミ The U.S. handpicked Governing Council of Iraq opened its inaugural session Sunday, July 13, by declaring April 9, the day U.S.-led forces rolled into Baghdad , a national holiday in its first act as a ruling body.
Council member and returning exile Mohammed Barhul Uloom, 80, a liberal Shiite ayatollah who ran the Islamic Ahl ul-Bayt center in London , announced the controversial decision, Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported.
The 25-member council met in the former ministry for military industry, which will become its headquarters, near the former presidential palace where the U.S.-led administration is based.
Delegates met around an oval table covered in a green cloth. The exact line-up of the session was not immediately known, although one of the first delegates to arrive was Jalal Talabani, head of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK).
According to an Iraqi official, who was interviewed by AFP, the council would include: Massoud Barzani, leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP); Jalal Talabani, head of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK); Nasseer al-Chaderchi, a Sunni Muslim lawyer who heads the Iraqi Democratic Current; Adnan Pachachi, a Sunni former foreign minister before the Baath Party rule who heads a group called Independent Iraqis for Democracy (IID).
Also among the council are Ahmad Chalabi, a secular Shiite who is the leading figure in the Pentagon-backed Iraqi National Congress; Abdel Aziz al-Hakim, number two in the Supreme Assembly of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SAIRI), the main Shiite Muslim group; Iyad Allawi, a Shiite former Iraqi military officer from the Iraqi National Accord Movement and Ibrahim Jafari, from the fundamentalist Shiite Dawa party.
The milestone meeting was the first of a national executive body since U.S.-led forces ousted Saddam Hussein's Baath Party regime in April.
There were no senior officials from the U.S.-led troops at the talks, but the participants were later expected to invite top U.S. civil administrator Paul Bremer, British envoy to Iraq John Sawers and U.N. special representative Sergio Vieira de Mello to announce that the council had been formed.
The Council is charged with mapping Iraq's path towards elections not planned until at least mid 2004 and will have responsibility for appointing ministers and diplomats, approving a budget and selecting a committee to draw up a draft constitution, according to a U.N. official.
Final Say
The BBC News Online said that "the coalition" would still have the final say despite American and British officials say the council's proposals will be rejected only in exceptional circumstances.
The BBC's correspondent in Baghdad says there has been some hard bargaining over the membership of the council and its powers, as critics complain that it is drawn largely from groups which were until recently based outside Iraq , and that selecting rather than electing members will compromise the council's legitimacy.
Bremer told the people of Iraq in a statement ahead of the meeting that "the launch of the governing council will mean that Iraqis play a more central role in running their country."
"The formation of the governing council will also mark the start of the process leading to full, free and fair democratic elections in Iraq ."
'Sabotaging Progess'
U.S. forces in Iraq crack down on Iraqis suspected of resisting occupation
Bremer, however, warned Sunday of fresh violence in coming months from, what he called, a small remaining band of loyalists to the deposed Iraqi president and "an increase in terrorism by non-Iraqis" aimed at sabotaging progress in Iraq .
Paul Bremer's opinion piece, entitled "The Road Ahead in Iraq -- and How to Navigate It," appeared in The New York Times Sunday.
"This is the latest sign of progress," Bremer wrote, pledging that the Iraqi governing council "will immediately exercise real political power, appointing interim ministers and working with the coalition on policy and budgets."
Iraq "is not yet a full democracy, but freedom is on the march, from north to south," Bremer said.
Yet he warned that "a small minority" of "bitter enders" from Saddam's regime, foreign terrorists, Iran-influenced Islamic extremists and criminals oppose such progress and were attacking soldiers and civilians.
"The combination of a broken infrastructure and acts of sabotage could mean a rough summer. We will suffer casualties, as the bitter-enders resort to violence. We are also braced for an increase in terrorism by non-Iraqis," he said.
"No one should doubt our determination to use our power in the face of violent acts," he added.
"These people do not pose a strategic threat to America or to a democratic Iraq . They enjoy no support since their only vision is to re-impose the dictatorship hated by Iraqis. Our military will hunt them down."
