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May 7 2003
By Ben Rankin
Ousted Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein recorded a rousing speech just two days ago, it was claimed today.
A taped message said to have been made by the tyrant was handed to an Australian newspaper journalist in Baghdad by two local men.
録音されたメッセージ 専制者によって作られたために言った、だった。 2人の地方の人によってバグダッドでオーストラリア人に新聞記者を渡しました。
The pair claimed Saddam had made the speech in Iraq on Monday morning and wanted it broadcast to all Iraqis.
ペアは、サダムがスピーチを行ったと主張しました。 月曜の朝のイラクで、またそれを望んだ、すべてのイラク人に放送しました。
The Sydney Morning Herald said that a linguistics expert and more than a dozen Iraqis had examined the voice on the audio tape and matched it to Saddam's.
The newspaper added that it would pass the tape onto US authorities.
In the 15-minute recording, a tired-sounding voice calls on the Iraqi people to wage a "secret" war against US forces.
"It sounds as if we have to go back to the secret style of struggle that we began our life with," the voice says.
"Through this secret means, I am talking to you from inside great Iraq and I say to you, the main task for you, Arab and Kurd, Shia and Sunni, Muslim and Christian and the whole Iraqi people of all religions, your main task is to kick the enemy out of the country."
The voice refers several times to the occupation of Iraq by foreign forces, to Saddam's birthday on April 28 and accuses the US army of looting the Iraqi National Museum.
It calls on Iraqis to reject any new leaders "working with the foreigners" and to rise against the occupying powers by "not buying anything from them, or by shooting them with rifles and trying to destroy their cannons and tanks".
それは、どんな新しいリーダーも拒絶するようにイラク人に要求します「外国人と仕事をする」こと。 占領国に対してそばに上昇するために「ない、それらから、あるいはライフル銃でそれらを放ちそれらの大砲およびタンクを破壊しようとすることにより何でも買うこと」
The Sydney Morning Herald said it was given the tape by mistake on Monday by two men who spoke with accents from Saddam's home region of Tikrit. It said the tape was orginially intended for Arab TV station al-Jazeera.
Meanwhile, the US military said today that it had captured number 32 on its most wanted list of Iraqi leaders. Ghazi Hamud al-Adib was a Ba'ath Party regional chairman and militia commander.
その間に米国 軍 それがイラクのリーダーの中で最も求められるそのリスト上の32号を捕らえたと今日言いました。イスラム戦士Hamud al-AdibはBa'athのパーティーの地方議長および市民軍指揮者でした。