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Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld left Washington for the Gulf on Saturday to thank regional leaders for support in the Iraq war and discuss future U.S. military deployment in that oil-rich area. Rumsfeld is shown at a briefing at the Pentagon April 21, 2003.
Photo by Kevin Lamarque/Reuters
国防長官ドナルド・ラムズフェルドは、土曜日の湾が地方リーダーにイラクの戦争中の支援を感謝し、かつその油に富んだエリアの将来の米軍配備について議論するためにワシントンを去りました。(写真↑)2003年4月21日 ペンタゴンにおける状況報告でのラムズフェルド氏 (撮影:Kevin Lamarque/ロイター)
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Rumsfeld Heads to Gulf for Talks with Area Leaders
Sat April 26, 2003 08:17 AM ET
By Charles Aldinger
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld left Washington for the Gulf on Saturday to thank regional leaders for support in the Iraq war and discuss future U.S. military deployment in that oil-rich area.
ワシントン(ロイター) - 国防長官ドナルド・ラムズフェルドは、土曜日の湾が地方リーダーにイラクの戦争中の支援を感謝し、かつその油に富んだエリアの将来の米軍配備について議論するためにワシントンを去りました。
Rumsfeld's aircraft departed Andrews Air Force Base for the Gulf, where defense officials said he would visit several countries and meet U.S. forces. They provided no details of his schedule due to security considerations.
The secretary this week denied that Washington already was planning for long-term military basing in postwar Iraq, saying that such an arrangement was unlikely.
He acknowledged that he and other U.S. officials planned to discuss possible future changes in the American military presence with leaders in the region, stressing that Washington had many options there.
There was no indication from U.S. officials whether Rumsfeld might visit Iraq, where a U.S.-led invasion force overthrew former President Saddam Hussein in less than four weeks, but Afghan officials said earlier that Rumsfeld would visit Afghanistan on Sunday to hold talks with President Hamid Karzai.
With the United States now engaged in the task of helping Iraq form a new government, the Pentagon has begun formally studying how the U.S. military will be arranged in the Gulf in years ahead.
Longtime U.S. ally Saudi Arabia refused to allow the American military to launch offensive air strikes against Iraq from its territory. Analysts have suggested that the Pentagon might shift the preponderance of the U.S. military presence in the kingdom to states such as Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.
Saudi Arabia and Turkey have provided U.S. forces access to bases that were vital in the enforcement of the no-fly zones over northern and southern Iraq since the 1991 Gulf War. But Turkey refused to let U.S. troops use its territory to enter Iraq in the war.
"He is making the trip to both visit U.S. forces and to hold important discussions with regional leaders, especially to thank them for their contributions to helping get rid of the regime in Iraq," said one U.S. defense official.
Rumsfeld's trip came as the Pentagon was conducting an extensive review of the long-term U.S. military presence in the Middle East, with the secretary suggesting that Saddam's fall might even allow scaling back of the U.S. presence in the region.
"We're thinking about ... how we want to be arranged in the future," Rumsfeld told reporters on Monday. "There haven't been conclusions reached."
"I would personally say that a friendly Iraq that is not led by a Saddam Hussein would be a reason we could have fewer forces in the region, rather than more -- I mean, just logically."
「私は、サダム・フセインによって連れて行かれない親しみのあるイラクがより多くののではなく、私たちが地域の中に、より少数の力を持つことができる理由になるだろうと個人的に言うでしょう -- 私は、ちょうど論理上意味します。」
He attacked a New York Times report quoting unnamed senior Bush administration officials as saying Washington was planning long-term military ties with Baghdad, including use of four bases held by U.S. troops after the war.
"I have never, that I can recall, heard the subject of a permanent base in Iraq discussed in any meeting," he said.
As part of a broad realignment of U.S. forces overseas, the United States also might shift some of its forces in Europe from Germany to eastern Europe and roll back its presence in South Korea and Japan.
The United States maintains roughly 200,000 troops overseas, including about 15,000 at land bases in the Middle East.