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イラク戦争関連で、集中攻撃にさらされ、防戦一方のブレア。【Steve Bell の漫画です。】
11.07.03: Blair defends the Iraq war
I'm not a lying warmonger、、.
、、I merely had a programme of fraud-based conflict promotion!
Blair 'oversold' Iraq threat
Michael White and Richard Norton-Taylor
Friday July 11, 2003
The Guardian
A former head of Downing Street's in-house intelligence panel last night accused
ministers of "overselling" the threat of global terrorism before the Iraq war
by bombarding voters with repeated warnings of "imminent terrorist attacks on
London" and Heathrow airport.
The charge - made by Sir Rodric Braithwaite, former head of the joint
intelligence committee (JIC), on Channel 4 News - is separate from the row over
two intelligence dossiers which has led to deadlock between No 10 and the BBC
over its claims that they were "sexed up".
The 71-year-old former diplomat, who ran the JIC in 1992-93, said: "I think the
overselling came not so much at that [dossier] stage but in the spring, when it
looked as though the British people were not actually going to sign up to this
"And then the real overselling were the continual assessments of an imminent
terrorist attack in London, advising housewives to lay in stocks of water and
food, I mean all that stuff ... tanks at Heathrow. I mean that, I call that
The prime minister has denied the widely reported tank exercise at Heathrow was
calculated to rally public opinion at a time when anti-war sentiment was strong
and rising.
In a letter to the Financial Times Sir Rodric said: "Fishmongers sell fish,
warmongers sell war, both may sincerely believe in their product."He accused Mr
Blair of "overselling his wares," albeit sincerely.
The sight of the Whitehall establishment turning on the government will alarm
ministers who have watched MI6 deflect attention from its own performance into a
row between No 10 and the BBC.
Downing Street accused the BBC of more inaccurate reporting in claiming that
Whitehall is abandoning hope of finding weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in
Iraq because they have been destroyed. Mr Blair believes the search group - soon
to be 1,400 strong - will find "programmes" and "product",' said No 10.
It also said the BBC's refusal to confirm or deny that David Kelly, the weapons
specialist who admitted talking to Andrew Gilligan, is the BBC reporter's senior
source for the story that started the row, amounts to confirmation that he is.
Dr Kelly denies aspects of Gilligan's account.
The BBC, which hardly mentioned Dr Kelly's name yesterday, is refusing to
comment further.
Meanwhile, the former foreign secretary Robin Cook continued his long-running
"We didn't go to war in order that some months down the line the government
could write an even better dossier on the programmes. We went to war because we
were told there were weapons," he told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.
John Major yesterday threw his weight behind growing demands for an independent
inquiry into the use of intelligence in the run-up to the war.
A groundswell is also building up among retired mandarins for such an inquiry.
Lord Armstrong, Margaret Thatcher's cabinet secretary at the time of the 1982
Falklands war, backed an independent inquiry along the lines of the Franks
committee's investigation into the events leading up the Argentinian invasion.
Such talk comes as Iain Duncan Smith, Charles Kennedy and Labour critics are
keeping up the pressure. Mr Blair is determined to resist an inquiry.
Dr Kelly, the former UN weapons inspector in Iraq, is to give evidence to the
Commons foreign affairs committee, it was confirmed yesterday. He is a senior
adviser to both the Ministry of Defence and the Foreign Office and has recently
returned from Iraq on government business.
Defence sources said yesterday he may return to Iraq to advise other British
scientists looking for banned weapons.
Foreign affairs committee report
Read the MPs' report in full (pdf)
07.07.2003: Conclusions and recommendations
07.07.2003: Reaction in quotes
Related stories
07.07.2003: Britain 'knew uranium claims were false'
07.07.2003: Experts grow more sceptical about extent of threat
07.07.2003: Governors back BBC in row over Iraq dossier
07.07.2003: Peter Preston: It's a charade and we all know it
07.07.2003: MPs clear Campbell of doctoring dossier
The dossiers
The government's September dossier on Iraqi WMD (pdf)
The government's February dossier on Iraqi WMD (pdf)
Full texts
07.07.2003: The BBC governors' statement
07.07.2003: Extract from committee report on Andrew Gilligan and Alastair
03.06.2003: The different government inquiries
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