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8月1日のNY TimesにEnron詐欺事件の調査結果報告の解説がでていますが(http://www.nytimes.com/2003/08/01/business/01NORR.html)、アメリカの金融業は詐欺師の集まりであることが良く解ります。日本の皆さん、私がいつも言うように、アメリカの金融業者を絶対に信用してはなりません。君子危うきに近寄らずで、関係を持たなければ被害を受ける可能性は無いのですから、日本人は彼らを徹底的にボイコットするべきです。以下はその抜粋です。
The mechanism (of frauds) was laid out this week in a report by Neal Batson, Enron's court-appointed trustee, who concluded that Citigroup knew Enron's accounting was improper. It was also cited as the Securities and Exchange Commission settled with Citigroup and J. P. Morgan Chase, which neither admitted nor denied the S.E.C.'s accusations that they were involved in Enron's frauds.(つまりアメリカ政府と銀行はグルだということ)
Reading Mr. Batson's voluminous report makes it clear that the banks were not "looking the other way" as Enron misled investors. They were instead dreaming up and selling financial products to allow Enron to mislead. Some of those products appeared to squirm within accounting rules, but even then the banks found themselves engaging in practices that they knew should invalidate the accounting.(銀行とEnronは共謀で投資家達を騙した)
It was a profitable business. As one J. P. Morgan executive put it, Enron was "enticed to pay a premium" over normal interest rates to obtain money in ways that would be, in Mr. Batson's words, "inscrutable to rating agencies, creditors and other users of Enron's financial statements."(銀行は高い手数料を取り、共謀して格付会社や債権者を騙した)
As it happened, the banks that aided the fraud also lost billions. They seem to have been surprised to learn that they were lied to by the very company that paid them to help deceive others. But their losses are worthy of little sympathy, considering that Enron could never have mounted such a vast fraud without the banks' help.(銀行もEnronに騙されているのに気がつかなかった)
The question now is what will happen in bankruptcy court. Mr. Batson concludes there is ample ground for "equitable subordination" of the debts owed to the banks. That would move them to the end of the line, leaving more for the creditors that were not participants in Enron's fraud. But for that to happen, some creditors would have to mount a costly legal effort. It is not clear anyone will try.(法廷では詐欺を働いた銀行の債権回収優先度は投資家達より下になるだろう)
One might expect Congress to change the bankruptcy law to make it crystal clear that banks with dirty hands should not prosper when a company they aided in fraud goes under. Instead, the bankruptcy bill now being pushed through Congress goes out of its way to help the banks.(国会ではむしろ詐欺を働いた銀行を助ける方向に動いている)
That bill would make it easier for banks to collect car loans and to force small businesses to liquidate, perhaps allowing the banks to be repaid while other creditors suffer. It would make it easier to collect credit card debts of people who go broke while trying to live up to their obligations.(国会で審議中の法律は債権者達よりも銀行の方を優遇しようとしている)
Some doubt the S.E.C. can stop deceptive financial engineering. "These guys can create fancy paper faster than Congress can change the laws, or the S.E.C. can change the rules," said Elizabeth Warren, a Harvard law professor. "The banks that financed the arrangements that caused the companies to collapse need to bear a substantial part of the risk that they injected into these companies."(SECの規制作りは銀行の新しい詐欺の案出速度に間に合わない)
In the meantime, perhaps the S.E.C. should demand the banks name other companies that bought Enron-type products. Many more deceptions might be found.(SECは銀行に対しEnron以外のどの会社にインチキを教えたを開示せよと要求すべきである)
日本でも有利な条件を呉れたからという理由でアメリカの金融業者から融資を受けている会社が沢山あるでしょう。そして彼らから如何に政府の監督や法律をかいくぐってインチキするかを指南されているに違いありません。会社が傾けば、日本の法廷は甘いですから、上に書いてある"equitable subordination"をアメリカの金融業者に強制しないでしょうから日本人の投資家が全部損を被る事になります。それが嫌なら、日本にはEnron程有能な詐欺師を抱えている会社はまず無いでしょうから、早々に日本の銀行に乗り換える事です。何度でも言いますが、彼らが日本人を相手に自由市場とか法規遵守とか格好の良いことを云うのは全て自分達の悪事を隠すためです。日本人は世界一のお人好しで世界一騙されやすい国民だという事を肝に銘じて覚えておいてください。