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ムスリム世界は、アメリカが以前と同じ残忍な戦術 −何千人もの無実の女子供を殺害したカンダハル全土への絨毯爆撃− を採るか否かを見極めようと待ち構えている。
08 May 2003:
578 days have passed since America launched its latest Crusade against Islam and its people.
A number of Muslim prisoners were captured in this Crusade and taken to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba where their beards were forcibly shaved and they are being held in cages subject to Malaria, heatstroke and other tropical diseases.
FBI Search For the Father-in-law of Mullah Umar in Kunar
The FBI together with Coalition forces have been raiding homes in Kunar supposedly looking for Mullah Zareef Kandahari, the father-in-law of Mullah Umar in order to arrest him or possibly hold him to ransom in an attempt to emotionally blackmail Mullah Umar.
Sources have disclosed that an Afghan agent working for the FBI had allegedly seen Mullah Umar's father-in-law in a village of the Kunar province.
Following this intelligence, the FBI supported by heavily armed Coalition forces stormed several residential homes, terrorising mothers and daughters, claiming to be looking for one old man and in the end arrested a dozen.
These house to house raids have traumatised the Afghan families, and as a result the innocent Afghan villagers have been forced to flee from their homes for fear of their lives.
Many have moved, and many more are heading towards Pakistan via Mehmand.
Although many will read this without giving it another thought, would it be the same if the news was that the Taliban were raiding homes in the USA and Britain in order to arrest and imprison the fathers-in-law of George Bush and Tony Blair?
Would there not be an international outcry about how barbaric and uncivilised the Taliban are?
The FBI also arrested Abdul Jabbar, allegedly a member of the Taliban, as the prime suspect for the assassination of Commander Abdul Haq.
Quite Before the Storm
In the coming few days a large scale anti-Taliban Mujahideen operation is expected to begin in Kandahar.
After high ranking officials of the US military provided a report to the Karzai government stating that Taliban from various regions of Afghanistan (including Taliban leaders) have now gathered in Kandahar, the order for this operation was given.
As such, in a frantic attempt to feel secure hundreds of Coalition troops have been posted in Kandahar just over the past two days, with many more expected soon.
These troops will be supported by military equipment which is being transported to Kandahar via Ghazni.
The Muslim world is waiting to see if the US will adopt the same brutal strategy as it has on many previous occasions:
that of carpet bombing the whole of Kandahar, killing thousands of innocent women and children.
The entire Muslim world is waiting to see if the US once again creates orphans, cripples and widows by bombing from thousands of miles in the sky, or whether it can muster up the courage to fight the Taliban on the ground.
The whole world is waiting to see if the entire US Army is an army of men, or an army of mice....a squeak is expected.