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電子記録によれば、以下のごとく、本日(2003/05/17)から数えると3日前に、「反米」アメリカ人の友人が、「完璧な敵」(The Perfect Enemy)と題する記事を転送してきた。
> Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 17:12:32 +0900
> Subject: The Perfect Enemy
Terrorists who can't be caught
because they don't really exist
or because they're CIA assets
この3行の冒頭に「テロリスト」という言葉が出てくるが、この記事そのものには作成の日付はない。URLが記されていないから、多分、どこかの掲示板などへの投稿か、友人間の手紙の転送であろう。しかし、私への転送の日付は、上記のごとく、「Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 17:12:32 +0900」との電子記録がある。以下のごとく、サウジの「爆発事件」を「テロ」と断定する大手メディアの一斉報道があった翌日である。
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投稿者 転載 日時 2003 年 5 月 13 日 21:52:18:
(2003/5/13/21:42 読売新聞 無断転載禁止)
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The Perfect Enemy(or ventriloquist and his puppet)
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『9・11事件の真相と背景』(副題:「テロ」か? 自作自演の戦争挑発謀略か?アメリカ=イスラエル=世界支配構想の核心を突く)
は し が き
「戦争の最初の犠牲者は真実」 (When war is decleared, Truth is the first cusualty)
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これもまた、 マーク・トウェインの言葉とあるが、まだ、英語の引用句事典などには当たっていない。とかく有名な警句ほど、発言者の「伝説」であったという例が多いので、一応、出典は留保しておくが、無線電信の開幕期に、その将来を鋭く予測したものだとすれば、永遠の高い評価に値する。いままた、インターネット開幕期である。再び真剣に この至言に耳を傾けることが必要だろう。
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Mark Twain
A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.
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The Perfect Enemy(or ventriloquist and his puppet)
The Perfect Enemy
Terrorists who can't be caught
because they don't really exist
or because they're CIA assets
By John Kaminski
War is a sociological safety valve that cleverly diverts popular hatred
for the ruling classes into a happy occasion to mutilate or kill foreign
- Ernest Becker
War provides the perfect cover for those waging it to commit crimes
against not only enemies but also friends. Amid the patriotic flag
waving and somber ceremony, the populace is cowed into distraction and
for the most part will not see the chicanery and manipulation that not
only created the conditions FOR the war, but also will not perceive that
the purpose OF it is not to defeat the enemy, but to financially
castrate and sociologically neutralize those who are actually helping to
wage the war.
Such is the process by which those in power consolidate their advantage
among their so-called friends.
The Christian Crusades of millenia past provide an apt example of this
deceptive process. With no enemies nearby and a surfeit of armed and
affluent noblemen itching for aggressive acts, kings and ministers of
past empires dreamed up external threats by which to distract their
powerful friends from contemplating revolution. Jerusalem and the
dark-skinned Muslim realms have always been a popular target. The
subsequent conflicts not only reaped new riches for the warmaking
kingdoms, but also depleted the ranks and resources of those sent to
fight, thereby lessening the potential political threat to the very
people who dreamed up the wars in the first place. Two birds with one
Those innocents killed in such cynical gambits now bear the unfortunate
title of collateral damage, regrettable but necessary sacrifices to the
selfishness of those in positions of power who seek to maintain it. So
this world full of greedy humans continues to turn.
During war, citizens of the warmaking state may not question the motives
of their leaders, lest they be accused of treason and summarily
executed. Therefore, any state seeking permanent obeisance and minimal
criticism from its citizenry will logically aspire toward a regimen of
permanent war. It is supremely ironic that a majority of these citizens
will wholeheartedly support such efforts, without realizing that it is
the destruction of their own freedom that they are cheering.
However, real enemies are usually not so accommodating as to wish to
engage in battle indefinitely. They are either defeated and
disappear as a viable social force, or, they kick butt and thereby ruin
the plans of the manipulative attacker forever.
