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ブッシュ坊やの幼児言葉、revisionist historyは、あの鼻に掛かった気障なブレアの口真似か。電網検索:bush, reuters "revisionist history"
ブレアが、4月10日ごろ、イラクのTVで、revisionist historyと、しゃべったらしい。ロイターの「からかい」は、これをさらに、revisionist historiansと、少し言い換えたようである。同じことだが、ともかく、以下のごとく、沢山出てきた。ああ、凸凹、下手な漫才コンビ、もう、引っ込め!
全言語のページからbush, reuters "revisionist history"を検索しました。
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Bush, Blair Speak on Iraqi TV
To: American Soldier
MEGA kudos to Blair for pointing out the complete mess Bush the First made of things after Desert Storm. What a waste of lives that was. "Oh brave Iraqi people rise up against your oppressor!" And then he pulls the carpet out from under them.
I don't recall President Bush killing anyone. In case you missed it, Saddam Hussein and his RG goons were doing all the killing. Yes, it was tragic, but this revisionist history trying to pin blame elsewhere is getting old.
14 posted on 04/10/2003 11:17 AM PDT by Coop (God bless our troops!)
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