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Apr 25, 2003
Source: Sada News, Translated by JUS
■Afghan Muhahideen Attack New Military Base, Seven US Soldiers Dead
In Afghanistan’s South Western province of Arzagan, in the district of Gaizab Mujahideen attacked a recently established American military base from three sides and managed to kill 7 American soldiers and injured several others. News has also been received of the killing of Afghan soldiers while two vehicles were destroyed.
The Mujahideen used rocket launchers and other new generation weapons in the attack. Meanwhile, a Taliban representative has claimed to have captured the district headquarters of Gaizab Province. Arzagan’s governor Jan Mohammad while confirming the attack said that the attackers were turned back. Arzagan’s Governor also said that these Taliban soldiers also attacked the American military convoys coming from Tareen Kot and Dehrawad and that three American soldiers were injured. Meanwhile American military spokesman Col. Roger King while briefing the journalists in Bagram said that they martyred one Mujahid and arrested seven during attacks on three different suspected Taliban hide outs in the south of the country. Refraining from telling the name of the area, he said that fighting is still underway. According to sources, this area is Gaizab.
ムジャヒディンは攻撃の中でロケット・ランチャーや、その他の新世代武器を使用した。そして同時に、タリバンの代表がガイザブの地区本部を占拠したことを主張した。アルザガン州知事ジャン・モハマドは攻撃を確認し、攻撃部隊によって背後に回られたのだと表明した。アルザガン知事は、さらにこれらのタリバンの兵士がTareen KotおよびDehrawadから来る米軍の護衛を攻撃し、3人の米軍兵士が負傷したと語った。アメリカ軍のスポークスマン、ロガー・キング大佐はバグラムの記者への状況説明の中で、1人のムジャヒドを迫害し、南部に潜伏するタリバンと見られる3つの異なる部隊からの攻撃の間に7人を拘束した。戦闘はまだ継続中で、具体的なエリアを伝えることは控えると述べた。情報によれば、そのエリアはガイザブである。
In Arzagan, Afghan public officials complained that Taliban have better weapons which are more powerful than those used by public officials.
投稿者 木村愛二 日時 2003 年 4 月 26 日 08:22:43:
投稿者 ドメル将軍 日時 2003 年 4 月 26 日 00:45:40:cje0BUN7ztE2U