Bremer sought to put mounting U.S. casualties, which a majority of U.S. citizens called "unacceptable" in a recent poll, in a new light, noting that the attacks seem to be aimed at U.S. "successes."
"With these attacks on Iraq 's new successes, citizens of coalition nations ask how long we will remain in Iraq - and some Iraqis may doubt our ability to improve their lives," Bremer wrote.
"As President Bush has made clear, we are committed to establishing the conditions for security, prosperity and democracy. America has no designs on Iraq and its wealth. We will finish our job here and stay not one day longer than necessary," he added.
Wary Iraqis
However, many Iraqis doubt Iraq 's new transitional Governing Council will bring the good times back after years of hard living.
The country's northern Kurds want their own state, the Shiites wish to erect an Iranian-style country, and Pentagon favorite Chalabi is untrustworthy, according to Salwan, a Sunni Muslim.
Left to their own devices, Salwan, 52, fears the political parties mushrooming here will drag Iraq into civil war.
"Iraqis don't know how to make democracy work. We are not animals, but we need a leader to guide us, we need a leader to carefully clear our heads so we can accept democracy," Salwan says.
He like many others believes a stretch of stability will somehow transform the government and the political leaders from feuding rivals to responsible practitioners of democracy.
"I need a good government that will establish security. When the Americans can do this they can leave," says Salwan.
"For now, we have God," he says, "and God is better than America because everyone comes to Iraq for their own interests."
Unlike Salwan, Majid al-Jaburi does not appear worried, at least on the surface.
In principle, Jaburi says a transitional government should last only six months and then the Americans should leave.
But when he starts to turn the question over in his head, his answers become nearly identical to Salwan's.
Turn power over now to the political parties, "there would be civil war," he says. "All the political parties are hoarding weapons -- Kalashnikovs and rocket propelled grenades. It's like a virus. Everyone has a weapon."
"If the Americans establish a new government, with powerful leaders, gradually with calm, the situation will improve day by day," he says.
But he warns: "Iraqis don't like foreign occupation."
Who Is Who In U.S.-picked Iraqi Governing Council
Who Is Who In The U.S.-Picked Iraqi Governing Council
Herewith a list and brief profile of the provisional members of the interim council, charged with laying the groundwork for Iraqi national elections, according to Agence France-Presse (AFP):
Iyad Allawi, 57, a Shiite former Iraqi intelligence officer from the Iraqi National Accord Movement. A surgeon whose uncle was health minister under the ousted monarchy. He was a member of the Baath party from 1961 until 1971 before fleeing the country for Lebanonand then London. He helped to set up the National Accord Movement in 1991.
Ahmad Chalabi, 58, a secular Shiite who is the leading figure in the Pentagon-backed Iraqi National Congress (INC). A doctor in mathematics from the University ofChicago, he comes from a wealthy family and founded the INC in 1992. Considered close to U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, he fled Iraqin 1958 only to return after Saddam's fall in 2003. Found guilty in a Jordanian court in the 1990s of embezzlement -- a conviction he says was politically motivated under pressure from Saddam's regime.
Akila Hashemi, a Shiite member of the committee advising the interim foreign ministry under the US-led coalition. She holds a doctorate in French literature and advised on international relations under the former regime.
Sheikh Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, number two in the Supreme Assembly of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SAIRI), the main Shiite Muslim group. He lived in exile in Iranfor 23 years up until May. He heads the armed Badr brigades.
Ibrahim Jafari, a spokesman for the fundamentalist Shiite Dawa party. A medic, he joined the Dawa movement in 1966. The group, the oldest Islamist movement in Iraq, was founded in 1957-8 and is based on the ideology of reforming Islamic thought and modernizing religious institutions. The party was banned in 1980 when Jafari fled the country.
Wahel Abdul Latif, 53, governor of the southern city of Basrawho has served as a judge since 1982 and is currently deputy head of the Basracourt. He was imprisoned for one year by the secret police under Saddam's regime.