A shrewd superpower kingdom will cleverly avoid picking a fair fight,
thereby eliminating, as nearly as possible, the undesirable surprise of
an unexpected defeat. It will also defer toward states of relatively
equal strength, establish diplomatic relations, and wait for an
opportunity to screw them surreptitiously and without penalty.
Since the situation we face now is that one superpower outstrips in
military might the next ten strongest nations, the need for it to be
diplomatic is at an all-time low. It simply can do what it wants when it
And yet, humans being what they are - wanting to be free, happy, honest
and well-fed - even a superpower in this unchallenged position must
construct fantasy scenarios to convince its people - no matter how
amateurishly - that they are doing the right thing by supporting endless
Today we hear all sorts of childish whimpering about the terrorist
threat, even though a cursory examination of recent history would reveal
that most of these threats have been deliberately created by the nation
doing most of the complaining about these very threats.
And this epiphany can lead you to a very startling observation about the
nature of the world as human civilization enters the 21st century
following the appearance of the Divine Messiah most of this civilization
pretends to worship.
It seemed for a time - two centuries, actually - that the United States
of America was a good country, champion of justice, advocate of freedom,
that sort of stuff. What was lost in the education of its own citizens,
however, was the frequency with which it went to war, against
interlopers who were invariably depicted as evil people on the wrong
side of democratic progress.
A cursory perusal of this murderous American resume´ will reveal that it
has always been the aggressor in all these big fights, even though the
official histories bend the facts to show the U.S. was fighting for
freedom against one tyrant or another.
But as time passed and the world got smaller, it became obvious that the
U.S. was running out of countries that it could call evil, declare war
against, and then pulverize.
Besides, once a country had been seriously obliterated, it simply took
too long to rebuild it into a serious enemy again.
Clearly, if the same cartel that has essentially been running this
country for all of its 227 years was to stay in power, it had to devise
a new formula for finding constant enemies to fight, thereby enriching
its own coffers and keeping its own citizenry from noticing too much
about the way it actually conducts its business.
So it devised a new system of actually creating its own enemies. It
sponsored young malcontents to fight battles the served the purposes of
the masters, provided them with weapons and support techniques, used
them for awhile, and then seemingly cut them loose to develop on their
own. Of course, all the while the progress of these young rebels was
monitored by American intelligence agencies, for the purpose of
determining exactly when they could be considered mature enough to
reclassify them from a nominal ally fighting for U.S. interests into a
nightmare threat fighting against U.S. interests.
The key element in making this process work was fabricating staged
terror events that were actually perpetrated against our own citizens
but then cleverly blamed on these various foreign provocateurs whom the
U.S. had carefully nurtured and brought to maturity.
The U.S. learned this trick from Israel, which had successfully used the
technique throughout Europe (principally in Germany) and specifically in
Iraq in the 1940s, to convince its own people of the dangers posed by
"enemies" it had previously supported, for the purpose of creating a
hysteria to compel more Jews to move to Israel.
Of course, now we see how Israel has used this staged terror formula to
elicit world support for its illegal occupation of Palestine. And more
vividly, we see how the staged terror events in New York City have
driven a large part of Western Civilization into a new, crusade-like
rage against the peoples of Islamic countries. Serious historians will
note this has all been done before, but the general population contains
few serious historians, so most people don't notice that the current War
on Terror is simply a replay of the European royals' propaganda used to
attack Middle Eastern peoples some eight hundred years ago, and ever
And lest you think all this is merely a flight of literary fancy, I bid
you consider the careers of Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, both of
whom were catapulted into the public eye as fledgling CIA operatives,
bin Laden as an Arab counterculture hero (and cheered on by his family)
who rode to the rescue (with large amounts of cash) of the Afghani
mujahadeen, accompanied by plenty of assistance from Ronald Reagan's CIA
wheelerdealers; and Saddam as one of the triggermen in a 1968 coup in
Iraq that was of course fueled by support from the, you-guessed-it, CIA.
I probably need not mention that neither one of these strategic CIA
assets has ever been apprehended.
