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Karimov's Torture Chambers
Jun 26, 2003 Source:1924.org
Ever since the fall of the Soviet Empire, the Central Asian Republics have been a haven for the old communist dictators who want to carve out their own personal fiefdoms.
However, none can be as vile, repressive or repugnant as the regime in Uzbekistan under the tyrant Islam Karimov.
It is a crime to associate the word Islam with the brutal ally of the West.
Abdul Khalil, a young farmer from the Ferghana valley, was arrested in August last year.
He was accused of trying to overthrow the state, and imprisoned for 16 years.
When his father recently saw him for the first time since his arrest, he was lying on a stretcher in hospital, his head was battered and his tongue swollen.
He had been beaten and tortured severely by Karimov's henchmen, and kept in water for a prolonged period.
His only crime was that he was a Muslim, and that he called for Islam.
In another city in the Ferghana valley, Namangan, equally brutal force is used on a regular basis.
A young man named Ahatkhon was beaten by police and held down while members of Karimov's security service stuffed "incriminating evidence" into his coat pocket.
They then called in two "witnesses" to watch them discover two leaflets supporting the Islamic party, Hizb-ut-Tahrir.
He was forced to inform on four friends, who were all beaten severely by Karimov's henchmen.
Their crime seems to stem from the fact that they prayed at the local masjid.
Nozemjon Noredinov was another victim of Karimov's security service;
he was found on a road, barely alive with his skull fractured.
Nozemjon is now 33 and needs full time care.
The pain from having his skull forced open makes him scream throughout the night.
His grandfather cannot bear it any longer, and Nozemjon now lives in an asylum.
The cowardice of Karimov knows no bounds, and he treats the women and children with no less contempt;
even the unborn baby cannot escape his ruthlessness.
His henchmen beat a pregnant woman until she lost consciousness, and then set about beating her distraught husband.
The crime took place in the open market place, not in some secluded torture chamber.
It was only thanks to the courage of some people who crowded around to intervene that the two were spared their lives.
Whether the unborn child survived the trauma, Allah (SWT) knows.
If all this wasn't enough, the abuses that Karimov orders within the prisons, away from the prying eyes are even more horrific.
In addition to the beatings, and electric shock treatment that are standard for most prisoners, special treatment is reserved for those who cling to their Islamic beliefs and refuse to pledge allegiance to Karimov or praise him openly.
These pillars of the Deen have been subjected to rape, objects have been inserted into their private parts, they have had needles inserted under their finger nails, lacerations have been made to their bodies and they have been inserted, neck deep, into human excrement.
Many Muslims who refuse to break under the torture have been injected with the Aids virus, and other unknown chemicals.
One forensic report, commissioned by the British embassy, reported that Karimov's men had boiled two Muslims to death.
Until a few years ago, Karimov had been on the American list of 'evil dictators' who was guilty of human rights abuses.
He was the kind of person American politicians like to moralise about, and put under a sanctions regime.
That was before the War on Islam began.
Since then Karimov has given the Americans an air base which is strategically located next to Afghanistan and the surrounding region.
For his services, the Americans have awarded him $500 million in aid and Karimov is now regarded a "good friend" of President Bush.
He can visit the Whitehouse and have lunch when he pleases.
No doubt the two tyrants exchange stories about how they are bringing torment upon the Muslims.
Karimov's oppression has no doubt brought unimaginable pain and suffering to the Muslims of Uzbekistan.
How can a nation of Muslims be subjected to live under a brutal dictator who whips their backs because they choose to remain as Muslims?
As a result, the call for Islam has only grown louder and gained momentum throughout Uzbekistan.
The carriers of the dawa in Uzbekistan risk their lives on a daily basis for the sake of Allah (SWT) and His Deen.
They are not cowards like Karimov, and they will not be forced to abandon their beliefs;
nor will they accept to live under his Kufr regime.
They will not rest until the black flag of Islam with the words "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammed is His Messenger" is raised over the whole of the Islamic land of Uzbekistan.
Muslims of Britain, you must support your brethren in this noble cause.
We ask you to engage in the practical actions that will bring pressure and shame upon this wretched dog.
We urge you to ring the embassy of Uzbekistan, or write to the ambassador, and demand that Karimov stops oppressing the Muslims for their Deen.
We urge you to raise the tyranny of Karimov in your discussions, in radio talk shows, and by writing to the press.
Such pressure will no doubt expose the vile nature of Karimov to the world.
We have no doubt that the carriers of the truth will surely succeed in their quest.
Allah (SWT) has promised victory to those who strive selflessly in His cause:
"Allah has promised to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds, that of a certainty, He will cause them to accede to power on earth, as He granted it to those before them, that He will establish in authority their Deen which he has chosen for them, and that He will change (their state) after the fear in which they lived, to one of security and peace:They will worship Me (alone) and not ascribe powers to any beside Me" [TMQ 24:55].
The arrival of the Islamic State, the Khilafah, is imminent.
When it is re-established, justice will prevail and the likes of Karimov will be sent to meet their Lord.
The punishment of Allah (SWT) will no doubt dwarf anything that these tyrants were capable of in this life.