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Mujahideen Continue Operations Against American Forces In Iraq
Jun 13, 2003 Source:
Qal3ah.net, Translated by JUS
The Global Islamic Media Center which represents the Mujahideen in Iraq released a new report about their new operations that took place this past week.
The Mujahideen asserted that their continuous operations have turned the lives of the American soldiers into hell, and the resistance in every quarter of the Iraqi land is growing.
The Mujahideen operations took place in the following cities:
Al-Farouq brigades destroyed an American armored vehicle that carries American and British paratroopers that were performing administrative tasks near the American troops' camp in the city.
A number of the American special forces attempted to determine the location of the attackers by following some of the Mujahideen on their way back to where the Northern forests in Al-Fallujah where they prepared a new ambush for the Americans.
The ambush resulted in the death of the American soldiers pursuing them.
The Mujahideen estimated the losses of the Americans as follows:
An armored vehicle Bradley and the death of all on board in addition to 6 American commandos.
Al-Anbar Province:
The monitoring detachment of the Al-Farouq Brigades managed to determine the location of the headquarter of the American troops in the province at the city of Ramadi.
The Al-Muntasseroon Bellah detachment penetrated deep into eney line to a place close to the American headquarter and they planted high impact explosives around the American base.
Taking their positions outside their location, they began by firing domestically upgraded Sam-13 rockets and as soon as the bombardment started, the American soldiers in the headquarter hid inside an interior shelter.
Al- Muntasseroon Bellah detachment then used the tactic of pretending to be escaping in order to draw the hiding soldiers out of their positions.
As the American commandos started to pursue the escaping Mujahideen, they detonated explosives that they had planted around the area, claiming the lives of unknown number of American soldiers.
The detachement then pulled back and launched a major bombing campaign on the headquarters that totally destroyed the location.
The Mujahideen estimated the American casualties to exceed 10 soldiers beside the destruction of 3 German-made Fox armored vehicles.
Al-Bakr port:
After a period of monitoring and gathering intelligence about the presence of the American troops in Al-Bakr port, a group of Iraqi Special Forces penetrated the port and hid waiting for American military boats carrying a number of American engineers working for an oil company.
When the boats began to move from the port towards Al-Faw port, the Iraqi forces launched their domestically upgraded French- made MM33 rockets.
As the result, 3 boats were devastated and all on board were killed.
Two other boats managed to escape towards Iranian territorial water.
The report added that Al-Bakr port is guarded by the American Marines, but it is an open port in that it is difficult to protect, and when the Iraqi forces launched their rockets, the American guards at the port hid inside underground shelters for fear that the attack was carried out by Iraqi planes because of the intentisity of the explosions of the rockets.
The hunting detachments of Al-Farouq Brigades shoot the American soldiers frequently and in different areas in order to spread horror among them and to destry their spirits.
In addition, a detachment of Al-Farouq Brigades attacked an American checkpoint in the Iraqi capital in a short operation that resulted in the death of 3 American soldiers and considerable damage of the checkpoint.
The American troops could not enter the area for 6 hours after the attack although the operation lasted for only a few minutes.
In another operation, a couple of Mujahideen ambushed an American Hummer, carrying 3 CIA officers and a driving soldier, accompanied by an armored vehicle heading towards an Iraqi nuclear location at the West of Baghdad.
As soon as the Hummer arrived, the first Mujahid approached and detonated himself which led to the destruction of the Jeep and the death of all on board except one of the officers who was injured.
The injured officer attempted to move towards the accompanying armored vehicle, but the second Mujahid carried him towards the vehicle and detonate himself which resulted in the death of the injured officer beside the damage of a part of the vehicle that rushed away for fear of other martyrdom operations.
The report confirmed that the American attempts to inspect the nuclear locations in Baghdad have become an opportunity for the Mujahideen to attack them because the nuclear areas are located among forests that are difficult for the American troops to protect.
At the end of the report, Al-Farouq Brigades promise Allah and all Muslims that their Jihad in Iraq will come to an end either by victory or martyrdom, and the coming days will be full of surprises for the Crusaders.