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(回答先: アメリカ北東部の大停電は「電磁波攻撃」によるテロの可能性 投稿者 HAARP 日時 2003 年 8 月 16 日 04:31:23)
NASA May Investigate Blackout
Did Mysterious Foam Tile Cause Power Outage?
(Conspiracy Nation, 8/16/03) -- Almost immediately off-limits as an area of investigation, following the August 14, 2003 "Great Blackout," was the possibility that the catastrophe was caused by terrorists. Although the cause of the event was not known, authorities proclaimed it not due to terrorists.
This rapid sealing off of an area of investigation follows a pattern, seen, for example, in the aftermath of the John F. Kennedy assassination and following the mid-air explosion of TWA Flight 800.
Who will be involved in the Great Blackout investigation? Since the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is currently investigating itself, following the February 1, 2003 disintegration of the space shuttle Columbia, it is thought that effort can be conserved by retaining these experts for a probe into the Great Blackout.
(NASA Investigates Itself : http://www.shout.net/%7Ebigred/nasa.htm )
Might not a misplaced foam tile have caused the power outage? We already know that such a wandering foam tile could not have been used maliciously, since the Great Blackout was officially not caused by terrorists. This would ease NASA's task, since that part of an investigation has already been hurriedly solved. NASA, experts on the insidious nature of foam tiles, need only find an errant foam tile and point the finger.
●●Lightning Strikes Twice
Regarding the cause of Thursday's massive power outage, "Jim Munson, a spokesman for Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretian said: 'We have been informed that lightning struck a power plant in the Niagara region on the U.S. side.'" [1]
"Bright electrical phenomena" around the space shuttle Columbia were photographed during its February 1st demise. The San Francisco Chronicle reported that it may have been a "bolt of electricity in the upper atmosphere." [2] Early on in Thursday's blackout, Canada had blamed the power outage on a lightning strike at Niagara. Reports show there were no storms in the area at the time, and thus Canada's preliminary lightning-strike claim was dismissed. But the fact that there were no storms in the area of the reported lightning strike is more tell-tale than realized.
Scientist Tom Bearden says that "extensive weather engineering and control has been very active all over the U.S. for some time." This weather engineering is not isolated into a neat compartment but intersects with top-secret advanced weapons systems, such as "scalar EM (Electro-Magnetic) interferometry weapons." A faction of the former Soviet KGB reportedly has had such a weapon since at least 1989, if not earlier. [3] Following the break-up of the Soviet Union, elements of the KGB gained new employment with the Russian Mafiya. The Russian Mafiya, in turn, used these former KGB agents to sell advanced weaponry on the black market. Among those now possessing exotic, highly secret weapons, such as scalar EM weapons, are reportedly Japan's mafia, known as the Yakuza. The absence of storms in the area of the reported Niagara lightning strike does not mean witnesses were mistaken. It means that, to the average person, a terrorist attack using an electro-magnetic weapon will be interpreted as a lightning strike.
●●Widespread Terror Warnings
In the weeks leading up to the August 14th blackout, there had been ominous rumblings from various intelligence agencies about an imminent terrorist attack:
・Australian Prime Minister John Howard "said Australians must brace themselves for the possibility of a terrorist attack, and he could not guarantee it would not happen on Australian soil." [4]
・Turkey: Ankara Security Directorate issues terror warning. [5]
・Intelligence warnings that a terrorist attack in Britain could be imminent. [6]
・USA: Department of Homeland Security warns police, security and airline personnel about a raised level of alert, but gives no specific information on dates or potential targets. [7]
●●Computer Hackers
There was "speculation about whether computer hackers might be responsible (for the blackout)." [8] Warnings of a looming Internet "worm" attack had been in the news during previous days. Consistent security loopholes keep appearing in Microsoft software, there to be exploited by resentful techies whose jobs are disappearing due to the latest thing: "outsourcing" (hiring of third-world programmers at bargain-basement wages.) Not exactly terrorists, the outsourced techies-turned-hackers are "a flaw in the grid."
