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しかし、晩夏(by late summer)、とある。今は暑くて、行けないのである。それまで持つかな。
20,000 Allied Troops to Aid U.S. Effort to Stabilize Iraq
Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul D. Wolfowitz, right, greets members of the House Armed Services Committee: Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.), left, Jim Saxton (R-N.J.) and Ike Skelton (D-Mo.). (Ray Lustig -- The Washington Post)
By Vernon Loeb
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, June 19, 2003; Page A16
The Pentagon has received commitments from allies to send two multinational divisions totaling 20,000 troops by late summer to help stabilize Iraq, the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said yesterday on Capitol Hill.
With Britain and Poland preparing to command the new divisions, Marine Gen. Peter Pace also told the House Armed Services Committee that a third ally, not yet publicly identified, is considering taking command of a third multinational division of 10,000 troops, which could bring the size of the coalition stability force in Iraq to 30,000 by sometime this fall.
But both Pace and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz, who testified on U.S. military requirements around the world, declined to answer repeated questions from committee members about how many U.S. troops would be needed in Iraq in the months and years ahead, other than to say that the demand will diminish with the arrival of coalition troops.
Pace and Wolfowitz stressed that Gen. Tommy R. Franks, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, believes that the 146,000 U.S. troops there are adequate for rooting out the remnants of former president Saddam Hussein's government and stabilizing the country. Wolfowitz said any discussion of cutting one or more of the Army's 10 active-duty divisions is over "for any foreseeable time frame."
The U.S. troops now in Iraq are joined by 12,000 allied troops, mostly British. Those allied forces will be replaced by the two incoming multinational divisions in 60 to 90 days, resulting in a net increase of only 8,000 allied troops.
In addition to Britain and Poland, Spain has expressed interest in commanding a division, and the Pentagon has been pressuring India to contribute forces. Wolfowitz told the committee that Turkey is ready to begin participating in the reconstruction of Iraq.
"I think we are still in a phase where we need some significant combat power to take on these remnants of the old regime," Wolfowitz said. He added that the withdrawal of U.S. forces has "got to be driven by conditions and not by the calendar. But we will be getting more help, and the task should become simpler over time."
Not satisfied, Rep. Victor F. Snyder (D-Ark.) chided Wolfowitz for not being "bold" enough in managing postwar Iraq. "Give the French a sector," Snyder said. "Kiss and make up and give them a sector. Go to the Arab League. I mean, [do something] to dramatically increase the number of resources, the sense that this is multinational, that it's not just U.S."
To that end, Wolfowitz repeatedly asked the committee to consider authorizing a Pentagon request for $200 million in appropriations for providing military support to key allies in the global war on terrorism. He said the money is needed to train indigenous forces in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The House and the Senate did not include the provision in their versions of the fiscal 2004 defense authorization bill, but it could be added in the conference committee.
Rep. John M. Spratt Jr. (D-S.C.) asked Wolfowitz whether the Pentagon will request a $54 billion supplemental spending authorization during the coming fiscal year, since the global war on terrorism is now costing $1.5 billion a month and the Iraq operation is costing $3 billion a month -- spending that has not been included in the Pentagon's budget proposal.
"I think it's very possible that we will need a supplemental," Wolfowitz said. "But . . . it's going to be hard to estimate what the size is, particularly with respect to Iraq. They are just huge imponderables."