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サダムとスンニ派の根拠地でゲリラ活発とされるが、「油断なき聖戦」(Wakefulness and Holy War)を名乗る集団は、同地域のファルージャでの攻撃を認め、しかも、イラン資金によるバグダッドの放送で、「サダムとアメリカはコインの両面」と声明している。とすれば、シーア派にも浸透か。
Fresh attacks kill three US soldiers in Iraq
Monday July 7, 2003
Three US soldiers were reported dead today following the latest spate of attacks against occupying forces in Iraq.
Two men were killed in separate incidents in Baghdad overnight and a third died from wounds sustained when he was shot while on patrol last night.
In the most recent attack, early today, a crude explosive device was thrown at a US military convoy in northern Baghdad, killing one soldier.
Sergeant Patrick Compton, a spokesman for the US military, told the Associated Press that insurgents threw a homemade bomb at the convoy.
The attack came hours after two gunmen fired on another US military convoy, killing another soldier. US troops returned fire, killing one of the attackers and wounding the other, Sgt Compton said. The wounded suspect was taken into custody.
Both of the American soldiers killed in Baghdad were from the army's 1st Armored Division, the Germany-based division charged with occupying the Iraqi capital.
In a third attack, a lone gunman shot and killed a US soldier waiting to buy a soft drink at Baghdad University at midday yesterday, firing once into his head from close range.
The mode of attack was similar to the killing of Richard Wild, a young British freelance cameraman who was shot in the head outside a Baghdad museum on Saturday.
His death, and a grenade attack on a UN compound, raised concerns that violent attacks by Iraqi militia - which have so far targeted only coalition troops and Iraqis accused of collaboration - will spread to westerners in general.
A further four US soldiers were wounded yesterday when attackers fired a rocket propelled grenade at their convoy in Ramad, west of Baghdad, the military said. One Iraqi suspect was killed and another wounded in the attack.
Tension has been rising in the town since a bomb blast on Saturday killed seven Iraqi police recruits as they graduated from a US training course. Dozens more were injured.
The US military blamed the attack on pro-Saddam Hussein insurgents seeking to target those working with the Americans, but many in Ramad said they thought the Americans themselves were behind the incident.
US troops on patrol in Baghdad and other areas have been attacked several times a day, and Iraqi police and civilians perceived to be working with the occupying forces have also been targeted.
The latest attacks came as a group calling itself Wakefulness and Holy War claimed responsibility for attacks on US troops in Falluja, a Sunni Muslim-dominated town 35 miles west of Baghdad.
"We are carrying out operations against the American occupation here in Falluja and other Iraqi cities," said the statement, released on Iran-financed al-Alam TV in Baghdad. "Saddam and America are two faces of the same coin."
The development came as the US army announced the end of a seven-day sweep called Operation Sidewinder, in which 30 Iraqis were killed and 282 detained, while 28 US soldiers were wounded. The military said it confiscated ammunition stocks and hundreds of weapons.