------- Notes -------
[1] "Canada and U.S. Blame Each Other" cnn.com. 8/15/03
[2] "Cosmic bolt probed in shuttle disaster", by Sabin Russell. San Francisco Chronicle, 2/7/03
[3] "Bearden Responds To Scalar Attack Possibility". Rumor Mill News, 2/2/03
[4] "Terror Warning Upgraded For Indonesia." Sydney Morning Herald, 8/13/03
[5] "Ankara Security Directorate Issues a Terror Warning." Zaman Daily Newspaper, 8/13/03
[6] "Police in New Terror Warning." itv.com, 8/10/03
[7] "U.S. Expats in Fresh Terror Warning." expatica.com, 7/30/03
[8] "Cause of Blackout is Not Yet Known." AP, 8/15/03, via RockyMountTelegram.com
Conspiracy Nation. Think outside the box.http://www.shout.net/~bigred/cn.html
NASA Investigates Itself
(Conspiracy Nation, 7/27/03) -- On February 14, 2002, writing from the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA), SpaceRef Interactive reported that "America's first Space Shuttle, Columbia, will return to orbit fresh from two years of work that have left it safer and more capable than ever before." [1]
On February 1, 2003, something caused the Columbia to disintegrate. It appears likely that NASA will declare the disaster to have been caused by a foam tile. Since most Americans find it easier to just accept the bland pronouncements of so-called science, whatever the so-called scientists decide is likely to be submissively accepted. The minority of still-thinking Americans, however, will want to review what is known and to make up their own minds.
The general lack of credibility of U.S. news outlets in certain key areas causes thinking people, scorned by the same news outlets as "conspiracy theorists", to rely on the foreign press for more truthful reporting. An amazing indicator of the climate of these times is that Russia's Pravda news has become a fairly decent source for information on scientific mysteries. Following the Feb. 1, 2003 space shuttle disaster, Pravda, on Feb. 3, 2003, open-mindedly, in true scientific methodology, began their own inquiry by declaring that "all versions of the catastrophe were possible."
One key piece of evidence, now disappeared down "the old memory hole," is that strange photos of the doomed spacecraft were taken by an amateur astronomer. Writes Pravda, in an imperfect translation: "...some amateur astronomer managed to take a picture of a strange phenomenon when the shuttle tragically fell down; the pictures clearly depict a bright orange flash resembling an electric discharge. Specialists cannot say so far what the flash could be." [2]
The San Francisco Chronicle and other newspapers also mentioned the puzzling photos, "five strange and provocative images of the shuttle Columbia just as it was re-entering the Earth's atmosphere before dawn Saturday. The pictures, taken with a Nikon 8 camera on a tripod, reveal what appear to be bright electrical phenomena flashing around the track of the shuttle's passage..." [3]
The San Francisco Chronicle followed up their Feb. 2, 2003 story a few days later with a theory about the "bright electrical phenomena." It may have been a "bolt of electricity in the upper atmosphere." Just as lightning is followed by a thunderclap, the electrical phenomena seen in the photos might have been followed by noticeable sound. Listening posts monitor "infrasound," sound below the threshhold of human hearing which travels much further than other sounds. "Investigators are combing records from a network of ultra-sensitive instruments that might have detected a faint thunderclap in the upper atmosphere at the same time a photograph taken by a San Francisco astronomer appears to show a purplish bolt of lightning striking the shuttle." [4] What became of this infrasound investigation? Will NASA provide any information in its forthcoming report on the Columbia disaster?