So for these folks to develop into threats against the world (and this
is not to mention Panama's Manuel Noriega, who also followed the same
progressive curriculum as a pawn in the South American drug game and
good friend of the Bush family, only to later become the target of a
massive American invasion), you begin to see the pattern.
The U.S. has really replaced client state enemies it first builds up
with cash bribes and then converts into enemies with client personality
enemies, whom it nurtures with military support, provokes with a no-win
decision (whatever did happen to April Glaspie?), and then invades in a
profitable fit of righteous retribution.
Are you getting the picture?
It's interesting reading some of the older stories about al-Qaeda, the
so-called terror group founded by bin Laden in Afghanistan (and nurtured
by Pakistani intelligence, which was covertly funded by the American
CIA), and seeing how al-Qaeda fought side by side with American
mercenaries in Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia and even Chechnya, but when
they were conveniently needed as an excuse for going to war somewhere
else (Afghanistan and Iraq), they were quickly converted into an enemy.
Clearly, al-Qaeda is connected to the CIA, but for purposes of stealing
Iraq's oil reserves, the U.S. connected them to Iraq, and got a major
assist from what used to be called the American free press, but now is
called something else, something far worse.
I guess you could call al-Qaeda a multi-purpose CIA asset, good for
either good or bad activities.
Al-Qaeda are claimed to be the boogeymen who perpetrated 9/11 and were
supposedly connected to Saddam.
And yet when you go to find out about them, they disappear in a cloud of
undercover spy dust, with no leads suddenly unavailable as to where they
might have disappeared. How utterly convenient. The real reason is
because their controllers live at the Pentagon and other prestigious
Washington addresses, not to mention a few palaces in Saudi Arabia that
have ties to many American corporations.
Occasionally, the powers that be throw us a bone, like Moussaoui, or
Richard Reid, just to try to prove there are actual terrorists out
there. But how many more so-called terrorists have been allowed to slip
away, under cover of CIA assistance? And, as in Yemen, how many more are
prevented from being sought, lest they reveal their ties to the
government in Washington?
Instead of having countries to blame for our ills, we now have mystical
individuals - terrorists - who absolutely can't be found, except for
those like Atta and the supposed hijackers who actually received
training at U.S. military installations. Sound like a familiar
For endless war, you must have an enemy who cannot be caught, who is
completely vaporous, therefore necessitating nonstop aggressive
emergency measures, variously colored alerts and tough talk for those
who are unable to understand words.
The perfect enemy for a state that seeks endless war and seeks forever
to pull the wool over the eyes of its own citizens for purposes of
endless robbery and implementing slavery where freedom previously
existed would be an enemy who cannot, under any circumstances, ever be
caught. Osama and Saddam doubtless know this.
In the literal sense, this perfect enemy does not exist, which makes him
perfect for a society determined to make war, because he will never be
caught, and the war can continue forever.
The harder an enemy is to find and defeat, the better it is for those
who seek to destroy that enemy. The CIA's creation of al-Qaeda is the
perfect recipe for those billionaires whose objective is endless
conflict from which to make more money. This is the new era in which we
find ourselves.
It is the ultimate tilting at windmills, by which the elite who have
always run America can perpetrate their vicious schemes of slavery, the
gullible can continue to have their empty causes to cheer, and
legitimate, God-fearing citizens can cower in fear while the very
churches they support participate in the coverup that supports the
tyrants who oppress them.
This is the way the world is, and has always been.
Only now it's worse, because the enemy is now a fabricated fiction,
available for convenient blame in any and all disasters, no matter who
actually perpetrated them.
And thanks to media shills who don't ask real questions, well-bribed
legislators devoid of conscience, law enforcers who help their patrons
cover up crimes, and judges who have no interest in real justice, there
is no end in sight for this war on freedom.
John Kaminski lives on the coast of Florida and is the author of
"America's Autopsy Report," soon to be published by Dandelion Books.
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altmedka:Alternative Medium by KIMURA Aiji
電網速報『亜空間通信』(2001.09.01.創刊 2003.05.17.現在、600号発行済)