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投稿者 木村愛二 日時 2003 年 6 月 22 日 11:27:20:
US general condemns Iraq failures/US military, General William Nash told The Observer/Источник: The Guardian/22.06
US general condemns Iraq failures
22.06.2003 [05:06]
One of the most experienced and respected figures in a generation of American warfare and peacekeeping yesterday accused the US administration of 'failing to prepare for the consequences of victory' in Iraq.
At the end of a week that saw a war of attrition develop against the US military, General William Nash told The Observer that the US had 'lost its window of opportunity' after felling Saddam Hussein's regime and was embarking on a long-term expenditure of people and dollars for which it had not planned.
'It is an endeavour which was not understood by the administration to begin with,' he said.
Now retired, Nash served in the Vietnam war and in Operation Desert Storm (the first Gulf War) before becoming commander of US forces in Bosnia and then an acclaimed UN Civil Affairs administrator in Kosovo.
He is currently a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, specialising in conflict prevention.
In one of the most outspoken critiques from a man of his standing, Nash said the US had 'failed to understand the mindset and attitudes of the Iraqi people and the depth of hostility towards the US in much of the country'.
'It is much greater and deeper than just the consequences of war,' he added. 'It comes from 12 years of sanctions, Israel and Palestinians, and a host of issues.'
As a result, he says, 'we are now seeing the re-emergence of a reasonably organised military opposition - small scale, but it could escalate.'
It was insufficient for the US to presume that the forces now harassing and killing American troops were necessarily confined to what he called a residue of the Saddam regime. 'What we are facing today is a confluence of various forces which channel the disgruntlement of the people,' said Nash.
'You can't tell who is behind the latest rocket propelled grenade. It could be a father whose daughter has been killed; it could be a political leader trying to gain a following, or it could be rump Saddam. Either way, they are starting to converge.'
He said: 'the window of opportunity which occurred with the fall of Saddam was not seized in terms of establishing stability'.
'In the entire region - and Iraq is typical - there is a sense that America can do whatever it wants. So that if America decides to protect the oilfields and oil ministry, it can.
'And if America doesn't provide electricity and water or fails to protect medical supplies, it is because they don't want to or they don't care.'
Nash is reluctant to make comparisons with Vietnam: 'There are far more things that were different about Vietnam than there are similarities. Except perhaps the word "quagmire". Maybe that is the only thing that is the same.'
Источник: The Guardian
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さてさて、"quagmire"(沼地から転じて、「あがきの取れない苦境」)、アメリカン英語ではなくてイギリス風のようであるが、簡略オクスフォード英々辞典では、difficult or dangerous situation と説明している。恐ろしい状況なのである。実は、これこそが、唯一」「最大」「最重要」の共通点なのである。
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「どこまで続くぬかるみぞ、三日二夜を食もなく、雨降りしずく鉄かぶと。ひずめのあとに乱れ咲く、秋草の花しずくして虫が音ほそき 日暮れ空。」、少年時代に軍歌行進で唄った歌が口からでる。これはいけない、中国では軍歌はご法度だ。とあたりをキョロキョロ・・・
4年間の泥沼の日中戦争が膠着状態に陥り、とうとうアメリカとの開戦となり、昭和17年4月東京初空襲、このときの米軍機がこの あたりの飛行場に着陸したことから大本営は衝撃をうけ、この中部中国の基地を攻略する命令を発した。この作戦が前述の「淅かん」作戦 で、私の従兄弟も参加したという。更に長沙へと進軍した話を夢中になって聞いたことを思い出す。「泥水すすり草を噛み越えた山河も・・・」、 汗とほこりの進撃したのもこのあたりか?
なにも戦争を懐かしんでいるのではない。こんな広い所に兵を出しても勝てるわけないと痛感しているのだ。点となる城鎮を攻めても 逃げればよい、あちらを叩けばこちらに逃げる。こちらを叩けばあちらに逃げる。隙があれば反撃する。土に生きる農民兵の反日抗戦に お手上げになるのはわかりきっている。勝った勝ったと言いながら自滅していく愚かな戦・・・
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altmedka:Alternative Medium by KIMURA Aiji
電網速報『亜空間通信』(2001.09.01.創刊 2003.06.22.現在、618号発行済)