An article in the Toledo Blade corroborates that an infrasound avenue was originally being pursued. "A little-known network of listening devices, used partly to detect rogue nuclear tests, overheard Columbia's death, recording explosions as the space shuttle broke apart 39 miles above the Earth." [5]
But this sound connected with the Columbia disaster was no "faint thunderclap." Eyewitnesses heard a loud boom, and an ultra-secret weapon was linked to Columbia's destruction. "Despite the media spin of an unfortunate accident, the nature of the crash of Columbia was evident from eyewitness accounts. The telltale sonic boom from the deployment of the weapon was so strong: 'It was like a car hitting the house or an explosion. It shook that much,' John Ferolito, 60, of Carrolton, north of Dallas, told the Associated Press." [6]
Weather manipulation has been the dream of military planners for decades. On D-Day, June 6, 1944, a break in the weather allowed the Normandy invasion to proceed. If the allies had had control of the weather, they would not have had to depend upon good fortune to enable a go-ahead; they could have cleared up the weather themselves. There is also the implication of using the weather as an aggressive weapon, such as sending a tornado against the enemy. Middle East news outlet Al-Bawaba connected a freak tornado with experiments conducted by NASA. On January 27, 2003, "an unusually powerful tornado struck the island of Cyprus." Coinciding with the freak tornado, "in three different locations - - at Houston Space Center, the Israeli Air Force Headquarters 'somewhere' in Tel Aviv area and (onboard) Space Shuttle Columbia - hundreds of Israeli Air Force members and meteorology experts celebrated the success of the joint 'experiment' carried out between the Israeli Air Force and NASA's Space Center. The 'experiment' was entitled: 'The creation of an artificial tornado, aided by dust storms.'" [7]
So was it "bright electrical phenomena", a "sprite" or "Transient Luminous Event" (TLE), which doomed Columbia? Or was the shuttle's doom connected with advanced weather experiments conducted onboard? Perhaps the tragedy was more sinister, caused by an exotic weapon. Scientist Tom Bearden says that "extensive weather engineering and control has been very active all over the U.S. for some time." This weather engineering is not isolated into a neat compartment but intersects with top-secret advanced weapons systems, such as "scalar EM (Electro-Magnetic) interferometry weapons." A faction of the former Soviet KGB reportedly has had such a weapon since at least 1989, if not earlier. For this KGB faction, the Cold War is not over; they long for a return of the Soviet Union. Reportedly they leased this advanced weaponry to the Japanese Yakuza, part of Japan's ancient Samuri caste of warriors. The Yakuza, not part of Japan's government but nonetheless extremely powerful, have never forgiven Japan's "loss of face" during World War II. Especially cause for a long-smoldering vendetta is the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, to this Samuri caste. They reportedly have been harassing the U.S. for some time now, by means of weather attacks. [8]
A board, supposedly independent of NASA, has been investigating the Columbia disaster and will soon issue a report. How independent the board is is questioned in an article in the St. Petersburg Times. "Its 10 members, who include three NASA officials, were appointed by NASA. Its small staff consists of people on loan from NASA. And it remains to be seen just how much authority the board will have in gathering information that might embarrass NASA." [9] Extraordinary secrecy has surrounded the so-called investigation. "The board investigating the shuttle Columbia tragedy will give Congress -- but not the public -- limited access to transcripts of confidential interviews conducted during its nearly five-month probe..." [10]
------- Notes -------
[1] "Columbia to Begin Third Decade in Space", SpaceRef Interactive, Feb. 14, 2002
[2] "Columbia Tragedy: All Versions of Catastrophe Possible." Pravda. Feb. 3, 2003
[3] "Photos show odd images near shuttle", by David Perlman. San Francisco Chronicle, 2/2/03
[4] "Cosmic bolt probed in shuttle disaster", by Sabin Russell. San Francisco Chronicle, 2/7/03
[5] "Shuttle overheard exploding", by Michael Woods. Toledo Blade, 2/16/03
[6] "Scalar Psyop Strike On Columbia Ends WW3?" Rumor Mill News, 2/2/03
[7] "Freak Cyprus Tornado - Columbia STS-107: The ''Real'' Story???" 2/25/03. Al Bawaba (www.albawaba.com)
[8] "Bearden Responds To Scalar Attack Possibility". Rumor Mill News, 2/2/03
[9] "'Independent' board: 3 of 10 from NASA", by Bill Adair. St. Petersburg Times, 2/5/03
[10] "NASA lets Congress see secret interviews", by Kevin Spear, Gwyneth K.Shaw and Jim Leusner. Orlando Sentinel, 6/14/03
Conspiracy Nation. Think outside the box.http://www.shout.net/~bigred/cn.html