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トランプの内、スペードのエースはDick Cheney
(Dick Cheney {人名} → ディック・チェニー、=Richard B. Cheney◆《米国》George
Bush大統領時代、国防長官を勤め、対イラク・湾岸戦争で勝利。George Bushの息子
George W. Bushが大統領になった時、副大統領に就任(2001-)。)
Who’s Who In America’s Most Wanted Dick
The 55 most wanted U.S. officials
SWITZERLAND, May 3 ( Islamonline.net & news Agencies) - Following the U.S.
"pre-emptive" destruction of Iraq, its people and culture, the Trade Regulation
Organization(TRO) issued a "55 most wanted" playing-card deck similar to the
one that the Pentagon issued in Iraq.
According to the news site of the World trade organization ( WTO) on April 25,
the TRO, estimating that the U.S. governing regime is no longer consistent with
world peace or prosperity, hoped that the playing cards would show the way to
regime change and, eventually, large-scale war crimes proceedings.
Three Categories
According to the TRO, the victims of the unprovoked U.S. invasion fall into
three categories, first is “the Iraqi people”, it stated that In the 1991 Gulf
War, up to 200,000 civilians and up to 150,000 soldiers were killed by ordinary
bombs or their effects on infrastructure.
In addition, poisoning from U.S. depleted uranium (DU) weapons - banned by the
Geneva Convention1 - has led to hundreds of thousands more Iraqi cancers and
deaths; the 80,000 cases of "Gulf War syndrome" among U.S. veterans are most
likely also due to Depleted Uranium (DU) exposure.
In the 2003 Iraq invasion, the U.S. once again used massive amounts of DU in its
weapons. Iraqi death counts are unknown or unpublicized, RTO said.
The second category is “Culture”. The RTO stated that because of a U.S. policy
giving carte blanche to looters - only the Oil Ministry and Interior Ministry
were protected - the Middle East's leading archaeological museum lost almost all
of its unique ancient artifacts, and two libraries full of irreplaceable
medieval manuscripts were destroyed.
RTO stated that the third category is “Long-term prospects”, it said that the
U.S. is now considered the primary world criminal by the vast majority of the
world's citizens.
The implications for the U.S.'s long-term prospects are grim.
Safer Place
Many of those featured on the "55 most wanted" cards are in government, and
removing these people from power would go a long way towards making the world a
safer place, RTO stressed.
Other cards include corporate CEOs in those cases, the corporations themselves
must be dissolved or otherwise rendered incapable of further harm.
"If one day the people on these cards are indeed brought to justice, 'just
following orders' or 'supporting our troops' will be no excuse for the rest of
us," TRO quoted spokeswoman Hedwig Ixtabal-Mono as saying.
Conveying the same message, the International Greenpeace distributed a deck of
cards similar to the U.S. deck of most-wanted Iraqi officials, replacing them
with world leaders who possess weapons of mass destruction.
"It's an exact copy (of the U.S. deck) in terms of the design and layout," the
spokesman for the environmental organization, William Peden, was quoted by
Russia’s Interfax news agencies as telling the Salzburger Nachrichten on Friday,
May 2.
"The idea is to provide delegates with something that's not a boring piece of
paper," Peden said.
"It's something interesting and innovative that they can actually learn from --
so it's an educational tool as well."