Karim Mahud Hattab al-Mahamadawi, known by his nom de guerre Abu Hatem, born in 1958, and a tribal chief from the southern marshlands near Amarah. He spent most of his life leading guerrilla resistance against Saddam's regime from secret hideouts across the southern marshlands. He spent seven years in jail until 1986 when he disappeared into the marshlands only to stun Saddam's forces with sporadic and spectacular resistance attacks. Born into one of the region's largest Arab Shiite Muslim tribes.
Hamid Majid Mussa, 62, a Shiite head of the Iraqi communist party and trained as an economist. Originally from Babylon, south of Baghdad, he lived for several years in Iraqi Kurdistan, largely out of Saddam's control after the 1991 Gulf War.
Wasfat al-Rubai, a doctor previously exiled in Londonwho recently returned to Iraq. Age and political allegiance unknown.
Ezzedine Salim, head of the Islamic Dawa movement in the southern city of Basra.
Samir Mahmud, a businessman. Age and political allegiance unknown.
Sheikh Barak Abu Sultan, head of union of lawyers and human rights league in the central city of Babylon. Age and political allegiance unknown.
Mohammed Barhul Uloom, 80, a liberal ayatollah who ran the Islamic Ahl ul-Bayt centre in London. He fled Iraqin 1991 after some of his family were killed by Saddam's regime and returned to Iraqwith the fall of the Baath Party.
Rajiha Habib Kurzai, a maternity doctor who lived in Londonin the 1960s. Her political allegiance unknown.
Adnan Pachachi, 81, a Sunni former foreign minister from 1965 to 1967 before the Baath Party came into power. A liberal, he heads a group called Independent Iraqis for Democracy (IID) and lived for 23 years in the United Arab Emiratesand in London.
Nasseer al-Shadershi, 70, a Sunni Muslim lawyer who heads the Iraqi Democratic Current. He became a lawyer in 1959 after studying in Cairoand Baghdadbefore working in the agricultural sector and lived in Iraqthroughout Saddam's regime.
Mohsen Abdul Hamid, a Sunni secretary general of the Islamic Party, the Iraqi branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, founded in 1960 and banned the following year.
Ghazi al-Yawar, 45, a businessman originally from Mosulin the north. Nephew of Sheikh Mohsen Adil al-Yawar, head of the powerful Shamar tribe, unusual in comprising both Sunnis and Shiites. He lived for 15 years in Saudi Arabia where he worked in business, returning to Iraq only in June.
Salahedin Bahaeddin, 53, an Islamist close to the Muslim Brotherhood. He was born into a religious family in the Kurdish north and studied religion. He founded the Islamist Union Party after 1991 when the region shook off Baghdad's control and became its secretary general in 1994. The party is the third Kurdish grouping after the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the Kurdistan Democratic Party.
Massud Barzani, 56, leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), set up by his father. He became a Peshmerga fighter in 1963, taking over the party helm on his father's death in 1979. Fiercely opposed to Saddam, who had three of his brothers killed, and repeatedly had his village razed. He has shared power in the autonomous Kurdish region of Iraq since 1991 along with rival Jalal Talabani.
Jalal Talabani, 70, a lawyer by training and head of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK). He was born nearErbil and during the 1960s was a member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party under Barzani's control. He split from the party in 1975 to form the PUK, which controls the southeast of Kurdistan, while the KDP controls the northwest.
Mahmud Ali Osman, 60, a medic originally from Sulamaniyah. He held various posts in the Kurdistan Democratic Party before leaving the group and moving to London where he founded the Kurdish Socialist Party in 1975. He later moved to Erbil, northern Iraq.
Dahran Nurredin, a Kurdish judge in his 50s, originally from the northern oil city of Kirkuk. He was condemned to three years in jail under Saddam for criticizing a decision of the Revolutionary Command Council, the highest authority in the Baath party regime. He was released after one year under an amnesty. He served as head of one of Baghdad's courts.
Yonnadam Yussef Kanna, 50, a Christian engineer who heads the Assyrian Democratic Movement. He served as a transport "minister" in the first Kurdish regional assembly then as trade minister in theKurdistan regional government set up inErbil .
Shangul Shapuk, a 35-year-old teacher and grass roots activist. She is an artist who teaches at the academy of fine arts in the northern city of Mosul. S