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Mujahideen Continue Operations Against American Forces In Iraq
Jun 13, 2003
Source: Qal3ah.net, Translated by JUS
The Global Islamic Media Center which represents the Mujahideen in Iraq released a new report about their new operations that took place this past week. The Mujahideen asserted that their continuous operations have turned the lives of the American soldiers into hell, and the resistance in every quarter of the Iraqi land is growing. The Mujahideen operations took place in the following cities:
As U.S. Fans Out in Iraq, Clashes and Deaths Are Rising
American troops fanning out to reinforce allied control of Iraq came under attack again in at least three separate places north of Baghdad.
U.S. Troops Fend Off Ambush, Pursue Hussein Loyalists
THULUYA, Iraq, June 13-U.S. troops today killed four Iraqis who had ambushed a tank patrol with rocket-propelled grenades in a restive Sunni Muslim region. Tanks, armored vehicles and helicopter gunships then pursued and killed 23 other Iraqis the military said were fighters fleeing the battle.
There were no U.S. casualties reported in the clash, but the 27 Iraqi deaths marked one of the highest tolls since the war ended on April 9 and appeared to signal an escalation in a simmering guerrilla-style war.
Just miles away, the U.S. military had deployed thousands of soldiers this week, in its largest campaign since the war, to root out loyalists of Saddam Hussein's government, whom it blames for the almost daily ambushes and attacks across a broad swath of territory north and west of Baghdad.
Today's fight erupted before dawn in Balad, about 40 miles northwest of the capital, and lasted hours. The military said "an organized group of attackers" ambushed a patrol of the 4th Infantry Division, which is based at Fort Hood, Tex. The patrol returned fire, and AH-64 Apache helicopters then pursued what the military described as fleeing fighters through the canal-watered farms and orchards along the Tigris River.
The region in western Iraq -- along the Euphrates and north along the Tigris -- represents the center of Iraq's Sunni Muslim minority. Hussein relied on them for the leadership of his Baath Party, as well as senior officials in the intelligence services, the Iraqi military and the elite Republican Guards. Across the territory, sympathy for Hussein still runs deep.
The territory escaped the brunt of the fighting during the war. But U.S. officials say they believe the attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated and organized, although it is not clear who is leading them.
The attack today in Balad came a day after U.S. forces launched an air and ground assault against a camp of fighters in northwestern Iraq near the border with Syria. In that strike, U.S. officials said 70 people were killed. The raid targeted members of the now-banned Baath Party, Iraqi paramilitary groups and "other subversive elements," the military said. One U.S. soldier was wounded, the military said.
U.S. officials and villagers near the site said Arab fighters from outside Iraq were among the dead. Residents identified them as Syrians, Saudis and Yemenis, among others. During the war, the Iraqi government claimed that thousands of non-Iraqi Arabs had trekked across its border to defend against the U.S.-led invasion. Most were believed to have fled or been killed.
The operation north of Baghdad has been dubbed Operation Peninsula Strike. It was centered around Thuluya, a relatively prosperous farming community of 50,000, across the Tigris river from Balad. The campaign began after midnight Monday with raids on two dozen houses and the detention of nearly 400 residents. U.S. soldiers said all but about 50 were released by today from an old airport used as a detention center a few miles outside the city.
The military said the operation, involving 4,000 troops, was designed to root out Hussein loyalists believed operating in the region.
In contrast with the firefight in Balad, U.S. soldiers today said they encountered surprisingly little resistance in Thuluya and found only a few stashes of weapons here. Except for a few shots on their entry to the town, "there was no resistance whatsoever," said Lt. Arthur Jimenez, who leads a platoon of the 4th Infantry Division that was patrolling the town's streets today. "We basically expected a hostile area."
Some residents remained angry over the raids, accusing soldiers of heavy-handed treatment in entering their homes. Some displayed bruises they said they received from rifle butts when the Americans went inside.
"They've lost all credibility," said Hashim Ibrahim Mohammed, a 45-year-old driver who was held for four days at the airport. "No one expected the Americans would do such a thing to innocent people."
A large military presence remained in the town today, a lush farming community known for its orchards of plums, oranges and apricots. Soldiers carried out foot patrols, followed by armored vehicles churning up dust along Thuluya's streets. Helicopters occasionally whirred overhead, drawing stares from the handful of people in streets where most of the stores remained shuttered.
At the entrance to the town, U.S. checkpoints ringed with barbed wire stopped cars entering the city. After Thursday, soldiers had abandoned a handful of houses they had seized inside the town in the operation's early hours.
Near Kirkuk, in northern Iraq, the military said the 173rd Airborne Brigade arrested 74 people. It described them as "suspected al-Qaeda sympathizers," but offered no further details.
In the same region, about 155 miles north of Baghdad, two explosions Thursday night struck the 600-mile pipeline from the Kirkuk oilfields to Turkey's Mediterranean port of Ceyhan. Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul blamed sabotage, but U.S. officials said the cause was likely an accident. Army and Iraqi engineers were repairing the rupture today.
Correspondent Daniel Williams contributed to this report from Rawah.
2003 The Washington Post Company