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CIA Accused Of Bank Heist
Shortly before U.S. forces began streaming across the Iraqi border, commencing Persian Gulf War II, the CIA and the Department of Defense, with a little help from Israel and some Europeans, pulled off a massive bank heist in Iraq to the tune of several billion dollars. (アメリカ軍がイラク侵攻を開始する直前にCIAとDIAはイスラエルと欧州人の助けを借りてイラク銀行から多額のドルを盗んだ)
Exclusive to American Free Press(http://www.americanfreepress.net/Bank_Heist.html)
By Gordon Thomas
The CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) are accused by International Currency Review, the London-based journal, of mounting a joint ultra-secret operation to electronically remove an estimated $10 billion out of the Iraqi Central Bank hours before the start of Persian Gulf War II. The whereabouts of the money is not known. (ロンドンの国際通貨レビュー誌はCIAとDIAがイラク中央銀行から約100億ドルをイラク侵攻直前に盗んだと非難した。その金の所在は不明)
“We believe it is in a secret CIA fund which will be used to mount further special services operations, such as tracking down Saddam Hussein,” said the Review’s publisher, Christopher Story. (レビュー誌の発行者クリストファー・ストーリー氏はCIAの秘密口座にあると思うと述べた)
Story is a former financial advisor to Lady Thatcher when she was Britain’s prime minister. In the past 10 years, he has testified before several congressional committees dealing with financial scandals. (ストーリー氏は元サッチャー首相の経済指南役だった)
DIA coordinates all intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It is headquartered in the Pentagon.
The report is titled “The Great Robbery of the Central Bank of Iraq.” It has been sent to finance ministers of leading nations, the World Bank, the Bank of England and heads of all other major banks. (このレポートは「イラク中央銀行の大盗難事件」という題名で世界銀行、英国銀行及び他国の中央銀行に送られた)
The report is bound to cause huge embarrassment to President Bush after he signed an executive order on March 23, ordering a worldwide hunt for the hidden assets of Saddam Hussein and his family. (このレポートはブッシュ大統領に途方もない当惑をもたらすだろう。彼は3月23日にフセインの隠し財産を世界中で探せと特別命令を出したからである)
The Review claims that using skilled hackers recruited by the DIA and key Iraqi bank officials who had been bribed to provide secret access codes to the Central Bank’s accounts for Saddam Hussein and his family, the money was transferred out of the bank in a high-tech operation. (レポートには熟練したハッカー数人とイラク銀行の役員を買収して得た秘密コードを使いフセインと彼の家族の口座から金を引き出した、と述べている)
According to the General Accounting Office (GAO), the investigative agency of Congress, Saddam was estimated to have accumulated “$6.6 billion between 1997 and 2000 from illegal oil smuggling and from illicit deals connected with the United Nations oil for food program.”
But a substantial portion of that money may have been lifted by the secret CIA/DIA operation.
The operation, claims the Review, was masterminded by the CIA/DIA out of a military facility, Redstone Arsenal, in Alabama. It is the base for U.S. Special Ser vices. (この操作はアラバマにあるレッドストーン兵器庫からCIAとDIAによって計画された)
“The money was laundered through a number of CIA controlled accounts, including some held in the Discount Bank of Israel, Credit Suisse in Switzerland and the Dresdner Bank in Germany,” said Story. (この金は幾つかのCIA所有の口座を通して洗浄されたが、それにはイスラエル・ディスカウント銀行、クレディスイス銀行、ドレスナー銀行が拘わっている)
He confirmed that Germany’s secret service Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) is checking with the major German banks on electronic transfers, which could match the $10 billion.
The Review states in its 25-page report that it had questioned a key member of the operation. She is identified as “Nelda Rogers, a debriefing officer with the Defense Intelligence Agency.”
“She was in Germany last year when American intelligence officials were devising covert operations ahead of the long-planned conflict. She has revealed that a covert operation targeting the Central Bank of Iraq took place prior to and during the war. The operatives involved were military ‘black operations’ personnel brought into service for this purpose,” said Story.
The Review claims that Rogers and a team of ten DIA operatives were financed through the U.S. Department of Agriculture. They were supported by CIA agents in Iraq.(これに携わったロージャース夫人と十人のDIA要員は農産業省から資金を得た)
“In all, 100 people were involved in the operation,” says the report. “The Department of Agriculture has been consistently used to hide payments for U.S. covert operations,” claimed Story, whose headquarters are close to Whitehall. (総勢で100人がこの操作に拘わっており、金の出所を隠す為に農産業省が全ての資金を提供した)
The Review states: “The U.S. Department of Agriculture is used as a paymaster for certain DIA ‘black operations’ because it has traditionally remained unscrutinized.”
“Like the Federal Reserve Board and the U.S. Treasury’s secret Exchange Stabilization Fund, the Department of Agriculture is yet another federal agency which benefits from a special exemption from rigorous auditing by the General Accounting Office.”(農産業省はFRBと大蔵省とに並んで政府の監査を免除されているからである)
The Review also states it has testimony from Rogers that the operation was designed to “purloin the Iraq Central Bank’s assets ahead of the arrival of U.S. troops in Baghdad. This suggests that the operation was designed for a nefarious purpose, rather than to help use it for the rebuilding of Iraq.”
After interviewing Rogers and “a number of U.S. intelligence operatives,” Story confirmed he received three warnings to stop his investigation. (ストーリー氏はアメリカの秘密警察から調査を止めるよう三度警告を受けた)
“I was told that 19 people are very dead as a result of trying to cover what you are exposing,” Story wrote in an editorial in the Review. (私は、既に19人の人がこの情報を公開しようとして殺された、と言われた)
The Review costs $475 a copy and is one of a small group of titles that Story publishes on financial intelligence for the world banking community.