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ファザル・マヌッラーは BBCパシュトゥン・サービスとの会見で、ここ数日の間に起きた地雷除去作業員への攻撃に、タリバンが関与しているという西側メディアの訴えを否定した。
クナールは知事サイッド・ファザル・アクバルはAFPに、ワタプール・コターン村(ジャララバードから50Kmの地点)への攻撃で、全タリバンのコミッショナー マウルビ・ナイマトゥッラーが殉教、他に3人の聖戦士が負傷したと話した。
これは別の攻撃であるが、身元不明の男達がジャララバードのMozera French NGOのオフィスに手榴弾を投げこんだ。
27 May 2003:
597 days have passed since America launched its latest Crusade against Islam and its people.
A number of Muslim prisoners were captured in this Crusade and taken to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba where their beards were forcibly shaved and they are being held in cages subject to Malaria, heatstroke and other tropical diseases.
Taliban Sources Deny Attacks on Afghans Working in Aid Organizations
An important Taliban leader said that they are not involved in attacks over Afghan citizens who are working for aid organizations in the country, but he stated that those who work for foreign aid organizations and disguise themselves to gather intelligence about Taliban would be targeted.
Fazal Manullah while speaking to BBC Pashtu service rejected the western media charges that Taliban were involved in attacks over land mine removal workers in the past a few days.
He added that attacks over land mine removal workers were a consequence of the lawlessness and chaos in the country.
He reminded the world that when Taliban were ruling the country they were responsible for the safety of all aid workers.
He further said that Taliban never target innocent Afghan citizens, however reiterated that, those who ally themselves with the occupiers will be dealt accordingly.
Former Taliban Commissioner Martyred in Encounter with US Troops
Afghan authorities claim to have martyred a former Taliban commissioner in eastern Afghanistan and arrested Mujahid commander Mulla Janan from Kandahar.
Kunar's governor Syed Fazal Akbar while speaking to AFP said that in an attack in Watapur Kotaan village, some 50 km away from Jalalabad, a former Taliban commissioner Maulvi Naimat-ullah was martyred while three other Mujahideen sustained injuries.
It is not yet clear whether the commissioner was martyred by US firing or he was drowned in the river.
Earlier when US troops raided his house he exhibited fierce resistance along with his neighbors.
When his ammunition ran out he dived in a near by river and his dead body was found later on lying along the banks.
Some sources said that Naimatullah was a very close relative of commander hazrat Ali and he was assassinated on some family rivalry.
Later on a German land mine removal agency vehicle was remotely detonated at Jalalabad Toorkham highway.
The German Agro Action agency carries out its activities under UN supervision.
Two Afghan received life threatening injuries while the vehicle was badly damaged.
In another attack unknown men threw hand grenades over Mozera French NGO office in Jalalabad.
The building was badly damaged although no deaths were reported.
On Saturday Afghan interior minister claimed at a press conference that Taliban commander Mulla Janan was arrested along with four other companions when they were trying to fit bombs near government buildings in Kandahar.
AFP on the other hand said that arrest of Mulla Janan is not yet confirmed by any independent source.
Badshah Khan denied to accept newly appointed governor of Paktia.
While speaking to Afghan Islamic Press he warned that Karzai should immediately hand over charge of three southern provinces to him or else be prepared to face serious consequences.